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Thread: My cycle

  1. #1

    My cycle

    I've was out of the gym for about a year due to a shoulder tear but I've been back in for a few months, gaining strenth, vascularity is good - ready for my next cycle. Glad to see the board is still here and doing well. Some good educated input would be appreciated:

    Sust 300mg/wk (inj. on M&Th) wk 1-5
    600mg/wk wk 6-9
    300mg/wk wk 10-11

    Winny 50mg/ed wk 10-15

    Var 40mg/ed wk 10-16

    arimidex/clomid as usual

    Let me have it...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Don't taper your test thats old school. Shoot 500mg/week eod with sust.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yeah no tapering but using 2 17aa steriods at the same time is a bad idea.
    Pick one or the other and go with it (var or winny)

  4. #4
    ok, good call. How about running the var at the beginning of the cycle along with the sust, and taking 4 wks or so between the var and the winny?

  5. #5
    I've changed the sust to 450mg/wk 1-10

    Anyone have any input on how to run the var/winny in the same cycle?

  6. #6
    One more question... since var is lighter on the liver, would it still be inadvisable to run it at the same time as winny? If so, why? I know var is a 17 aa, but if the reason for not running two 17 aa's simultaneously is to spare the liver, than what other harm could it do?
    Last edited by Chase Waste; 07-02-2005 at 07:42 PM. Reason: misspell

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    How are you going to shott 450??? what are you going to save some of the amp?

  8. #8
    the sust is 300mg/cc, so i'll do 1.5 c's over the course of 2 inj/wk.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    never seen it before.......sure its real?>

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I still say go for it dude, as my only reminder, take a **** load of protein.

  11. #11
    yeah dude... i'm pretty all set with what i have and how to do the amount i want to do and all. what i'm really interested in is my questions about how to run the var and win. I'm in Chevy Chase, MD btw, you?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dude , email me.......dont put this info out on the web. ps, im near you.

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