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Thread: How much Ephedra

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Question How much Ephedra

    ive been on it a while and im starting to see it stopping to work. i know some people take as much as 160 mcg of clen a day, how much ephedra is too much where u are not getting any good out of it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I believe if you take Benadryl it will work to help the ephedra have more of an effect the same way Ketotifen works for Clen.

  3. #3
    I wouldn't exceed over 75-100mg of ephedra a day.

    stick to 50mg for safety.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ive been taking about 125mcg for about 7 weeks, i didnt know if i went up to 150mcg if it would do me any good, is that about equal to 150 mcg of clen?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Both benadryl and ketotifen work the same for ephedra and clen, one just costs much less and you can pick it up at CVS.

    I take the ECA stack up to 50 mg's 3 x's a day, 150 mg per day, no problems.

    If you remember, when ephedra was in Xenadrine, etc. they said right on the bottle not to exceed two pills, 3x's a day. Those pills were 25mg each because I still have some of the pre-mixed ECA stack pills before it was pulled from the market.

    However, I would suggest starting with half that, 25mg, up to 3x's a day, and if that works there is no need to go so high. Everyone is different, I can only speak from my experience but I've used this stuff on and off for the past 7 years.

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