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I have done two 10 week cycles of sustanon one 10 week cycle of deca. This is all i have used so far and i went from 230 to 260 lbs. I was wondering, if i took a 400mg/week of Sustanon and 400/mg a week of Deca along with d-bol and used clomid the last two weeks starting at a 100mg then down to 50mg, would this be sufficent enough to gain some good mass before using GH? i have researched for two years on GH and i know what i am getting into. Secondly, i bought some Winny and i was wondering if it is real. It is made by Upjohn in a 30 ml. bottle, with a blue pop top type cap on top of a metal covering. It seperates in two. A powdery form and a liquid form when i leave it sit and it looks just like milk when i shake it. I was wondering if this is real or not. thanks