i really could careless about hurting my liver, i could careless about acne, im not gonna get gyno i dont care about high blood preasure but what i do care about is having a kid with my wife and now im concerned because of the show 30 days on FX that the guy went on such a small dose of test only 100mg per week and his levels shut down completely... he started shooting blanks after producing 80 million sperm per CC and now couldnt get any... a complete shut down
my question is... is the reason he shut down was because he was on artificial testosterone which is basically fake... and that will happen to every1 because i know they perscribe it as male birth control in other countries but with proper PCT... clomid HCG ZMA and even tribex will my natural levels come back because im very concerned about this since i planned on using 750mg of test for my next cycle
my levels have come back slightly lowered after each cycle but the doc said it was normal give it a couple months cause i usally do it a month after cycling which is pretty good that i recover that quickly but do u think ill always be this fortunate to get my levels back up
basically is it a huge gamble to take test are the chances of me shuttin down forever 50/50 or more like just a slight chance of 10 percent
thanx to all please dont flame i am only 20 i try to read as much as possible but my wife has concerns now (she watched it with me) so just please good advice is greatly appreciated