Whats a good carbohydrate drink to use pre workout?
would NOW carbo gain be ok?
NOW Carbo Gain is a 100% pure complex carbohydrate supplement derived from maltodextrin, an easily digestible blend of complex carbohydrates from corn starch. Maltodextrin contains "glucose polymers", linked sugar compounds that are easier for the body to assimilate and use. Glucose polymers are metabolized at a slow, steady rate that can help to sustain energy levels during endurance-oriented workouts and/or athletic events and support weight gain. Carbo Gain contains virtually no protein, fat or fiber and is a convenient source of energy for active individuals.
Serving Size: 1/2 Cup (50 g)
Servings Per Container: 63
Amount Per Serving:
Calories 190
Total Carbohydrates 47g 15%
Sugars 2g
Carbo Powder 50g
100% Pure Maltodextrin from corn.
Directions: Mix a 1/2 cup of Carbo Gain in each 16 oz. of water or juice. Consume before, during and after intense exercise for best results. Double this recipe if engaging in prolonged exertion of 2 hours or more.