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Thread: What should I do about this ? And man its making me sad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    What should I do about this ? And man its making me sad

    So I already got jacked on my cycle but the guy said he could get it in 3 days and I knew it was real.
    I was

    10ml QV Test E 250
    10ml QV Deca 200

    Doin a 10 week @ 1ml each per week. This is my first cycle.

    So I got all pshyced and have been eatin like a cow gettin some ok gains from mainly eating, maybe a lil water retention also.

    Im on my 3rd week, tuesday should be my 4th shot but heres the problem.

    I dunno if my guy is gonna be able to get the rest of my stuff.

    He gave me 3ml of each to get me started and from what i have read it takes 6 weeks just to start seeing results.

    I got enough to do one more shot on tuesday but I dunno if I should even bother now.

    Damn, so heres my q, if he cant come through what should I do ?

    Im gonna hunt for another guy and see if I cant get something but I dunno what it will be, hopefully the same but who knows.

    Should I just go on a pct for the equal amount of time I was on ( about 4 weeks) then start over ?

    Damn this sucks so bad

    I already feel like crap cause I got jacked on my cycle ($325 ouch) Im sure I will get most of it back if he cant come through but its still money wasted on what i did use.

    I dunno bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    on the field
    bro first off you werent gonna have enough gear with that cycle to do much of anything. and second you should get your whole cycle together before you start. not tryin to flame ya here bro, but just somethin to keep in mind for the future

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by LD_18
    bro first off you werent gonna have enough gear with that cycle to do much of anything. and second you should get your whole cycle together before you start. not tryin to flame ya here bro, but just somethin to keep in mind for the future


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Thats was the plan.

    When i paid he had some "leftovers" from his last cycle and asked if I wanted them to get started asap instead of a waiting 3-4 days.

    Who would say no ?

    Then 3-4 days turned into 3-4 weeks.

    And I thought 10 weeks would be good, how long should I have shoot for ?

    And what about my original questions ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    you should have got all your gear before you started that is rule number 1 IMO

    second see if you can get some more off someone else if not pct and make sure you do it right next time

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    on the field
    if he cant come through then, either find a new source (which u should prolly do anyways it sounds like) or ur just screwed and wasted some gear IMO.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yeah Im tryin a new source but from what i heard his source hasnt been all that reliable lately.

    Dont know yet what he can get either, figured Id get the list and post on here to see if I can switch up to something else if he cant get what I already am on.

    I guess all in all if it doesnt work out its one tough lesson learned.

    Shits got me in a bad mood for the past 4 days now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    you should have said no mate,in future do not start anythin until you have all of your gear to hand otherwise you could get fu*ked up like you have!did you get your pct and nolvadex?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    1ml of each per week isn't gonna do anything bro. don't waste ur money unless you're gonna do atleast double that, you won't see anything

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    you should have said no mate,in future do not start anythin until you have all of your gear to hand otherwise you could get fu*ked up like you have!did you get your pct and nolvadex?

    Yeah getting my PCT from here, read it only takes about 3 days

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by itsjinx
    1ml of each per week isn't gonna do anything bro. don't waste ur money unless you're gonna do atleast double that, you won't see anything

    Im pretty light weight, + its my first cycle. Thought Id take it easy.

    What do you think should I up it ?

    5'11" 145lbs
    currently @ 3k cal per day

    My diet right now is
    Breakfast - whatever + 100% egg protein
    brunch - weight gainer type drink
    lunch - whatever + 100% whey protein
    2hr later - weight gainer type drink
    dinner - whatever + 100% cassein protein

    Thats my daily diet, when I say whatever it just means I eat as much as I can.

    Goal is about 155-160 this summer then around 185-190 within the next year or 1.5 years.
    Thats just my goal dont know if I will hit it but Im giving it all I got.

    I know im light so lets leave that alone, Im already eating everything I can and working out 3 days week.

    I thought @ my weight and height I should take it easy for the first cycle until I hit about 160lbs

    I DO NOT want to weigh over 195lbs, just a lil FYI on where Im heading.
    Last edited by donmega; 07-04-2005 at 01:37 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    "The 10 Ten Roid Commandments" ughhhh!!

