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Thread: Steroids and Cocaine, HELP!

  1. #1

    Steroids and Cocaine, HELP!

    no this isn't a joke . . it's pretty ****in stupid actually, but i'm gonna be straight . . I started Tren A. three weeks ago and was doing 100mg 1 cc shots eod . . all three weekends falling on a Friday I drank and did cocaine . . I don't know what got into me, I know my last three weeks have been drug abuse though . . it's just been out of control and drugs aren't a good way to deal with your problems . . I know I ****ed up bad so I disposed of all my gear, and am not gonna touch drugs anymore as I had a bad experience Canada Day . .

    please guys this isn't a joke . . it's actually all very real . . i'm not an idiot or a retard, though many could say this . . my head just hasn't been straight the last few weeks . . I guess I was just trying to fill the void . . but i'm off everything now, and am gonna address my issues the safe way . .

    what can I do now?

    could I have done damage to my body in that short amount of time?

    what do I do guys?

    please i'm worried

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The coke would have done more damage than the gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    rec drug's should not be talked about on this board

    but you will be ok bro i know a lot of people of go on bender's with drink and drug's (not me)

    do not worry about it as long as you have stopped you body will heal the damage that was done

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i dont think coke and drinking for a few weekends will have any long term adverse side affects on you..
    i would take a week off, recoup, gather your thoughts....then get back into a good diet/training routine and eventually start on AS again the RIGHT way... no coke and no just have to realize what's more important to you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    not good for you mate obviously!not good for your heart,lot of stress mate!you should not take rec drugs and roid at the same time,recipe for dissaster.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    MBH is right, it would have done more damage than the AAS. Don't worry, just stay straight

  7. #7
    thanks guys . . good opinions when it's a serious topic on ones health . .

    but that's what I heard, I called the drug abuse hotline . . and as long as I stop my body will heal itself . .

    i'm gonna be straight . . the last few weeks were an eye opener on how this lifestyle isn't me . .

  8. #8
    so my cock is still gonna be able to function like a champ? . .

    three weeks isn't long term abuse . . just gotta give my body time to clean everything out . .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sun_Rype
    so my cock is still gonna be able to function like a champ? . .

    three weeks isn't long term abuse . . just gotta give my body time to clean everything out . .
    you should be just fine... do yourself a favor and read a little on this site before you get scared shitless..... you'd be surprised at some of the knowledgable information.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Just as an FYI to everyone...cocaine can be extremely hard on some people. Some people can use it...some people can't. I personally know of a 18 year old girl who tried time...her heart enlarged 40% and she went into congestive heart failure. She's fvcked for life for experimenting with cocaine. It is a drug that any cardiologist will tell you to stay the fvck away from!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Just as an FYI to everyone...cocaine can be extremely hard on some people. Some people can use it...some people can't. I personally know of a 18 year old girl who tried time...her heart enlarged 40% and she went into congestive heart failure. She's fvcked for life for experimenting with cocaine. It is a drug that any cardiologist will tell you to stay the fvck away from!!!
    agreed bro

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ask your doctor to prescribe you CLONIDINE... it is used to help over come coccaine withdrawals

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    two states
    coke is pretty bad. One thing I've heard about it is that after you do it, for a while your brain doesn't handle serotonin it's usual way, so you end up being depressed for some time. Have you felt that? (like clinical depression, where everything seems gloomy and there's noting to look forward to?)
    I think there could be some connection the effect of Charlie and AS on your brain chemistry at the same time. Even though most gear users do their research and have preventative measures ready, the effects of both recreational and AS are probably not the best. So, yeah....staying clean and sober is a pretty good idea.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Sun_Rype
    no this isn't a joke . . it's pretty ****in stupid actually, but i'm gonna be straight . . I started Tren A. three weeks ago and was doing 100mg 1 cc shots eod . . all three weekends falling on a Friday I drank and did cocaine . . I don't know what got into me, I know my last three weeks have been drug abuse though . . it's just been out of control and drugs aren't a good way to deal with your problems . . I know I ****ed up bad so I disposed of all my gear, and am not gonna touch drugs anymore as I had a bad experience Canada Day . .

    please guys this isn't a joke . . it's actually all very real . . i'm not an idiot or a retard, though many could say this . . my head just hasn't been straight the last few weeks . . I guess I was just trying to fill the void . . but i'm off everything now, and am gonna address my issues the safe way . .

    what can I do now?

    could I have done damage to my body in that short amount of time?

    what do I do guys?

    please i'm worried
    I'm not gonna flame ya because it seems you're already beating yourslef up about it -which is a good thing. Yes you read that right--it's a good thing your beating yourself up about it and I'll give you some good reasons why.

    1) Coke destroys your nasal cavities.
    2) Makes you think on the level of a TWEAKER ie. someone who uses meth. Your probably saying it's not meth, but unless you're getting it straight from Colombia or making it yourself you can most certainly put your money on it that whatever you put up your nose was cut with meth, and some other house hold cleaning products.
    3) Coke takes your appetite away and as someone who want to improve their body, your appetite is number one.
    4) Steroids+Cocaine=HEART ATTACK WAITING TO HAPPEN (and I've seen it first hand!)
    5) Coke makes you do stupid sh!t

    I could go on forever, but I wanna tell everyone a little story for those who don't think it's a very big deal.

    My younger sister was into coke for a while and gradually gotinto other things like oxy and whatnot. One day she came home and didn't look right, almost like she was waiting to throw up. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she had been up all night doing coke with her friends. I bitched at her like she was my daughter, then left. The next day after I got home from work she was lying on the couch resting. She said that she hadn't felt good since. Anyway, she comes to find out that the person she's been getting her stuff from gets it by the once the CUTS IT WITH ACETONE. Did you get that ACETONE. That's what they use in paint thinner! This person cut 1oz of coke with 1oz of acetone. Now this is just one story of some of the crap I've seen coke being cut with. I'm not even gonna get into a high school friend of mine who is currenty in prison for drug related charges (and belive meyou don't want to know what he's there for). Guys I can't scream loud enough to tell you how stupid it is to do coke or anyother white drug for that matter. Stick to being freaky hugh and not freakishly tweaker skinny.

  15. #15
    at first when I was doing it, it was a high . . than came the anxiety and paranoia . .

    than the next day after Canada Day! (Cocaine Day!) depression, anxiety and paranoia set in . .

    yesterday was miserable bros . . today my heads a lot more clear, but I still have to address this issue has it just recently happened . .

    yep staying clean is a good idea, one i'm gonna do . . I guess I just got caught up and wasn't thinking straight the past few weeks . . I won't be going out for the next month or so on weekends . . but working primarily on getting back to a good routine . . and getting things back to how they were . .

    guys making me feel a bit more promising . . glad this issue was caught and corrected quickly . .

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I let this thread stand for a while. Now advice has been given and since AR does not support the use of any rec drug...I am going to close this thread.

  17. #17
    Cocaine is not a good drug for you apparently. You have extreme reactions to it upon withdrawal (anxiety, etc..). I'd say you should stay away from it.

    I'd like to applaud everyone in this thread for not pulling the "Holier-than-thou card" on this guy. A year ago, he would have been flamed mercilessly....we've come a long way.

    Go reward yourselves with a few lines...

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