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Thread: First cycle, opinions needed.

  1. #1
    salu2 Guest

    First cycle, opinions needed.

    Hi all, ive ben reading this forum long time ago, i think im ready to do my first cycle, tell me your opinions.

    1-4 - dianabol 20mg/day (Russian Dbol)

    1-8 - Test enant 250/week (Testoviron)

    10-13 Clomid + Nolva

    I have Nolva for the all cycle in case of signs of gyno, im using a low dose of test cause i think its enough for a begginer, tell me your opinions, is HCG needed ?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    i wld go longer than 8 weeks... it cld take 4 to 5 weeks b4 the test even kicks in...

    that is assuming u already have a tight diet, have a solid base, r old enuff, etc..


  3. #3
    I would run more test especially if u in the 18-24 range...250 a week is like a drop in an ocean..i ran 400mg of prop my first cycle along with EQ and learned the hard way...have to run it at least 500mgs a week if u see signs of gyno keep L dex on hand being that the u have progesterone from the D bol and to indirectly eliminate any gyno u have to surpress estrogen down to a bear min. A lvl u wont acomplish with nolva alone....or u can add another compound in there such as Bromo..instead but it all depends on budget and how u react ....alot of ppl ask is this best for them or is that...keep in mind everyone is start it and see how u react. Prepare for all varibles and then ur sec time around prepare for the sides ur predisposed to seeing.

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