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Thread: EQ, 1-AD, and M1t

  1. #1

    EQ, 1-AD, and M1t

    Im new here but not new to this stuff and I was thinking about stacking this combo. I like the slow and equal gains from EQ and i've heard some good things about the 1-AD and M1t, what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    1AD + m1T = bad idea.

    1ad is oral prohormone I believe. and m1t is the most potent oral there is.

    If you want your liver to die in the next 2 years, go ahead with this cycle.
    if not, go with an extrmeely light dose of M1T to act as a booster like dbol for a Test + another drug cycle. Eq or tren,or winny all work.

    Just m1t on its own iwll kill your liver
    Last edited by Unoid; 07-01-2005 at 01:03 AM.

  3. #3
    I was thinking 20mg a day of M1t and 200 mg of 1-AD, is that sound like too much?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    bro, I have done more than 1 cycle of m1t and all I can say is that it was a waste of time, and the sides were really bad. I didnt keep any of the gains, some people do.
    my back hurt so bad I couldnt dead lift shit. I was tired as hell everyday..... it sucked
    try some real test. no back pain very few sides, big boners test is the boss. plus stacked with eq for about 12 weks and maybe some dbol 4 weeks. hey, youll blow UP on the people... and then proper pct.... you will never look back trust us on this

  5. #5
    That sounds good my man, thanks

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