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Thread: First cycle Smart Advice plzzz

  1. #1

    First cycle Smart Advice plzzz

    Hi, guys
    Im about 3 days into the dreaded WInny only cycle.... im really starting to think that it is the wrong decision.... If i decided to go the test route i only have 8 weeks.... can someone give me a reasonable Cheap First cycle for some solid muscle gain... low sides... and i am already 6'2 270 so i would not like to get more cut... My diet is impecable... im training twice a day and practicing... im an offensive linemen... is it ok to jsut stop the winny??? HELP PLZ

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BALLASTATUS
    Hi, guys
    Im about 3 days into the dreaded WInny only cycle.... im really starting to think that it is the wrong decision.... If i decided to go the test route i only have 8 weeks.... can someone give me a reasonable Cheap First cycle for some solid muscle gain... low sides... and i am already 6'2 270 so i would not like to get more cut... My diet is impecable... im training twice a day and practicing... im an offensive linemen... is it ok to jsut stop the winny??? HELP PLZ

    Why are you taking winny if you don't wanna get cut

    O gotta bulk up son


    Take Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks (8 in your case) will dominate those linebackers.

    Throw the winny at the corner back who is running a blitz

  3. #3
    so i will need nolva at what 10mg a day during? and clomid after for pct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BALLASTATUS
    so i will need nolva at what 10mg a day during? and clomid after for pct?

    that will be fine

    Test E is cheap too

  5. #5
    What kind of gains can i expect after only 8 weeks??

  6. #6
    bump .... anyone??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    not as much gains as you would if you ran 500mg 10-12 weeks,i do not see any gains off test e until week 6 others will see gains week 4,if you are only runnin 8 weeks i would run prop,gets into the system quicker although these will require eod shots at the very least.

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