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Thread: recreational drugs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house

    recreational drugs

    I was curious if people have had similar experiences or if its just where i live. I have been around people who have used juice aswell as done more than my fair share for a long time. But i have noticed that a lot of people who are high on test like to get high on recreational drugs or crazy extreme sports. I was more the drinker/pothead, it may have hurt my gains but i was big anyway, but others did some much harder stuff and took higher risks. I was always into extreme sports but then became more impulsive and had to have the fast car and the bike, began to get the more of the fudge the world attitude. Luckily i quit the test and just refined with mainly anabolic substances what i had gained and settled down. But i saw a lot of people go through some rough times with all sorts of drugs. Most are cool now as we are in our mid 20s. But sometimes i tell stories of me in the past and its crazy to think of some of the risks i took. Test just feels great and maybe its not always rage that comes out, its just ur taste for pushing the limit and not just weights.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    We all live life not all of us use rec drugs. I love the way test makes me feel aswell. It is a much better and safer high in the gym then munching on some fritos and the chicks dig the body to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house
    I know that we all dont use drugs that goes without saying. I was just stating that ive noticed in what i have seen in a lot of people, which is a lot of juicers tend to dabble or go farther into the rec scene. I live near south beach so that might be a reason. But still juice is a drug when u get down to it, maybe not nearly as detrimental or mind altering. And where u generaly find people who are open to use sauce and its found through some source, other sources are found in the meantime that carry products which are for rec use. Some body builders who like the feel of test also go for the instant gratification seen when taking mind altering substances. I was just wondering if people have had similar experiences

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I think once you understand that a certain drug is relatively safe and you experience this said drug then you lose your fear of other drugs - other than the stuff you know is way too dangerous, obviously. I don't drink - or at least very, very rarely (quite literaly a hand full of times a year) but I have smoked cannabis, on and off, for about 3 to 4 years. It was this understanding of how cannabis in moderate amounts is perfectly fine that made me consider AAS. Once I'd looked into them and learned the ins and outs I realised that similar rules apply to them as with other drugs. Know your stuff, take precaution, keep things to a moderation (thats the key word I think) and you'll be fine
    I haven't actualy used any "proper" AAS yet but I'm going to soon. I have done a superdrol cycle with good results, next I want a Test E cycle. My friends ask me about steroids sometimes - friends from the gym, and I tell them exactly how it is. I don't try and encourage them to use them in anyway but I tell them how to use them properly and the good and bad effects. Even though I make things clear to them about AAS they still have a certain "fear" of them and because of this just don't even consider using them. Which is fine, everyone to their own.
    I've always thought of it like this - the kids at school that were relatively dumb and deprived of certain skills or abilitys but got down to work with avengance and achieved good accademic results are the kind of people that run the world/run countrys. These are the people that make the laws and rules and to be perfectly honest, although their main priority is safety, I just don't like to listen to them, I like to make my own mind up. I think I'm very capable of looking after my-self. This all boils down to the age old saying - "knowledge is power".
    IMO anyway

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house
    Bro I used Test E the first time, its night and day compared to whatever u said u have tried before, sounds like u already wanted to try it but bought something u thought was as close as u could get instead. Of course education is key and some people have a tendencey to try other rec drugs more than others. I made my desicion mostly on part cus my brother was no way going to get bigger than me, something that u care about when ur younger i guess, and loved it. I had no idea what it was, just turned out to be sterris brand Test E. From then on i was absorbed in the gym, worked, and ran nutrition stores. I was young and invincible at the time so i had no worries of course. U seem quite level headed and also somebody who has done a little looking into it, after all ur on this site. I say go for it. But rather than just taking the test, look at it from the point of your goals, and create a more effective stack than just a load of test.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2005
    I am actualy split between using either just Test E - as many suggest, or using Test E and then Var to finish off the cycle. Var seems relatively mild and gives good results so it may be a good choice. I haven't considered anything else because at this time nothing else seems to have the exact properties for my goals and, being my first cycle, I want to keep the sides down. This is why I don't want to use a d-bol kick start or anything like that. I'm also an injection virgin so shooting up twice a week will be "ok" but any more than that may be a little too much for me at this time. So, its either Test E or Test E and var

