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Thread: 3 test questions. please help guys.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.

    Angry 3 test questions. please help guys.

    Hi guys. I had made some posts regarding lower side ache while on tren. I went to the doctor, did blood work, got my results. CPK-enzymes normal, Kidneys, liver -sugar ok, thyroid normal, white (something?) good, blood tests look good. The pain was never bad but it was failry constant and noticeable. The doctor suggested that I just hurt something lifting. Anyway, that was more of a front lower pain right under my rib and the doc said it may have been the gall bladder acting up. I waited 7 weeks and everything felt fine 100%. Once in a while after golfing or working obliques I would feel a light pain there but nothing much. I started my first shot (1ml) test 250 yesterday and am on milk thistle, cranberry extract, 1 gallon of water daily. I am having a back pain just under my right rib cage but on my back? I think that would be my kidney? I have had tests done twice now at the doctors office and both come back good. Is there a test I am missing? Is this normal for test? I also got finasteride from our sponsor, I want to take it now, how is it administered throughout the cycle? Finally, if I stop the cycle now after just 1 inject, should I kick up the clomid still to get my boys working again? They haven't been working too good since I quit the tren because I did no pct since I only did 3 shots of that junk too. I'm trying to go about this the right way, I really wanted this test 250. Not willing to kill a kidney or liver over it but I keep going back to the doctors tests and everything comes back good. Let me know how much finasteride to use and how often, in the mean time I am going to the searches on here to check it out. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    as for ARR's finasteride, how many squirts amount to 5 mg?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    US Enough Said.
    From what I can tell by looking at diagrams, it's a pain where my kidneys are. It's not showing up on tests unless there are tests the doc is missing. Are my kidneys just inflaming? I have decided to be done for good with aas as my body doesn't like them much for some reason. Should I start PCT now even though I am only 1 inject into the test 250? I can guarantee my body will shut it's test down though without pct. What would you guys do? Please help me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    well, i would assume that there isnt anything wrong with your kidneys since theyve test you and everything is fine...some bros talk about low back pains on certain cycles that im pretty sure have nothing to do with kidney malfunction...i wouldnt worry about it...maybe youve got a herniated disc or something? juicing makes you stronger/more aggressive so maybe youve overdone it in the gym or elsewhere??? id just pop some anti inflammatories and stretch before and after, get a good rub, or maybe go to a physical therapist...i wouldnt guess it's the drugs dood...just my opinion


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    Thanks for the reply Alpha. I know it's not from lifting because over a year ago I did a fina cycle and I immediately got the same results. I am wondering if the doc is missing something or what. I have been so confused and 2 doc visits each with bloodwork show I am healthy. the pain is on the right side under my rib cage above my him, it is mostly in my back. it could be inflamation like you said, maybe my muscles swell while on juice or something. I will try an Ibuprofine and see if it reduces swelling or anything. I have clear urine, white eyes, and good bloodwork tests.. What would the doc be missing, how many tests should he do? He sends me a hand written page with my results and it doesnt say levels, just everything is good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    yeah, ive gotten those before...funk that shite, you have a right to see your results...nowadays, i get my results listed with acceptable ranges to the right, and I always double check cuz sometimes you find differing ideas on what "acceptable" ranges this guy a GP? my GP had no idea what was wrong with me, until he sent me to a specialist who diagnosed my rheumatoid (seems my bloodwork is fine, but i still have it--it's called zero-positive)...that being said, if you really think you're having problems with your kidneys, i'd go to a specialist...if you have insurance like mine, you dont need a try an MD who practices internal medicine or maybe a urologist...someone else might have a better suggestion though...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    that's some good info alpha. thanks man. I'm going to check into a specialist just to be safe. What do you think about pct? I don't want to not do it cause I know I will be shut down and my drive will be lost.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    since you've only done one shot, you shouldnt need much...i think youd be safe running clomid a couple weeks, 100mg/day first week, 50mg/day second...get some tribulus as well and run that up until your next cycle, IMO...i dont think you would really need Nolva here, but some may disagree...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    I think you are right about nolva. I have never been prone to gyno but I am so sad, I have been waiting a year to do a cycle and I timed it right and then I felt side pain, went to the doc, said it was ok so hit up the t250, pain returned. Even a year ago I had the pain when I would do fina. My very first cycle of fina was smooth, after that the pain started. I will head to a specialist to be safe. Thanks for giving me some suggestions. I will do like you said with the clomid. Does my description of the pain sound like it's the kidney area or what? Confusing shit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    just throwing this out there, it might not be right, but

    some guys using tren complain about sharp pains from calves, legs, and other parts of the body.. it was suggested that it is because those certain muscles haven't been trained enough.. they aren't proportional to the rest of the body..

    have you been doing quality lower back exercises. mabey your lower back is not developed enough to support your other growing muscles while on tren..

    i would never suggest you train back if it's in too much pain though.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by badmoto
    Thanks for the reply Alpha. I know it's not from lifting because over a year ago I did a fina cycle and I immediately got the same results. I am wondering if the doc is missing something or what. I have been so confused and 2 doc visits each with bloodwork show I am healthy. the pain is on the right side under my rib cage above my him, it is mostly in my back. it could be inflamation like you said, maybe my muscles swell while on juice or something. I will try an Ibuprofine and see if it reduces swelling or anything. I have clear urine, white eyes, and good bloodwork tests.. What would the doc be missing, how many tests should he do? He sends me a hand written page with my results and it doesnt say levels, just everything is good.

    got the same problem did you ever figure out what it was?

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