    1. be of age
    2. be knowledgable on what your doing
    3. have EVERYTHING you need before you start
    4. Test should be base in all cycles
    5. Don't take 2 17aa steroids at same time
    6. dbol and abombs should be run at MAX 5 weeks
    7. lift hard
    8. Eat right
    9. Don't try to use steroids for weight loss
    10. Don't support selective scammers.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'd just stop taking the shots, run PCT in 2 weeks, and try to gain naturally.
    You said, let's leave the weight alone.
    But IMO 145lbs is WAY to light to even think about using AAS.
    190 should be pretty easily attainable with a proper diet and a good workout plan.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    youre way too small for steroids. You need to build up a solid muscle base first otherwise you will end up losing a lot of your gains. Second, your diet sucks. If you want to gain weight, try eating 5000 calories a day. You should also get most of your protein from food and not from shakes. I would suggest you stop and research how to cycle correctly and how to eat properly before taking anymore steroids. When you are ready find a better source, b/c $325 for a 10ml of test and a 10ml of deca is a huge rip off!!!

  15. #15
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    Jun 2005
    Bah thats why I didnt wanna post my weight.

    If it helps im 25 yrs old and have been trying to gain for years.
    Ive been working out 3 times a week for as long as I can remember then I stopped for about a year but didnt really change much, Im still nearly as cut as I was the day I stopped.
    Only recently I got serious and have been gaining nicelely from changing my diet.
    I like my diet as it is and am having a damn hard time eating as much as I am, I feel full, bloated, and tired all day already. Your stomach takes a long time to stretch out to take in 5k cals in a day, shit doesnt happen over night. Ill get there though.

    Id rather just leave the weight out of it, It causes nuthing but arguments.
    If you hit 150lbs after puberty and your my height all I can say is good for you and you have no clue how my body works.
    Just some fyi
    My dad is 6'2" 165 lbs
    My mom 5'8" 135 lbs
    My sister 5'9" 110lbs @ 26yrs old
    My brother 5'10" 140lbs @ 22yrs old
    Me 5'11" 145lbs @ 25yrs old

    See the pattern ?

    Even my grandma is thin, shit just runs in the family. Lucky if your a girl, sux for the guys.

    I know you guys hear this shit all the time and I read it all the time, makes me sick too.
    Only difference is Im already eating as much as I can each and every day religiously and Im not 16yrs old.

  16. #16
    try bumping your calories to 4000...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    try bumping your calories to 4000...
    I just got up to 3k, im getting there
    Im gonna keep increasing and increasing cause I know cals are the ticket.

    Gimme about another month or 2 and I should be over 4k.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    5 meals a much as you can .....right.....i'm having a SHITTY day when i get 6.

    As far as your weight goes, lots of us start skinny, i started at 5'10 130lbs.
    Right now i'm 212.

    Try eating 8 meals a day, you might be thinking i'm giving you a hard time bro, but IMO anabolics are not needed at the stage you are at.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Wow 8 thats just crazy to me right now but Im sure I will get there.

    I have more determination in my life now then I have ever had.
    I think the AAs play a big part in it, part psychological and part psyical.

    I just feel like I really want to include them, even if for only the rest of this cycle.

    Ever since I got them I have been going harder then ever, not because I feel stronger but because I am very serious and after spending what I spent I dont want my cash to go to waste.

    Its pretty much all or nuthin this time around and I dont think Ill be throwin in the towel anytime soon. After just getting back into it (4.5 weeks) my friends can already tell, even those that dont know that I have been doing anything. I had some freinds last night at my buddy's fireworks show that havent seen me in months and a couple of em said (man have you packed on some weight?) and I said yeah a lil, there like (damn man it really shows, what did you gain 20-30 lbs)

    That shit drives me man. Btw ive only gained 15 solid lbs so far, about 20 all together.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Alright bro, it's all your choice, if you finish the cycle i hope you are prepared for PCT and won't freak out and jump back on when the pounds start coming off.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house
    dude what u did wasnt even a start, plus u got ripped. I would kick his ass, if u know him personaly and not through the mail, and get back into the gym with a lesson learned. Next time dont think that some dude with only 3 mls for u is of any help, if thats what i understand happened. Also what were u reading that told u to take such small amounts. Most of ur gains were probably due to just ur training and eating better with ur mind all hyped about being on juice. If anything u would be feeling it at this time kicking in. As far as a PCT goes its up to u, u might feel somewhat of a crash, but save what cash u have for a real stack. Oh and if ur 25 I think u can decide to put what ever u want in ur body, so who cares about telling people ur weight. Nobody here knows it all, this is a site for advice on what we have read of experienced.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Gizmo
    Alright bro, it's all your choice, if you finish the cycle i hope you are prepared for PCT and won't freak out and jump back on when the pounds start coming off.


