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  1. #1


    TESTOSTERONE PROPIONAte will increase the igf-1 levels and new fibers will be added to my muscles???????? i am taking 400 mg weekly plsu 300 mg deca weekly!!!!!!!1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house
    I have no idea what ur on about with ur question on propinate. It is simply a quick acting form of test that should be taken about 50-100mgs ever other day. I is nice cus it has the tendency to store less water and harden u up a little but just like any other test it will give u side effects. 300 of the deca isnt bad but i like to not think of my cycles in terms of weeks and organize it based on the calander just cus ur used to thinking in weeks. I would do it every 5 days. Steriods only increase the size of the muscle fibers that u genetically were predetermined to have, so go get some growth if u want to build any new tissue.

  3. #3
    but prop gives less side effects then sustinol and testevirone or test e ! if side became a problem within 3 day its out of your system!!!!!!! its very safe and deca is very safe too

  4. #4
    High testosterone levels will increase igf1 levels but nowhere near the levels that igf1 injected itself will.

  5. #5
    is there an injectable igf-1 ??????

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by arnold_of_malta
    is there an injectable igf-1 ??????
    Oh yeah! You will have to work out how and where to obtain it yourself though.

  7. #7
    THeres many injectable igf1's, much better than oral. In fact, the oral is a scam all together.

  8. #8
    from where can i buy real injectable igf-1 and is it danagers has it got side effects????????

  9. #9
    We cant give sources... Just look around in the IGF section, people mention names here and there...

    There arent many dangers with igf-1, and no pct needed.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Quote Originally Posted by chris2wire
    THeres many injectable igf1's, much better than oral. In fact, the oral is a scam all together.
    The real oral igf-1 does work there are 2 journal threads in the gh, igf-1 forum. But I think people will stick with the injectable.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i am sure u can get igf in malta

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