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  1. #1
    aggro is offline New Member
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    Question Am I wasting my steroids by using this syringe?

    I am a few weeks into my cycle and have been using 26 gauge needles with a short 3/8 inch needle length. How does this syringe compare to the the proper syringe? What is the best size syringe? Am I wasting my steroids by using this syringe?

  2. #2
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well first off the length varies depending on the site. And the gauge depends on the AS. In other words we need more info, type of AS and site being injected. But never go smaller then 1 inch.

  3. #3
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i would use an 1 1/2 in the glute and 1-1 1/2 in the quad,1 in the shoulder.IMO

  4. #4
    Longhorn's Avatar
    Longhorn is offline Associate Member
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    I use 1.5" for glutes and 1" for quads and delts.

  5. #5
    aggro is offline New Member
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    thanks everyone

    would the 3/8 inch work in the calves?

  6. #6
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    imho, 3/8 is too small for anywhere on the body.........i would never go under 1", although ive seen posts where guys have gone smaller in the delts and tris.

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    All tgether now . . . i-n-t-r-a-m-u-s-c-u-l-ar. That's the technical term for how you have to shoot AS. The idea is to get into "deep muscle," not merely under the skin (subcutaneous).

    I'm with Longhorn . . . 1-1/2" for the glutes, 1" for the quads and delts.

    Also, 26 g. (gauge) is waaaaaay too thin for oil-based AS. Some guys will tell you they use a 25 g., but they have to push forever to get the solution through. I would never go with anything thinner than a 23 g. for oil-based shots, 25 g. for water-based shots. (Drug manufacturers actually recommend a 20 g. 1-1/2" for test. enan. and cyp., but that assumes a glute shot, and you really don't need a needle that thick. Go for comfort, but not so thin that it takes forever. "Deca " does not mean "a decade to shoot.")

    Best bet for oil-based AS: Draw the solution into the needle with an 18 g. or 20 g., then inject it with a 22 g. or 23 g. (You do it by drawing the solution, holding the syringe upside down and drawing in an additional 1/2 cc or air, unscrewing the needle, screwing on the thinner needle, then obviously pushing out the air until you see a dop of the solution come out. Then jab your way into AS ecstasy.)

    As for the 5/8" needle, I've seen situations where it's done - some physician offices will use a 25 g. 5/8" for injecting Vitamin B12 in the delts, for example, but if you do not go directly into muscle you're wasting the shot. I'd stick with nothing less than 1" for intramuscular injections.

    That will be five cents please . . .

  8. #8
    CYCLEON Guest
    thats pretty small - maybe in the bi and tris - perhaps calves - less that 1/2" is just too short - go get some more pins! their cheap and easy to get - why waste ur cycle?

  9. #9
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    way too small. those are b-12 pins.

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