I hope none of you been close.
Keep pumping!![]()
I hope none of you been close.
Keep pumping!![]()
Not close at all. I live in Canada!![]()
Not close at all
*knocks on wood*
Not even close considering I don't have any![]()
one time I had a little pack of dope in my hand (which wasnt even mine ironicaly) while this cop was asking me some questions about a big gang brawl that just happened.
I thought it was kinda funny. though not a juice story.
the boarder patrol pulled me and my girlfriend into this tiny room and said,.....we need to do a little more questioning........well they asked a bunch more than the norm,.........then they got a female agent to start feeling on my girl,....... i was craping because she was clean and i wasnt,.....i just knew i was next,....but then they said....... ok take care when she came up clean......and didnt even check me,.......well that was just a bit too close for me,....i do things a bit different now,.......never will let it be that close again
any other stories?
i was crossing the border and the border patrol was sweatin' me bad. He asked so many questions and entered my license in the computer and 10 feet after i was done with getting my information my dbol pills came out of my shoes, i am an idiot! anyway my friend was right behind and picked them up and i was saved. IF YOU ARE CARRYING ITEMS OVER TAPE THEM TO YOUR INSIDE THIGH, SHOES DONT WORK, i am probably speaking to all you who are like "DUH!" You start to get careless when you come over the border a lot because it seems routine that you will not get caught, that woke me up.
Does getting indicted by a grand jury under the RICO act qualify?
first off, iron, give us details!
second, i did get pulled over one night and had a few dbols in my car, cop asked to search the car and i said no...simple as that. I have been asked to have my car searched atleast 5 times, and never once do they pursue it far enough to call in and get prob cause warrant.
Murph, that was close!
WHy would they ask to search your car? I've been pulled over before, and have never been asked that.
this winter i went to the court house (traffic related)....i keep my gear in a little glass vial with a removable rubber stopper when i have to take it with me (i divide my dbol throughout the day like most people)....i had a few dbol in the vial and forgot to leave it in my car and left it in my coat pocket.....well of course i set off the metal detector and it was a leather coat, so i had to run it through the machine....the cop checked in the coat pocket and guess what he found....thats right my dbol....he asked me what it was .....well that day God was looking over me because i dont know where this answer came from but....i said "thank you God, i thought i left my nitroglycerine pills at home, thank you for finding them. i may need them if i get to stressed in court"....he handed me the vial and said, "glad i could help".....damn if i dont strip search myself before i go to another court house....
me and enrage were coming back from mex. and were feelin pretty good because we made it through the border patrol and the check point. then all of a sudden, lights, right behind me. and what the fuck is it, a k-9 unit. we shit our pants and told each other just stay calm. he comes up to me (i'm driving) says the usual-"do you know why i pulled you over?" then tells me that my inspection sticker had expired. (i know, i know, stupid mistake!) he then asked me to step to the back of the vehicle and told enrage to wait in the car. we go to the back and he starts asking everything-where you going, where you coming from, what did you do there, how long were you there, yada,yada,yada. then he says "are there any drugs in the vehicle?" i calmly and alittle smug said "naw" ( i was calm and smug the whole time, i showed no fear, and did not give him the satisfaction of watching me bow down to his fat ass.) then he asked "do you lift weights?" "occasionaly." i answered. "do you have any steroids in the vehicle?" he asked as he glared at me with flared nostrils. "no" i said, and for some reason i just blurted out that i was just out of the military, thats why i look stout. and he says, "i was in the military i know how easy it is to get them." so i turn the tables on him and asked "well then, did you do steroids?" "no" he said while i remarked "then don't presume that everybody ELSE does." we kinda stared each other down for a few seconds then he went to talk to enrage while i waited. 5 minutes later he comes up to me and asked to search the vehicle. "sure" i said. so he made his way through the back of my explorer and then got out the dog and did the routine search around the vehicle and found nothing. gave me a warning and sent me on my way.
lessons learned: check everything on your vehicle to make sure you don't get pulled over for stupid shit that could have been avoided. ( i felt like tim mcveigh riding around without a license plate.)
and sometimes it's better to pay alittle more to get it locally rather than risking your ass to save a little green.
Had a pretty heart stopping experience the 2nd time i ever got gear. Dude told me to wait in a parking lot down the street from where he was going. I saw him drive up the road and come back a few minutes later. When he got there he got in my car with the gear. While we were sitting there talking. THREE cop cars came down the road from the same direction that dudes hook-up lived. I barely knew the guy and asked him if i just got set up. Right when I said that, the cop cars turned the other way and paid no attention to us. Needles to say, my buddy was pissed off that i didn't trust him. He still sold my the gear, but i haven't heard from him since.
No cops needs to search you if you smuggle the roids the right way.
heh, there are so many 'right ways',
I got the hammer dropped on me last year for a DUI. Anyhow, before going out with my buddies I made a pretty large AS pick up. After which my dude and I went to play some golf. Rather than leave my junk in the car, I put it in my golf bag. So we play our golf and then go out to get fucked up. Still happy about the large pick up and round of golf we get totally shitty. We went to an all night diner afterwards and there were some older slutty broads sitting at a table, so my buddy goes over to them and sits down. Being a drunken scumbag he said something perverse, they ask him to leave and he took a bite of the one ladys burger. Manager comes over and says hes calling the police. Hearing that I said we gotta get out of here. We go out and get in the car and as soon as I pull out of the diner we got popped. Cops were already in route from the initial phone call. They get me out of the car, check my pockets I had 800.00 dollars on me. So they ask me about the car, if its mine, any drugs in it, I said no. They search the car, give me a field test which I fail. Told my buddy to have a nice walk home, and arrested me on the spot. The next day when I went to get my car at impound all the junk was still in my golfbag, they never bothered to check it.
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