Starting my Cycle next week (At Bottom) and will be taking 10x .5mg Dianabol ED... when is the best time to take them? All at once? PWO With the Insulin? or spread throughout the day?
Jintropin 5IUs 5on 2 off 6Months Split Morning / Night 2.5IUs
Insulin 1-4 / 9-12 / 17-20 10-15IUs PWO 4 Times Per Week
IGF-1Lr3 5-8 / 13-16 / 21-24 60mg PWO
Dianabol 1-4 Weeks 50mgs ED
Trenbolone Acetate 1-8 Weeks 60mg ED
Testex 1-12 500mg E3D
Virormone 8-14 200mg EOD
T3 Cytomel 25mcg ED
HCG 14-16 First Shot 3days After Last Then every 3days
Clomid 14-18 100MG ED for 2 Weeks Then 50MG ED Last 2 Weeks
Milk Thistle ED