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Thread: 2 Newbie Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    St. Paul, Minnesota

    Exclamation 2 Newbie Questions

    I have done two 10 week cycles of sustanon one 10 week cycle of deca. This is all i have used so far and i went from 230 to 260 lbs. I was wondering, if i took a 400mg/week of Sustanon and 400/mg a week of Deca along with d-bol and used clomid the last two weeks starting at a 100mg then down to 50mg, would this be sufficent enough to gain some good mass before using GH? i have researched for two years on GH and i know what i am getting into. Secondly, i bought some Winny and i was wondering if it is real. It is made by Upjohn in a 30 ml. bottle, with a blue pop top type cap on top of a metal covering. It seperates in two. A powdery form and a liquid form when i leave it sit and it looks just like milk when i shake it. I was wondering if this is real or not. thanks


  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    ok bro well sounds like a good mass building idea but dont know how you would get 400mg sust??? as far as i know its all in 250mg/ml form so i guess measuring 400mg would be difficult anyway I would up the dosages a bit maybe go with 500-750 on the sust for 8 week alongside 400mg deca and 40mg dbol ed for the first 4 weeks, also clomid I would run for 3 weeks 10 days after your last shot 50/100/50mg ed hope that helps sorry I cant help on the winnie question


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well bro anyone trying to sell you 400 mg of sus its fake lol...go with 750 mg of sus since you cycled it already and go with 400-600 mg of deca...dbol i woudl go with 45 mg for 4 weeks and 35 mg for weeks 5 and 6 ...clomid take for 3 weeks... start one week after you last shot... 50 mg ed for 1 weeks 100mg eold for the 2nd weeks and 50 mg ed for the 3rd week....

    have nolv on hand just in case...and your winny sounds real.. good thing you have it cause nolv wont stop gyno from deca only winny will.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by NOC2006 View Post
    I have done two 10 week cycles of sustanon one 10 week cycle of deca. This is all i have used so far and i went from 230 to 260 lbs. I was wondering, if i took a 400mg/week of Sustanon and 400/mg a week of Deca along with d-bol and used clomid the last two weeks starting at a 100mg then down to 50mg, would this be sufficent enough to gain some good mass before using GH? i have researched for two years on GH and i know what i am getting into. Secondly, i bought some Winny and i was wondering if it is real. It is made by Upjohn in a 30 ml. bottle, with a blue pop top type cap on top of a metal covering. It seperates in two. A powdery form and a liquid form when i leave it sit and it looks just like milk when i shake it. I was wondering if this is real or not. thanks

    Blood work will be your ultimate verification on gaining insight for your recovery. On such suppressive cycles utilizing suppressive compounds, 2 SERMS complimented with AI's and HCG will fall superior to 1 SERM for recovery IMO. As far as the Winstrol, few of our staff may be able to verify it's legitimacy, you may want to look into that. Blue top GH, is a hit or miss. It's not rare to find good Blue's, then again it's easy to hit a false. Good luck man.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Your immature behavior will be short lived here. You made a farewell thread, keep to your word and relieve us of your presence.

  6. #6
    HGH isn't really a great anabolic compound. What're your goals with HGH?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    HGH isn't really a great anabolic compound. What're your goals with HGH?
    its 10 years ago buddy
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    The bump is strong

  9. #9
    LOL, bumps are more like bounces.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by The original jason View Post
    ok bro well sounds like a good mass building idea but dont know how you would get 400mg sust??? as far as i know its all in 250mg/ml form so i guess measuring 400mg would be difficult anyway I would up the dosages a bit maybe go with 500-750 on the sust for 8 week alongside 400mg deca and 40mg dbol ed for the first 4 weeks, also clomid I would run for 3 weeks 10 days after your last shot 50/100/50mg ed hope that helps sorry I cant help on the winnie question

    250/5 = .2ml for 50mg. 400/50 = 8. 8 * .2 = 1.6ml so 1.6ml = 400mg of sus. if you broke that up in to two shots per week that'd be .8ml per shot or one notch below the 1CC line on your syringe (in most cases). This isn't difficult stuff either, you should be doing something like this to figure out your dosage. As long as he's not having to break amps for his gear, he should have no problem.
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 07-08-2012 at 08:18 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    250/5 = .2ml for 50mg. 400/50 = 8. 8 * .2 = 1.6ml so 1.6ml = 400mg of sus. if you broke that up in to two shots per week that'd be .8ml per shot or one notch below the 1CC line on your syringe (in most cases). This isn't difficult stuff either, you should be doing something like this to figure out your dosage. As long as he's not having to break amps for his gear, he should have no problem.
    Bahahahahaha you got stung by the 11yr bump from 1''prick too

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