I'm leaving tonight off to Mexico i will be getting
Test E
What is the best way to spot a fake?? I know it's last minute but anything will help
I'm leaving tonight off to Mexico i will be getting
Test E
What is the best way to spot a fake?? I know it's last minute but anything will help
1 go to a pharmacy
2 look up some mexican gear and pics for your shopping list.
3 go to a pharmacy
Pharmas are expensive.
Then I'd say #2.
Originally Posted by AG5678
Are you talking about TJ(TIJUANA)...???
I hope you know the most pharmacies close around 7 or 8.....There is a couple that are open 24 hours but I highly doubt you'll be able to find the dbol in them...Vet shops close early...you need to get there before 6 to be on the safe side...
im going to the Texas border it is a LONG drive so i will get there around 8 a.m. Plus i have some family there.
I'm just fuken going to be pissed if i buy fake gear. Most likely i will buy from a Vet cuz that is what fits in my price range.
i can get some needles in the pharmas correct?? I would rather get everything at once
Do you have a copy of anabolics 2004/2005? If so there is a load of mexican pics in there. You should just get a bunch of pics of what you are looking to buy from around the forums and print them. That way you know exactly how everything should look. Good luck bro.
Originally Posted by AG5678
You can but I recomend getting them from the net instead of the pharms..
I say theat because they always try ripping you off, on the net you can find deals like $20 bones for 100.......
Find which brand your gonna try to seek out first. Then hunt in the pics section and those other anabolic forums *cough xtreme mass* have a bunch there too.
I like the QV shit cause its easy to spot if its fake, just bring a knife and slide it under the hologram then start to peel it off. You should see it seperate and there will be some little hexagons left on the box, maybe there octagons, I dunno but you get the picture.
Originally Posted by AG5678
You can get pins right from your local US soil pharm like CVS or Walgreen.
There about $20 a box as well.
I should pay no more than $25 a bottle of Test E right 250mg/10ml?
what brand would you most likely recommend that is hard to be faked in MX? QV? Tokyo?
check your pm
Anyone have any TJ advice to offer? How likely is it that you'll get a fake in a Pharmacy or Vet?
Originally Posted by pound4lb.
It's a 50/50......you just have to know where to go and if the stuff your getting is known for being underdosed or faked all around...
Last edited by WildCh1ld; 06-25-2005 at 11:44 PM.
Great. Like most things in life, when you have no experience, experience matters most. LOL. I appreciate the candid response.
Man I am also from a texas border town and to tell you the truth it was pretty easy to find gear. Don't go straight to downtown but a little towards the city because tourists or in this case you are expected to go to the downtown area and that's were most fakes if any are going to be. The good thing is that my cousin works at a pharmacy and he would hook it up eventhough he didn't know if they were fake (they weren't)!! Good luck. BTW I go to Juarez if you are wondering.
go to a vet...got alot more selection..and go to the larger vets..not hole in the walls.
Hmmn...thanks guys. Is it safer to go further south than TJ? I am going to San Felipe in the next 6 weeks.
so wait u can just go to any pharm or vet in mexico and get stuff with no perscription.. Im just wondering cuz Im leaving for Cancun in two weeks and this is something i should know before leaving
Yes you can! I love Mexico!!Originally Posted by SpiderRico
well thats not true 100% of the time. theres plenty of pharmacias that wont sell you steroids, its part of a national program they have going to stop sales of illicit drugs.
There is a price for everything in Mexico!! You can buy it even in thoes pharmacies but it will cost you a few bucks more just move on to the next pharmacy if you aren't willing to pay that extra cash.Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN
well i came back and i will never ever go again! Right when i entered MX they pulled me over and stopped me and checked my car. I think the big problem was i drove and if you go you shouldn't drive! Well it was a learning experience and if i ever buy anything in that fuken place it will be in Cancun or somewhere like that cuz when you fly it is very easy to smuggle steroids on your body.
Just ordered from my supplier today and it will be DELIVERED
I thought about it alot while i was driving back and i was probably going to save a $100. Ok.... i have a pretty reliable guy i would rather pay $100 and i know for a FACT the gear is REAL, i won't get caught for SMUGGLING across and won't have to convince those guys in MX trying to talk down prices, walking around in the hot sun or driving all around in that fuken are.
If i had to give advice on going it would be don't drive. Cover up good. When coming back have SHOPPING BAGS i stress this ALOT. Also bring a friend i wouldn't go ALONE!!!
I really didn't even feel like writting this but i am learning more and more just like you and it is important that we all share info!!
Last edited by AG5678; 06-27-2005 at 10:15 AM.
The pulling over is no big problem the problem is that you probably looked as a tourist, this meaning money to the cops. I used to live there so I never had or have any problems with the law, you just need to know the tricks. When crossing the bridge you just need to look unsuspicious and you are good to go. But if you don't feel comfortable then go ahead with your local source.
No bro it wasn't the cops it was the army with machine guns like 6 army dudes
yea when you live there that is very different i bet. Plus are you hispanic?
Im hispanic too the girl im going with is hispanic but i am just shocked that you can get stuff without a perscription .. so is it on the shelf in the pharm or behind the couter? very very interested...two weeks and counting
Yep on the shelf and behind the counter.Originally Posted by SpiderRico
im glad i took this trip
Well i'm mexican-american. The guys probably thought that you had something to do with the drug lords as you may know there is a war right now in the streets of mexico between the cartel and the police and even the army. Did you go to Reynosa or Nuevo Laredo?? thoes places are the worst to be in right now(when it comes to border towns) The cartel has taken over that city (not sure which one for sure) so you may want to stay away from those cities. I;m sure you were shiting bricks!! lol when the soldiers showed up!!![]()
Just came back from mexico last weekend...
went to tijuajna, rosarito, and puerto nuevo.
I found qv-winny 20ml 100mg from 50 bucks to 100.. what a steal!
I mean 50 bucks is amazing for the equivlant of 4 domestic bottles priced at 100 each! Unfortunately, My wife was having a hissy fit and didnt feel comfortable crossing the boarder with it. But I heard that if you take a jar of maynoise or peanut butter and empty the jar and place your vials and re fill it with the peanut butter or maynoise then your pretty much home free across the boarder.
Since we are on the subject, what about a cruise to Cozumel? I'm going in August is Cozumel a good place for gear and do they check you before you get back on the ship?
Last edited by CRUISECONTROL; 06-28-2005 at 09:00 AM.
I have heard that doing that is a good way to cross.Originally Posted by lavaman
I recommend that!!I came back from Cancun 4 weeks ago and came back with 500 clen tabs. If i would have known i was going to do a cycle i would have gotten juice!! I paid $3.50 for 20 tabs of Novegam. Plus at the airports the top of the vials don't sound off the metal detector.Originally Posted by CRUISECONTROL
I went to Piedras Negras right across from Eagle Pass. I just found out lastnight theres a huge war between the cartel and police yesterday. Those borders are tight as fuk right now!!
I'm from San Diego, all of the spots you mentioned are damn close. Puerto Nuevo eh? Did you have some Lobster? Was it easy to find gear in Rosarito?
Easy as hell.. just a huge variation in price...Originally Posted by p0d0078
you have to shop around.. actually I found the best deals in purero nuevo.. and had lobster there too.. It was fun but definately i'm not going with my wife next time. I'm wondering if it's cheaper then that even if you buy more...
How much did you pay?Originally Posted by AG5678
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