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Thread: puffy nipple

  1. #1

    puffy nipple

    i finished my first cycle about 3 weeks ago. i noticed during my cycle that my nipples were a little sore and itchy. then towards the end my right nipple got puffy. i have been running a chlomid nolva blend for pct and b6. the sorness stopped but the puffiness hasnt gotten any better. is there anything else to do?? and how long do i have before it is permanet?? please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If it has gotten conical, you won't be able to do much about it. If you have checked for any lumps behind your nips and not found any, it might just be caused by some excess estrogen floating around before your natural test has regained control.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    you could try and use some letro that might help if not surgery it will have to be

  4. #4
    there is no lumps...if it is just left over estrogen in my system do u think it will go away after my testerone is back to normal??

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