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Thread: Prop At End Of Cyle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    At The Squat Rack

    Exclamation Prop At End Of Cyle?

    I know people use prop at the beginning of a cycle to give it a kickstart

    But i'm interested to know why it is sometimes used for the last 2-3 weeks

    Is it so you can keep making gains by staying on cycle right up until PCT?

  2. #2
    Its a nice kick at the end..i love prop. Id say you can keep making gains and it makes it easier to start your PCT...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    When prop is cycled at the end of a cycle after a long estered test it allows you to keep test levels elevated until you start your PCT clomid.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by punk_bbuilder
    Its a nice kick at the end..i love prop. Id say you can keep making gains and it makes it easier to start your PCT...
    Easier to start PCT?
    Because all the components finish together?

    Is it only worth doing prop at the end if you're already stacking compounds?

    Would it be worth doing if you were only on 1?

  5. #5
    Your only taking Eq...test should have already been involved in the equation..If your taking a long acting ester then prop at the end would be able to keep levels pretty peaked up untill pct...

    but as I said..test should have already been there ..if your taking just eq its not really worth it in my opinion..but to each his own.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    When prop is cycled at the end of a cycle after a long estered test it allows you to keep test levels elevated until you start your PCT clomid.
    Thought as much
    Just needed it confirming

    I guess there's no overlap of the compounds?
    Just take last shot of Long ester Test, then straight onto Prop ED for 2-3 weeks?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ant_8u
    Just take last shot of Long ester Test, then straight onto Prop ED for 2-3 weeks?
    Yep....depending on the ester. Then start your clomid 2-3 days after your last shot of prop.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by punk_bbuilder
    Your only taking Eq...test should have already been involved in the equation..If your taking a long acting ester then prop at the end would be able to keep levels pretty peaked up untill pct...

    but as I said..test should have already been there ..if your taking just eq its not really worth it in my opinion..but to each his own.

    You mixed my thread with the last 1 we were reading bro

    I'm gonna be on Test Enth, Deca and Dbol
    Was thinking about Prop at the end to keep Test levels high

  9. #9
    sounds good to me ...ive done similar cycles.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Yep....depending on the ester. Then start your clomid 2-3 days after your last shot of prop.

    Quote Originally Posted by punk_bbuilder
    sounds good to me ...ive done similar cycles.

    Thanks bro's

    4 weeks Dbol 30mg ED
    11 weeks Deca 400mg (might cut this out)
    12 weeks Test Enth 500mg

    Am i right in saying Prop would be run for 2 weeks, as PCT starts 2 weeks after Enanthate?
    I think it's possible to extend this period if i drop the Deca (PCT starts 3 weeks after Deca) because i'll still have Test in my system from the Prop

    What would you suggest for the Prop?
    2 weeks at 75mg ED/ 150mg EOD?

  11. #11
    you could just do 15 weeks
    12-15 Prop 150mg EOD....would have some overlap but it might be good...i did this my last cycle with a few drugs...Its at your disclosure but this would allow for the enth to be completly out allow the shorter ester to take over which you would be able to start your PCT in a short time after your last injection... Once again..just an idea.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    At The Squat Rack
    Thanks for all the info bros

    I've decided i will do prop at the end of my cycle

    I just have to work out the dosage and time-span

    Thanks again bros

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