    Yeah getting my PCT stuff from the banner up top, gonna use clomi and nolva, and somethin else thats in that sticky in the pct section. Basically just gonna follow that.

    Im already mentally prepared for the PCT cycle, Im changing my diet and quitting smoking which should help tons. So far everything seems to be on track.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Charged_UP
    dude what u did wasnt even a start, plus u got ripped. I would kick his ass, if u know him personaly and not through the mail, and get back into the gym with a lesson learned. Next time dont think that some dude with only 3 mls for u is of any help, if thats what i understand happened. Also what were u reading that told u to take such small amounts. Most of ur gains were probably due to just ur training and eating better with ur mind all hyped about being on juice. If anything u would be feeling it at this time kicking in. As far as a PCT goes its up to u, u might feel somewhat of a crash, but save what cash u have for a real stack. Oh and if ur 25 I think u can decide to put what ever u want in ur body, so who cares about telling people ur weight. Nobody here knows it all, this is a site for advice on what we have read of experienced.

    Yeah cant live in the past, I think my buddy might have got ripped by his guy, he will refund me though if thats the case and I already got some more on the way from another person, same stuff by more of it so I can up the cycle.
    Im sure all of my gains thus far are from eating and training hard. Im not attributing anything to the gear yet.Well maybe a lil water weight.

    Also I paid for 10ml's of each, I only got 3mls of one and 4mls of the other thus far, well it turned out to be 4ml's of one and 5ml's of the other. I was off a lil.
    I did my last shot of the test today, I still have 1 ml of deca left and 10ml more of each on the way from a new guy. Plus the new deca im getting is 300mg instead of 200mg. I think ill up it to .75ml of each every days for roughly 1.5ml of each a week.
    Should that be good ?
    I can also extend out the cycle to 12 weeks now instead of 10 if I get the rest from my original guy.

  24. #24
    bro, i was 145lb. and i cycled test 250, deca 300, and dbol and at my apex i was 195 and max on bench was 365 and im 5'11"...start your doses small then go up to 1.5-2 cc's twice a week, you'll blow up. You gotta eat a lot and right plus hit the gym hard and more than 3 times a week.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    How long did it take you to hit 195 huge ?
    What where your cycles and diet like getting there ?

  26. #26
    it took about 3.5 months. deca 300 twice a week around 600mg, Test 250 around 400-500mg a week, and 50mg of dbol a day... this was at my peak, you should try to build up slowly to this amount. like start with .5cc, then up it to 1cc and so on and do it to your comfort
    good luck

  27. #27
    Sounds like you still need to do a lot of reading. You obviously arent all that healthy, considering you smoke which I am sure has helped keep your weight off. You need to listen to what all of these guys are telling you and not just the parts you choose to listen too. They have given you some very good advice and you seem to be ignoring it...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    5'1" and 145 lbs and you smoke.

    You need food.

    This entire thread is BS. You do not need any gear, none. You have no f#cking foundation. None. What are you going to build on? 145 pounds. What can you squat?
    How are you going to build it you are not even big enough to do heavy compound exercises?

    Yeah, man, inject me with magic juice too. I am 220 pounds now (started at 155) and I wanna be 245 next week.

    F#cking pisses me off that everyone out there is looking for a short cut. There aren't any!!!!!!!!

    Eat and work out for four years. If you weigh under 180-200, you don't have a foundation and it is a waste of time and money to use gear.


  29. #29
    Every one is different from how they weigh to how big they are and can become... you cant say some1 who is 145lbs. has no foundation man. some ppl are just naturally smaller than others and thats how it is. Sure he can gain some weight from eating right and hitting the gym hard, but it will not always get you an extra 30-40lbs. or watever it is you are looking for. I was 145lbs my first time and gained up to 195lbs. and im 2 yrs. natural now and 185lbs. solid. doing that cycle helped me get my foundation to where i am today.
    every1's different
    good luck

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by HugemongouS
    it took about 3.5 months. deca 300 twice a week around 600mg, Test 250 around 400-500mg a week, and 50mg of dbol a day... this was at my peak, you should try to build up slowly to this amount. like start with .5cc, then up it to 1cc and so on and do it to your comfort
    good luck

    Im gonna see what happens from this cycle. Ill up it to 1.5ml of each per week , well a little more test so I dont get deca dick.
    I also decided to go 12 weeks then 12 off.

