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  1. #1
    bigsupplyeu's Avatar
    bigsupplyeu is offline Banned
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    Nolvadex & Arimidex block gains. . .

    In this months issue of Muscular Development (best mag ever), it states that anti-aromatizing and anti-estrogen medication such as Arimidex (Liquidex) and Nolvadex take out some of the "oomph" from a cycle. If this is the case, whats a recommended dosage to maximize gains, while still minimizing sides and bloating. Or is .25mg Ldex and 10mg Nolva ED the minimum?

  2. #2
    Dark Bird's Avatar
    Dark Bird is offline Associate Member
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    You know, thats always been interesting to me. The whole deal about est blockers reducing gains. Some have said that some blockers actually increase gains though. Ive heard that arimidex for example could inhibit potential gains but nolvadex and proviron may actually increase them (of course proviron is a steroid though). Ive experienced both nolva and arimidex and id have to say nolva actually helped me out. I know for certain it didnt decrease anything gains wise. Armidex im not entirely sure but i used very low and it def didnt help. Bump on this.

  3. #3
    joeben22 is offline Associate Member
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    bump for more opinions on this

  4. #4
    nyyanks201's Avatar
    nyyanks201 is offline Junior Member
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  5. #5
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    It can go either way...

    Im a true believer that Nolva blocks A LOT of your water gains. You may even shrink if you start using nolva later in a cycle rather than from the start. But come on, lets be honest here, is water in your muscles really considered 'gains'? No...

    To me, the anti-e's like Nolva will decrease the IMAGE of you since they cut down on water, but they help solidify the real muscle thats on you. So you may look smaller with them being used but youre actually getting more muscle from using them...

    Ya know?

  6. #6
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    So far as ive read, estrogen is also important to growth. Taking it completely out of the equation is not good. What ive gathered recently tells me this : have the ldex and Nolva on hand. if your aas seem to start bad sides, treat with standard doses (10-20mg ED nolva, .25 arim ED) until sides go away. treat again if needed. the point is to only lower estrogen if its being a pest. After a cycle, and AAS run out of the blood, there is supposed to be a high level of estro production. This is a critical time to use arim/nolva. Of course, with other PCT drugs - clomid, clen for eg.

  7. #7
    j martini is offline Member
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    You should always have some estrogen present in your body cutting it completely will hinder gains. If you eliminate estrogen strength gains will not be as good as retaining water lubricates the joints and makes you stronger.
    You want estrogen levels to be high enough that you get this effect, but not high enough to cause gyno and excess fat gain.

  8. #8
    russia dog's Avatar
    russia dog is offline Member
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    depends on goal
    cutting - no need estrogen, need to be hard on stage
    bulking - need to lift heavy, minimal estrogen require

  9. #9
    russia dog's Avatar
    russia dog is offline Member
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    as for me, never a big fans of estrogen, i think its too risky, the estrogen-induced side
    and gain is merely water---- i rather have no estrogen and may be gain a lil less (un-noticable)

  10. #10
    bigsupplyeu's Avatar
    bigsupplyeu is offline Banned
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    Jul 2005
    This is true. Good advice russia dog.

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