If you had to give an estimate percente of the gians you keep becasue of clomid what would it be.
Also what about after clomid do you slowly lose your gains after clomid ?
If you had to give an estimate percente of the gians you keep becasue of clomid what would it be.
Also what about after clomid do you slowly lose your gains after clomid ?
the clomid is not what helps keep your gains. it is that your body will restore its natural test production.and thatis how u keep your gains
depends on what cycle you had,
but clomid really helps restore natural test.
how much ? no one answered it ...lol
%85 - %95.i'm not totally sure i understand your question.
if everything goes well. i guess this is a good number.
If i gain 20 pounds of muslce how much does the clomid help me retain ? Im sayin how much does it account for in terms of keeping gains. I know u have to contuine to work out hard and eat right.
what it does is restore your natural testosterone, so once it's back you will hold on to almost all you gained from your cycle, glutamine can help aswell (not restore your test but hold onto gains)
Well along side your natural test production, your diet and training are going to have alot to do with it, like Iron Horse said..depending on your cycle you could keep ALL 20 lbs of it...however if you were to do a cycle in which you did not use anything to cut water down, your going to lose that water weight afterwards..but its the quality muscle you should worry about.Originally posted by xplicit
If i gain 20 pounds of muslce how much does the clomid help me retain ? Im sayin how much does it account for in terms of keeping gains. I know u have to contuine to work out hard and eat right.
i'll bump it for you.. i have a similiar question> How long does the hardness affect last from cycles using winny or var or primo... Everyone says "winny will help harden you up" well how long does this last... What would be the point if you lose the hardness post cycle.. Imean if it lasts years then that is one thing...
I think D3m3nt3d answered your question well...watch out for water weight bro....what is the cycle your running???
test cyp 250mgs weeks 1-10
eq 400mgs weeks 1-10
winny 50mg tabs ed weeks 7-13
clomid 300mgs- first day
100mgs- 10days
50mgs-10 days
i dont think what im taking is too bad with gaining too much water weight but what should i take or do to keep it low
take liquidex to keep the water retention down.
is the water rentention bad on any of the gear im taking ?
not really. cyp could be bad but not really at those doses. i guess it depends on the person. if it would be a problem you could get some arimidex just in case.
nah, your EQ mixed in there should keep the props water down a little bit as EQ has only low water
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