    After that I willl see where I stand and maybe do the cycle you mentioned above, I was thinking of doing that anyway since you only take the dbol for about 4 weeks right?

    After that I should be where I wanna be and if not I can manage the rest the natty way.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by HugemongouS
    Every one is different from how they weigh to how big they are and can become... you cant say some1 who is 145lbs. has no foundation man. some ppl are just naturally smaller than others and thats how it is. Sure he can gain some weight from eating right and hitting the gym hard, but it will not always get you an extra 30-40lbs. or watever it is you are looking for. I was 145lbs my first time and gained up to 195lbs. and im 2 yrs. natural now and 185lbs. solid. doing that cycle helped me get my foundation to where i am today.
    every1's different
    good luck

    Thanks for backing me up, Alot of people on here wanna be bigger then life and us few that wanna be under 200 kinda get shit on. I just learned to take it because you will get some solid advice here and there. I think if your 25 or older people should just realize that your gonna do what you wanna do.

    My current body fat is 3.5% my best was 1.5% in high school.
    With my "bad diet" I dont know how im pulling that off "rollseyes"

    I have also been hitting up the diet section alot lately, and after readin a few threads im gonna change up my diet and see if I can get 500 more cals in.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by HugemongouS
    you cant say some1 who is 145lbs. has no foundation man. some ppl are just naturally smaller than others and thats how it is. Sure he can gain some weight from eating right and hitting the gym hard, but it will not always get you an extra 30-40lbs. or watever it is you are looking for. I was 145lbs my first time and gained up to 195lbs. and im 2 yrs. natural now and 185lbs. solid. doing that cycle helped me get my foundation to where i am today.
    every1's different
    good luck
    Bull shit.

    If you are 5'11" and weigh 145 I can say with 100% absolute certainty that you have 1) no diet and 2) no foundation. At that height and weight training natural will give you MINIMUM of 1-2 pounds a month, every SINGLE month until he weighs 180-200.

    If you are putting on 1-2 pound an month, you are doing things right.

    Gear will put some weight on you that will go away the minute you are off cycle because you have no foundation.

    PS- are you telling me that you put on 50 pounds on one cycle at 145 pounds?????? Get real.

  33. #33
    sounds good... i think you should try that for about 2-3 weeks see where you are and then up it to twice a week bcuz 1.5cc's a week is only around 300 or so mg. and i dont think it will help you get the full potential you can gain. as far as dbol goes start slow 20mg a day for a few days then up to 50mg a day and i wouldnt recomend more bcuz they say 50 is pushing it and it is very toxic to the liver. also quit drinking alcohol or atleast moderate it and no smoking cigs thats gross, smoke the greens picks up your apetite!!

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by znak
    Bull shit.

    If you are 5'11" and weigh 145 I can say with 100% absolute certainty that you have 1) no diet and 2) no foundation. At that height and weight training natural will give you MINIMUM of 1-2 pounds a month, every SINGLE month until he weighs 180-200.

    If you are putting on 1-2 pound an month, you are doing things right.

    Gear will put some weight on you that will go away the minute you are off cycle because you have no foundation.

    PS- are you telling me that you put on 50 pounds on one cycle at 145 pounds?????? Get real.
    haha... i said what i said and its true. first, 5'11" and 145lbs. doesnt mean you dont have a diet, like i said some people are naturally smaller than others with the genes they have in their family, not every1 is of avg. size (at 5'11" its avg. is to be 175lbs)and avg. means it varies +/- incase you dont understand average. second, you dont lose everything you gain unless youre a total retard and get depressed and stop lifting completely. of course your max on most excersizes will decrease but if you work hard at the gym you will only lose 10-20lbs. depending how hard you work and how effecient you eat. on the brightside after your cycle youre not at 145lbs anymore. third, you say gaining 1-2 lbs. a month is doing things "right" at that rate it'll take 2 yrs. to gain some good weight... if im not correct ppl take steriods for a reason TO GAIN SOME WEIGHT/MASS/MUCSLE/ or whatever theyre trying to achieve.
    Last edited by HugemongouS; 07-05-2005 at 03:06 PM.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    in a van down by the riv.
    ive only done 1 cycle but i made sure i had everything on hand. More than enough test and eq...more than enough nolva and clomid and many bottles of tribulus and tongkat ali...even stocked on protein supps b4 hand. Even went as far as having some l-dex in case water retention got bad. You might have to wait to get the funds to get it all together but then you can do your cycle worry free for the most part.