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    The benefit of using juice for the first time is that u generaly get the lease side effects. After repetative usage u will be far more affected, if u are one of those people that have any problems already naturally, than ur first cycle. Being a person who has never shot up will be not even an issue once u are feeling great, i actually used to look forward to my days as time went on. You need to stack it with something anabolic like deca or EQ. Save ur cash and use the var to refine ur gains later if u wish. Also when u stick it in dont do it all slow and methodical like some people, look for a nice meaty area in ur shoulder and put it in with one quick smooth motion. Other areas do the same, i just like the shoulder a lot. Also trust me, do it right the first time so that u have no regrets. Some people think that juice makes u into a body builder with all ur expectaions in a single cycle. That is not the case. Time, proper nutrition/training, and proper cycle formulas are the key. Ive seen it time and time again, people start like u are thinking and just think "ah just a little more" and it just grows. Hey great for the people ur getting it from, but part of working out is never being satisfied and always aiming for a higher goal. Hit it once, do it right, put aside ur nerves, and dont half ass it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I hear what your saying and you may be right but I genuinly don't want to get massive I'm currently about 185lb at 5' 10'' with average body fat (32 inch waist if that helps). I'd say I have a good foundation for building on using AAS. When on cycle I have a good diet and train quite well and often as well so I should make good results of the 10 week Test cycle. I'm pretty sure that after the first cycle I'll be in a near saticefactory position and I'll just try to maintain my gains for as long as I can without using anymore AAS. Then in a years time I may do another cycle just to top up. I know alot think the same as I do to start with and end up just running one cycle after the next but even if I want to I won't
    How did you find your first Test E cycle then?
    I won't hijack this thread - we'll leave things to return to the topic title after this post

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    I live by south beach too ....... but i think that it's the individual who determines whether or not he'll use rec drugs .... steroids might play a role if the individual isnt strong enough to control his own behavior

    test does give u a sense of better well being though

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Well, I'm clean now, but a couple of years ago I really was on a downward spiral with rec drugs. I got really bad... to the point that's all I could think about. I almost got fired and almost got divorced (even though my wife was in just as deep as I was). The trouble I went through and the hell I was in is enough for me to never ever ever get that way again. Oh, I had tons of fun... but it sets a new standard to where eventually you need more and more (not just drugs but more fun times). Eventually it doesn't get any better and you crash and get severely depressed.

    Don't start down that path. It only leads to a life of hell and misery.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Charged_UP
    I was curious if people have had similar experiences or if its just where i live. I have been around people who have used juice aswell as done more than my fair share for a long time. But i have noticed that a lot of people who are high on test like to get high on recreational drugs or crazy extreme sports. I was more the drinker/pothead, it may have hurt my gains but i was big anyway, but others did some much harder stuff and took higher risks. I was always into extreme sports but then became more impulsive and had to have the fast car and the bike, began to get the more of the fudge the world attitude. Luckily i quit the test and just refined with mainly anabolic substances what i had gained and settled down. But i saw a lot of people go through some rough times with all sorts of drugs. Most are cool now as we are in our mid 20s. But sometimes i tell stories of me in the past and its crazy to think of some of the risks i took. Test just feels great and maybe its not always rage that comes out, its just ur taste for pushing the limit and not just weights.

    Hey here is a read that may help explain what makes do "risky" things. Oh and I live near South Beach too.

    Keep Testosterone In Balance

    The positive and negative effects of the male hormone.

    When you think of testosterone, you probably think of the rough and rugged. It's one of the things that make men men. But even this most masculine of hormones requires a delicate balance.

    Produced by the testes (though women's ovaries make some, too), the hormone propels prepubescent boys toward deeper voices and hairy chests. In a grown man, it fuels a healthy libido, builds muscle mass and helps maintain energy levels. But too much of it -- or too little -- can wreak havoc on a man's behavior and physique.

    Why More Isn't Always Better

    According to a study in the April 1999 Journal of Behavioral Medicine, higher-than-average testosterone levels offer certain benefits but also carry some serious risks. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Penn., reviewed the records of 4,393 men between the ages of 32 and 44 who had served in the military between 1965 and 1971. Their blood had been drawn to determine testosterone levels -- which ranged from 53 to 1,500 nanograms per deciliter, with an average of 679. (The normal range in males is 270 to 1,070 nanograms.)

    Men whose testosterone levels were slightly above average were 45% less likely to have high blood pressure, 72% less likely to have experienced a heart attack and 75% less likely to be obese than men whose levels were slightly below average. These men were also 45% less likely to rate their own health as fair or poor.

    But the results weren't all rosy. These men were also 24% more likely to report one or more injuries, 32% more likely to consume five or more drinks in a day, 35% more likely to have had a sexually transmitted infection, and 151% more likely to smoke.

