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Thread: Told My Dealer to F*** OFF

  1. #1

    Told My Dealer to F*** OFF

    Today was the final straw. Ive stook up for this guy for the past year even though some people were telling me that his stuff was fake. I bought sooooo much gear from this guy solely based on his word. Well, his word doesnt produce results. From the begining i questioned his product, and ive never done that, even when buying off of internet sites. He swore his product to be real so i trusted him, and lets just say i wasnt happy with the outcome. This morining i called him and was like, im giving you back whatever i have that hasnt been opened and i want my money back. He said fine and i just got back like almost half my money. I feel like such a sucker though because i trusted this guy and he tricked me. Im not made about the money im more upset about the time i lost. I was planning on entering the next local show near my home, so i had my cylcles planned out accordingly. I feel like choking his little skinny ass. Anyways, screw it, im goining to get back on some stuff from the guy i usually deal with and get soooooooooo big that hell wont even look at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I F**KN HATE LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Did you ever see any results when you first used gear from this guy?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    stick to what you know is sources can be good. but they are also a risk..i hate scamemers...every scammer i come across is getting his ass choked out if i can get to um.

  4. #4
    his orals were good, but his injectables did absolutely nothing. WHile on the tren i got no night sweats, no insominia, my pee didnt change color. The test i was using didnt raise my blood pressure, the my hasnt increased, and i dont hae that feeling of being warm all over when working out. SO id say. no, i cant say i see much of a result.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sorry to hear that Bro!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Uconish
    Today was the final straw. Ive stook up for this guy for the past year even though some people were telling me that his stuff was fake. I bought sooooo much gear from this guy solely based on his word. Well, his word doesnt produce results. From the begining i questioned his product, and ive never done that, even when buying off of internet sites. He swore his product to be real so i trusted him, and lets just say i wasnt happy with the outcome. This morining i called him and was like, im giving you back whatever i have that hasnt been opened and i want my money back. He said fine and i just got back like almost half my money. I feel like such a sucker though because i trusted this guy and he tricked me. Im not made about the money im more upset about the time i lost. I was planning on entering the next local show near my home, so i had my cylcles planned out accordingly. I feel like choking his little skinny ass. Anyways, screw it, im goining to get back on some stuff from the guy i usually deal with and get soooooooooo big that hell wont even look at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I F**KN HATE LIARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just kill him. and torture him to death

    thats what id do

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    well bro the lack of sides os not that big of an indicator, im on tren and i have almost no sides and im geting huge, but i hate scammers too i feel ya

  8. #8
    Roid dealers are some of the dirtiest around... I hate them all. Even mine.

    They are dirty because theres no legal recourse. You can't sue someone for not providing the illegal substance you paid for. Its the law. They know this. Additionally, if theyre out of the country then youre really out of luck.

    Also, they are dirty because steroids are used by people with emotional problems. We all suffer from low self asteem and a need to be better. They prey on this and charge hefty prices or give fake gear because they know there will always be buyers.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ever get fina cough? Almost everyone does at least on the rare occasion, even with low doses. So underdosed but genuine tren should still have given you the cough or at least that scratchy feeling at least once in the several weeks that you used it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    what was he selling you then, you better check taht shit out man. Have you just been injecting veggie oil into your body?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    delts and quads
    man, sorry to here that bro. I hate people who don't know how to be honest. A man has no name for himself without honesty and loyalty. Good luck with your next source.

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