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  1. #1
    ripin-tx is offline New Member
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    Mar 2002

    sufficient or not?

    Going to be starting a cycle with one of my boys here in a few weeks. Already loaded up and ready to go but need some opinions on this cycle. Here it is.

    wks 1-10
    Eq @ 200mg a week
    Deca @ 300mg a week
    Test 400 @ mga week

    wk 11&12
    Prop @ 50mg ED

    WK 13-17

    gOOD OR NOT? Should I substitue the t400 for ethanate @ 400mg a wk

  2. #2
    Dizzy's Avatar
    Dizzy is offline Banned
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    Mar 2002
    IMO pick either eq or deca . the only reason i would run both is if i didn't grow off of low doses of either one anymore. you know? like if i wanted to run 750-1000mg of deca but didn't want to risk progesterone gyno...then i'd split the large dose with deca and eq. example: 500mg deca, and 500mg eq. with doses that low...just pick one or the other and run it at 400mg

    i would go with 400mg of enanthate mainly because the low dose of prop in t-400 is pointless. 25mg with 188mg of long esters? doesn't make any sense to me at all. that 25mg would be halved in two to three days. and even if you split a cc of the t-400 it would be too low a dose of prop to be any benefit. wasted prop and more importantly wasted milligrams of test IMO.

    about the prop. you won't start clomid until the start of week 14 because of the long half life of eq or deca (which ever you choose to run). so run prop 11-13. make sure to wait like 4 or 5 days after last shot of prop to start clomid. good luck dude.

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