  36. #36
    You got pounded on those prices, ouch! I pretty much agree with what most people have already told you. Diet, training, and sleep. You could probably gain 15lbs in a year or so with proper diet. But thats just my 2cents

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by HugemongouS
    haha... i said what i said and its true. first, 5'11" and 145lbs. doesnt mean you dont have a diet, like i said some people are naturally smaller than others with the genes they have in their family, not every1 is of avg. size (at 5'11" its avg. is to be 175lbs)and avg. means it varies +/- incase you dont understand average. second, you dont lose everything you gain unless youre a total retard and get depressed and stop lifting completely. of course your max on most excersizes will decrease but if you work hard at the gym you will only lose 10-20lbs. depending how hard you work and how effecient you eat. on the brightside after your cycle youre not at 145lbs anymore. third, you say gaining 1-2 lbs. a month is doing things "right" at that rate it'll take 2 yrs. to gain some good weight... if im not correct ppl take steriods for a reason TO GAIN SOME WEIGHT/MASS/MUCSLE/ or whatever theyre trying to achieve.
    Thank you for the stellar definition of the word “average”, you must have at least a fifth grade education.

    Let me help you a little with what I am saying- people who weigh 145 pounds have absolutely no need whatsoever to use gear. Obviously, it will help you gain weigh, but it is a very stupid way to do it.

    The reason that you need a good foundation in both training and diet is, at a minimum, to prepare your joint and ligaments for the increased loads that they will be handling. Absolutely regardless of what your natural weigh is a homeostasis, gear is going to allow you to lift more weight.

    That too is a danger for someone that is 5’11” and 145 pounds. First, since he CLEARLY has not approached his natural weigh, his muscle, although they look ripped due to the lack of fat, lacks density and strength. A trained lifter benches about 150% of his body weight, squats 200% and dead lifts 250%. Let’s look at your 145 pounder… is he benching 220 lbs, squatting 290 and dead lifting 360?

    If he is not properly trained, all he is doing is pushing his joints well past their capability and running the risk of permanent damage.

    Funny part about getting to your natty potential is that you not only get stronger along the way, but the human body will grow muscle if you do two things: give it fuel and force it to lift more and more weight all the time.

    Let’s say your 145 pounder does what I am telling him. Let’s say he is twenty-five now. When he is twenty-six, he will weight 160, when he is twenty seven he will weigh 185, when he is twenty eight he will weigh 200. By the time he is thirty, he will look like a body builder even when he has his clothes on. He will be a 230 pound trained athlete.

    Now lets look at your variation. He get up to say 180 in four months, goes off cycle and drops down to 155-160. He will get 15 pounds every cycle that he keeps until he hurts himself, which is absolutely unavoidable. By the time he is thirty I guarantee that he will have quit lifting and will have very messed up joints.


  38. #38
    the guy is 25 so it would probably be a good guestimate that 145lbs. is his maximum attainable weight. therefore that is HIS foundation...
    Say he does get to 180(but if youre taking for 4 months you should gain more than that) and goes off cycle he should end up at the least weighing 165. That makes him +20lbs.... and all this is only true if he still trains hard after his cycle. plus,
    every1's different

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by HugemongouS
    the guy is 25 so it would probably be a good guestimate that 145lbs. is his maximum attainable weight. therefore that is HIS foundation...
    Say he does get to 180(but if youre taking for 4 months you should gain more than that) and goes off cycle he should end up at the least weighing 165. That makes him +20lbs.... and all this is only true if he still trains hard after his cycle. plus,
    every1's different
    I agree. like I said, if he is benching 220 lbs, squatting 290 and dead lifting 360.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yeah Ill be going hard once im off my cycle.
    I already have a different diet, no smoking, and a new workout planned to keep as much weight as possible.

    Im too focused to screw up now. I wanted to put on weight for the last 5 years and Im finally now dedicating a good chunk of my life and money to it.

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