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  1. #1
    dylan111557's Avatar
    dylan111557 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2012

    Just wondering about a few questions?

    Let's say you are 160lbs lean, and want to be 200lbs lean, why would you go to your genetic potential to get there when you can just do a few cycles?
    Doing gear to be aesthetic and not big.

    If 1 year natty = 15lbs muscle
    1 year with cycling = ?

    Is acne a real issue with gear?

    What is more dangerous, steroids or a cutting drug, dnp /clen or something?

    Can steroids kill you in anyway? Beside abuse, let's say under 5 cycles in a lifetime?

    If someone can go from 130-210 in 2-3 years does that mean someone can go from 160-200 in 1-2 years?

    When someone decides to stop using gear, how much strength/muscle gain, will they lose?

  2. #2
    dumb_aas's Avatar
    dumb_aas is offline Junior Member
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    First off 18 is too young to be concerning yourself with gear. You will damage your Hpta system and suffer a low quality of life due to permanent low T issues. A great diet and workout regiment will yield intense results. Also it doesn't appear you've done a whole lot of research given the questions. You'll be able to discover the truth to all your questions via quality time researching all things aas. you really shouldn't worry about steroids until you're around 25. Btw what are your stats?

  3. #3
    dylan111557's Avatar
    dylan111557 is offline Associate Member
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    Most of my questions are custom questions very specific or the answers I found were not specific. I am not planning on using gear anytime soon, if at all. Just the curiosity gets to me. Stats as in how much I lift or my weight?
    I am 170lbs around 13-14% body fat, and 5'11 in height

  4. #4
    dumb_aas's Avatar
    dumb_aas is offline Junior Member
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    i know you didn't ask for it but heres a good thread concerning age. I hope you check it out.

    Now I'm no expert on this, i'm only giving my $.02 if I'm wrong on something I hope I'm corrected quickly by those with much more experience. Acne can be a problem or not at all. hows that for an answer? lol. It mostly has to do with whether or not you're genetically predisposed to acne. In my teens years i suffered from acne and it does give me some trouble on cycle, thats me though. Now which is more dangerous? I feel like that is a loaded question. Though i THINK you can od on some of the cutting agents (<-anybody correct of confirm this?). There has been no reported deaths directly linked to injecting test that i know of, most common issues are those from estrogen and damage done to your HPTA system. Again I'm no expert and all this is derived from personal research and growing up in a household of cyclers.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You can easily reach 200 natty since you are 5' 11" The main reason is not to use aas until you are at or at least close to your genetic potential is if you are that far off you wont keep any of you gains because your diet is also way off so it will be a waste of time and $$$. If you are near your genetic potential then you obviously have a good understanding of diet and training and the use of aas will be much more beneficial and gains more maintainable.

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