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Thread: 30 days on FX... scared to do another cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    30 days on FX... scared to do another cycle

    i really could careless about hurting my liver, i could careless about acne, im not gonna get gyno i dont care about high blood preasure but what i do care about is having a kid with my wife and now im concerned because of the show 30 days on FX that the guy went on such a small dose of test only 100mg per week and his levels shut down completely... he started shooting blanks after producing 80 million sperm per CC and now couldnt get any... a complete shut down

    my question is... is the reason he shut down was because he was on artificial testosterone which is basically fake... and that will happen to every1 because i know they perscribe it as male birth control in other countries but with proper PCT... clomid HCG ZMA and even tribex will my natural levels come back because im very concerned about this since i planned on using 750mg of test for my next cycle

    my levels have come back slightly lowered after each cycle but the doc said it was normal give it a couple months cause i usally do it a month after cycling which is pretty good that i recover that quickly but do u think ill always be this fortunate to get my levels back up

    basically is it a huge gamble to take test are the chances of me shuttin down forever 50/50 or more like just a slight chance of 10 percent

    thanx to all please dont flame i am only 20 i try to read as much as possible but my wife has concerns now (she watched it with me) so just please good advice is greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    at that age, i think that even half test production; you would still be sufficient in having a kid.. but if youre thinking about later, i just dont now..sooooo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Jacksonville, FL

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    proper pct will bring your sperm count back up. this should not be surprising. DO your research, YES, you will shut downonce you start injecting test. even dbol and var will shut you down. And its not very wise to say you don't care about your liver and that you won't get gyno?? Not a flame, but really man... you need to do some research.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dante's Inferno
    bro its just another case of the media blowing everything out of proportion. yes you'll be fine with proper pct. just remember time on =time off. and at 20 you bounce back pretty quick after a cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Jacksonville, FL
    i know about pct, but i didnt even watch the whole show, got gay. and missed this part apparantly. only reason i ever cared about pct was for my nuts to not be raisins, but i know i want to have kids so this startled me.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    ooo dont get me wrong i love my liver and i wouldnt wanna walk around with gyno but u know i havent got it so i doubt i will if i keep being cautious using nolva and what not and theres no avoiding my liver breaking down i mean this is a true fact your liver gets toxicated with steroids not in some cases but in all cases obviously some cases are much more harmfull than others but what can u do ill live with a little liver damage i guess thats the give and take in this whole thing but thanx for all that confirmed what i originally believed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    An apartment
    I think a bigger concern should be steroids effect on the use of punctuation when writing in the English language.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    that show was a joke ..that guys liver was f u c from eatin bigmacs everyday..then changing his whole diet and lifestyle that quickly would shock anybodies organs.and who in there right minds eats 40 vit ect. pills a day..wat a stupid doctor ..think all those free drugs he was givin himself caught-up witth him he had .cant believe he pussed out at 3 weeks wat a wanker..
    his sperm count and liver came back to noral less than a month after he stopped..
    total media

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    hay bud I would think you sould care about your liver if your having a kid dead dads are not dads there dead. most injectables are not hard on your liver check it out. any how good luck!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    the road to greatness
    The show is marred with flaws. it's purpose is more entertainment than anything else. Exaggerated false cliche. Research AR get info form bodybuilders not television producers.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Planet Earth

    Total Liberal BS

    Fargin Liberal pieces of sheet only telling you have the side of the story, the SCARE FACTOR why don't they put a regular user in there and watch how he does a cycle, WHY, because they know damn rite and well it is BS...!!!! I have been doing steroids since 1984, and i mean cycles back then that by todays standards you in this forum would say you should be dead. The only information we had back then was what ever Dan Duchaine could publish from his jail cell. Along with doing mental cycles were partied like rock stars as well. Back in 2002 when i was injured from a motorcycle accident my wife said it is time for you to slow down you are not 21 anymore, i agreed and we discussed about having a family. Since i am 45 and my wife is 31 i said we need to get some life insurance on me, incase anything ever happens to me you will be taken care of for life. Well this nurse came to our house from the insurance company and ran me through the mill, every blood test humanly possible was done. After about 30 days the insurance company was at our door with pen in hand having us sign on the dotted line. My wife who is a RN asked to see the Eval documentation that was done on me. She read off all these numbers and said hunny your fine, Liver Function was my main concern and she said i was fine in everything. I quit drinking back in 1998 and never smoked also i have not done a cycle since March of 2002. Anyway we just had our first child 7 months ago, and he is healthy as on Ox.
    PS: I am ready for a cycle this year, probally will start it in the end of July.
    Last edited by PrimoPup; 06-24-2005 at 05:17 AM. Reason: fargin typo's i am the worst speller

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    the road to greatness
    A REAL bodybuilders/reg user's cycle certianly would'nt be as entertaining to the mainstream now would it?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    That show was totally bogus and completely sensationalized. Of course exogenous testosterone shuts down endogenous testosterone. We all know that. No new news there. That's why we run PCT, clomid, HCG, etc to get our reproduction system back to normal. That show only confirmed the paranoia and skepticism of steroids in the mainstream.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    If you do steroids you still have a very good chance of having kids one day.... We all know that steroids in general will shut your natural production down. With this guy on the show he had to come off to have kids. Not because 1 cycle would permanently shut him down, but that he was on HRT which is run non-stop for the rest of your life.... so yeah he would have to come off to have kids. Now for his liver function....I'm still believing that it was all the supps he was taking or the fact his body was adjusting to his new healthy lifestyle. I seriously doubt it was from the HGH or test.

  16. #16
    the media...(t.v., radio ect.) is going to tell you things but they are nit speaking from experience just hear say, dont lisyen to then, listen to the guys on this board who speak from experience

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Jacksonville, FL

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Did everyone fail to notice he was in a hot tub? That will kill anyone's sperm production...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    we should all laugh at the show. but if you have a wife like that, then good luck.

  20. #20
    If worse came to worse... Then as long as you have SOME testosterone being produced then docs can artificially insemenate an egg from your wife.

    Of course, while your wife is in the next room getting her egg put back in her, you should go see the psychiatrist down the hall because you, my friend, are crazy for wanting to have a kid.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Alright thanx to all - i know i got a little flame for my liver comments... understanding but the fact is my liver values have decreased slightly the doctor says its not a problem just like my blood preasure nothing to be worried about and ive never touched orals other than clennies but no dbol or anadrol... not yet at least... thanx for the people to reassure me about what i originally assumed

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