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Thread: Hook Me Up, Tell Me What U Think

  1. #1

    Arrow Hook Me Up, Tell Me What U Think

    whats up everyone i have a few questions about my 1st cycle i have only been on it for about a week and 1/2 but my questions are
    How many days a week should i be working out? right now i work out 3days in a row then a day and repeat but my day off i am in there doing abs or doing a exercise on a lagging body part i don't want to overtrain but i also want to get the most out of the cycle that i can.
    also do u have a quicker recovery time when u are on a cycle?
    how much water should i be drinking on a cycle or does it matter?

    just incase anyone is wondering i am doing a cylce of d-bol and test e for the d-bol the first week i was doing 8-5mg pills a day and for the next 3 weeks i am doing 6 a day as for the test e alot of people tell me to do 500mg a week only problem is if i did that it would only make my cycle 5 weeks long of test and i am unable to get more at this time but at the time i got it the guy i know hooked me up with 2 extra amp's so for the first two weeks i am doing 500mg 2 shots a week
    so this is long but any help would be great tell me what u guys think thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ROOKIE21
    whats up everyone i have a few questions about my 1st cycle i have only been on it for about a week and 1/2 but my questions are
    How many days a week should i be working out? right now i work out 3days in a row then a day and repeat but my day off i am in there doing abs or doing a exercise on a lagging body part i don't want to overtrain but i also want to get the most out of the cycle that i can.
    also do u have a quicker recovery time when u are on a cycle?
    how much water should i be drinking on a cycle or does it matter?

    just incase anyone is wondering i am doing a cylce of d-bol and test e for the d-bol the first week i was doing 8-5mg pills a day and for the next 3 weeks i am doing 6 a day as for the test e alot of people tell me to do 500mg a week only problem is if i did that it would only make my cycle 5 weeks long of test and i am unable to get more at this time but at the time i got it the guy i know hooked me up with 2 extra amp's so for the first two weeks i am doing 500mg 2 shots a week
    so this is long but any help would be great tell me what u guys think thanks
    You aren't going to get any real benefits from running test E that long, as it is a long acting esther, and takes about 4-5 weeks to really kick in. I wouldn't taper the d-bol, no real reason to, and it is in your best interest to keep your blood levels steady. If I were you, I would stop the cycle, go into PCT right now, and visit the diet and workout forums to do some research before you even think about doing a cycle. You weren't prepared for this one, so if I was you I would try to minimize the damage you have already done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    put your fire-retardant suit on bro...

    you shouldnt have started shit without even knowing how to properly workout...hit the diet, training, and lifting technique forums here, HARD! dbol is good, testE should be at 500mg so do whatever you have to to get more, IMO...damn son


  4. #4
    i understand what u are saying and have read alot but did not find stuff on how much to train if someone could give me a link and i have a pretty good grapse on how to lift and workout normal because i have been working out normal with nothing for a while now and just need some info on doing it while on cycle but i thank you guys anyway for your opinions

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    yes my friend nothing makes me and the guys on this site more worried than bros who come on saying stuff like this. there is no way to justify starting a cycle without knowing what you are doing for two reasons. One... you will never be huge if you have no knowledge, and two you could be considered borderline idiotic for using steroids without knowing somehting as easy as how much water to drink...... rediculous i dont mean to flame you bro just reqareadread more and more b4 u do anything'

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Southern Cali
    Sorry bro, I've got to tell you your crazy. You inject a forign substance in your body and THEN ask questions.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    To put it simple, you made a stupid decision. You should now take all the necessary steps to minimize the harmful effects of what you have done. Stop your cycle immediately and go right into PCT. You should be running clomid in a 300/100/50 pattern along with nolva, and possibly some letro or ldex.

  9. #9
    i am aware of the side effects and all that stuff, i just asked a few questions that i could not find answers on

  10. #10
    ok guys i guess you are somewhat right and i am sure u know more about this stuff then me so i will stop using it for now but i did buy so i am going to have to use it sooner or later so maybe someone can be helpful and give me some links to the questions i asked but you guys also act like everything you have put into your body you have read every little thing on and we all know that is not true i mean who reads everything you just get excited and wanna do it so it was dumb so help me out know thanks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    May want to re-post under Workout questions, etc...lots of good info just scroll down
    good luck and happy reading

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