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Thread: Got blood today

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Got blood today

    Well today i need to do my other half of my E4d shot and as I was aspirating I drew in blood.

    It was pretty scary and I pulled out imediatly.

    I was pretty shook up about the whole thing for a while, even had a slight anxiouty attack and had to sit down with my shirt off and the fan blowing on me because I was sweating so heavily.

    I then called and begged my GF to come over and do it for me (yeah I pussed out) and she did even though it is late.

    I just didnt want to leave the blood sitting in the pin overnight.
    I was able to avoid putting the blood back in me by letting the pin sit with the needle pointing up and this caused the blood to set at the bottom and after about 30 mins or so it was pretty much permantly stuck there for some reason.

    My Gf did the injection and all went well and I could see that she stopped before the blood which was cool also.

    Now I got a slight needle phobia, hope it goes away by next inject since Ive never been afraid of them before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    it was bound to happen sometime or another...when that happens to me..i take it out..push the blood out and restick!! will happen more times.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    what a over it's bound to happen again...dont freak out, just pull out and re-poke may have a bruise from hittin the vein, but that's about it...good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    My house
    wow man u really panicked. Like said, squird the blood out and stick it in again. I had it once in my thigh, but no worries. U may bruise, but no worries u pulled it out. Dont get all psyched up about taking shots, it will just get u paraniod. But u didnt know so no u do.

  5. #5
    I once pierced a vein in my thigh, though i dont think i injected in to it (when i didnt know what i was doing) I definitely felt strange afterwards ( it was test250 ) i felt like a damn animal lol it was intense

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    bro it's no big deal... it doesn't even rank up there with cutting yourself while shaving.... just pull out... switch pins.. and re-stick... i m more freaked when i hit a nerve in my legs... muscle starts twitchin while pin is still in there...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I guess I was just over reacting but it really freaked me out.

    I see how things go on monday when its time to do it again, thank god I have a gf for stuff like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    wow you haven't been pinning long have ya lol

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SeanStew
    I once pierced a vein in my thigh, though i dont think i injected in to it (when i didnt know what i was doing) I definitely felt strange afterwards ( it was test250 ) i felt like a damn animal lol it was intense

    I did the same thing once and couldn't walk for nearly a week. I had a huge red spot (mayeb it was infected) on my leg.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    bro it's no big deal... it doesn't even rank up there with cutting yourself while shaving.... just pull out... switch pins.. and re-stick... i m more freaked when i hit a nerve in my legs... muscle starts twitchin while pin is still in there...
    Yes, hate it when I hit a nerve and the muscle twitches.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Blood is heavier than oil. To purge blood from the rig, hold it point-down and squirt it out. Then tip it up and change pins, try again. If any biological contaminants are in the syringe, even traces you can't see, as in when you aspirate blood and then purge it out, you want to shoot right away and not hold it for hours or a day.

    If you are really noid, you can just toss the rig and the gear in it, you know. It isn't liquid gold or anything like that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Hijack, but on-topic. Tonight I hit a major vein, outside quad, could tell right away after I broke the skin. I pulled out immediately and some major blood came out. Within 1 minute, the area was totally swollen. So, do I have a big ball of blood in my leg or what? I have injected myself daily for 120 days, never had this before.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    pinned thru a major vein

    Tonight I hit a major vein, outside quad, could tell right away after I broke the skin. I pulled out immediately and some major blood came out. Within 1 minute, the area was totally swollen, and still is 3 hours later. So, do I have a big ball of blood in my leg or what? I have injected myself daily for 120 days, never had this before.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Your little sister
    y is it bad to inject your own blood back into yourself? i dont understand y its bad?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Tonight I hit a major vein, outside quad, could tell right away after I broke the skin. I pulled out immediately and some major blood came out. Within 1 minute, the area was totally swollen, and still is 3 hours later. So, do I have a big ball of blood in my leg or what? I have injected myself daily for 120 days, never had this before.

    I did that in my Delt not long ago! It was swollen for about 8 hours or so. Not to will be fine! See I'm still alive to type this to you!
    I'm feelin kinda good though, I just finished my last shot of Prop! I will be hitting PCT in a few days, but I'm not gonna miss the shots for a while.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by caban
    y is it bad to inject your own blood back into yourself? i dont understand y its bad?

    because blod clots up and can cause some serious infections when its in the muscle.

    When you aspirate (dude have you ever even done gear?) you DONT want to see blood. The reason why is because where your injecting there isnt any blood and there shouldnt be any, so putting blood where there shouldnt be any is gonna cause problems and infections.

    I heard horror stories of hospital trips and getting cut open and blood clots removed that where infected.

    Ever seen Requiem for a Dream? When you see the dude get his arm amputated the reason why is the answer to your question why it is bad.

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