    The news got worse at very high testosterone levels (1000 nanograms), where men were even more likely to engage in risky behavior -- and less likely to reap the positive health benefits of testosterone.
    The results aren't really surprising, says lead author Alan Booth, PhD -- a professor of sociology and human development -- because testosterone has been associated with risky behavior in many studies. Men with high testosterone levels are more likely to be involved in criminal activity and antisocial behavior, get in trouble in school, remain single, and be unemployed.

    But this doesn't mean that all men with high testosterone levels are doomed to a bad fate, he said. "There's lots of high testosterone people out there with good marriages who don't commit crimes."
    Taking all the factors together, researchers found that the healthiest men overall had testosterone levels between 400 to 600 nanograms. They seemed to enjoy the most benefits and experience the least risks associated with the hormone.

    When Medical Treatment Is Needed

    Some men may have higher testosterone levels than others, but it's rare that a man's level is so high that he needs treatment, says Eugene R. Shippen, MD, author of The Testosterone Syndrome. It's much more common, he says, to treat low testosterone levels.
    A man's testosterone level peaks at age 20 and then slowly declines for the rest of his life. A problematic decrease can happen to men as early as their 30s, says Shippen. "It's rare in the 30s, infrequent in the 40s, relatively common in the 50s and pretty common in the ages above."
    Medically, the condition is known as hypogonadism -- the underproduction of testosterone in the testes -- but it's commonly referred to as "male menopause." This drop in testosterone is accompanied by a decrease in sex drive and sexual dysfunction; a decline in physical energy, strength, and stamina; more aches and pains in the bones and joints; and less initiative and mental aggressiveness. In short, says Shippen, the aging process accelerates.

    Doctors can treat low testosterone levels with injections, patches, and topical creams or gels. A man on hormone replacement therapy will use it for the rest of his life, in the same way that women taking estrogen do.

    Know Your Testosterone

    Once a man is on replacement therapy, it's important to monitor his testosterone levels, says Booth. A man may feel better at first, but if his levels get too high he could become aggressive and angry.
    In fact, monitoring testosterone levels every five years is a good idea for all men 35 or older, says Shippen. "The reason to do testing in younger men periodically is to establish baseline levels when they're healthy." Doctors can then compare levels as men get older and make sure no significant drops take place.

  12. #12
    What a load of rubbish.

    Men with lower test levels dont take any risks because they are dosile and unmotivated.
    Going by that article i should be out getting drunk every night. smoking like a train, unemployed and a menace and threat to society.

    Maybe if a mentally unstable person had high testosterone levels they would be more likely to engage in risky unsociable behaviour.

    As they say AAS just turns an a**hole into a bigger a**hole.

  13. #13
    I think those who try AAS simply tend to be more of the "Type-A" personality...risk takers, aggressive, etc...and those are the types to also use rec drugs.

    Also...keep in mind...your bodybuilding is a's recreational, unless you are a professional; ergo your use of steroids is use of recreational drugs.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Forty shades of green
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    I think those who try AAS simply tend to be more of the "Type-A" personality...risk takers, aggressive, etc...and those are the types to also use rec drugs.

    Also...keep in mind...your bodybuilding is a's recreational, unless you are a professional; ergo your use of steroids is use of recreational drugs.
    Does this thread not break forum rules?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house
    That was some intersting reading there. I have seen a similar article that briefly touched on the subject like the one posted here, but this one was pretty in depth. The article doesnt say that ur going to for sure smoke, be a criminal etc. If u have any schooling there is a class called statistics, this article just stated them. Its up to us to decide from those results what conclusion u come to. It is silly to assume that u will follow any statistical study to the exact results. We all are individuals and we all have different tendencies. Everyone who has used AAS knows there are psychological effects but ur own character predispositions u to certain traits or behaviours. I simply took note of what some other users were doing and how it affected their lives and saw that in some is was very detrimental and brought out a lot of activities that would have otherwise not surfaced. I used to be obviously taking way too high doesages with no concern and it felt great however did a lot to bring out my self-destructive side. I used to skate, rock climb, and was a touble maker in my middle school, so that risky behaviour was already evident as a kid. Thankfully ive stopped doing rec drugs, have a good relationship, and a nice job. But through knowledge and almost self testing, i now know that certain compounds are not for me. So life goes on, and u live and learn. And Green Machine the whole point of this site learn from eachother, so in other words shut up.

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