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Thread: hypertension

  1. #1


    anyone in here been diagnosed or have hypertension? and if so how has the juice affected it? one more thing what type of meds are you on. just diagnosed myself and have been put on vasotech daily 5mg. was doing 600 test enth and deca 300 a week. i am mid cycle and just looking for some answers. appreciate the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    well, AAS can raise your BP, especially things like long as you monitor it often, i think you'll be fine...but i'm not a doc

    some cycles have raised my BP, but it goes down after i get off


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tatersaladisgood
    anyone in here been diagnosed or have hypertension? and if so how has the juice affected it? one more thing what type of meds are you on. just diagnosed myself and have been put on vasotech daily 5mg. was doing 600 test enth and deca 300 a week. i am mid cycle and just looking for some answers. appreciate the help.
    Yup, I am one of those who got HBP (high blood pressure) from gear. It's under control now though.

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