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Thread: Question about PCT?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York

    Question about PCT?

    OK here is my problem fellas. I am currently in my first week of PCT and realize that I cant take much more of this feeling without gear. I feel like I need to continue and I want to continue. Already in the first week ive lost 10 pounds and I hate it. So what I want to know is should i completley finish PCT or just jump right into my next cycle. Either way Im going to start up again but when do you think I should start? Before im done with PCT or the day after im done with my clomid?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    time on = time off.
    if you go strait into another cycle your body will never recover properly.
    there is no need to loose to much weight during pct.
    this is the time you want to train your ass off and eat like an animal.
    you are asking for troubble if you go back on right away.
    be strong and tough it out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    do exactly what dive kid said. theres no point to go for a crazy long time on ur first cycle. wait it out a few months then if u want go on ur next cycle. u dont want to burn urself out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Im currently on my 11th week off cylce.. I`ve lost about 11lbs since i finished my last cycle and believe me bro i feel your pain!

    im currently weighing 210lbs with about 8-10%bf, i mentally feel like crap but i know I will have much better gains from my next cyle becasue i have had the same amount of time off the gear as i had on. Its one of those things where you have to grin and bear it.. Its the little things that bother you like a top which was tight 11 weeks ago is now a little looser etc etc..

    just concentrate on your diet and training bud and the weeks will fly by

  5. #5
    Are you guys using any cortisol blockers, like Lean Extreme?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    damn 10 pounds in the first week thats alot.. what were you running, what did your cycle look like?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New York
    Test cyp 500mg per week, eq 500 mg per week, and dbol 50 mg per day for 4 weeks.
    1-16 Test cyp
    1-16 Eq
    2-6 dbol
    I understand what everyone is sayng but this is not my first cycle. I have done a few. Plus I was feeling great on my cycle and now i feel like ive lost everything i worked for!!! I really want to continue cycling!! I read some of these guys threads on here and it says that they cycle all year around. How do they do it? Or is it that they just dont care?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    how much weight did you gain tho and what were youre stats before you started? How old are you?

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