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Thread: Still not sure whats right for me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Steak 'n Shake

    Still not sure whats right for me

    I am currently 180 lbs 5'10. I am looking to put on some mass but not too much(dont want to loose a step 4.5s 40yd) Ihave done one deca/test e cycle before and have lost some its been a while and im ready for my next cycle ive been reading alot and am definately more knowlegable but am still not sure what is right for me..... All i have ever really know was test and deca. I was thinking test only at 500-600mg a week you think thats fine or should i throw deca in there too, or any other cycles ya'll could suggest would be great.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Steak 'n Shake

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You wont get TOO BIG by mistake. On any cycle you will control your weight by diet and calories. To me its a waste to cycle at all if you dont want to add alot of size.

  4. #4
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    Jun 2005
    La La Land
    Prop is good for lean muscle gains.... The shots suck but the results are good!!!

    Do some more research on it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tommy39
    You wont get TOO BIG by mistake. On any cycle you will control your weight by diet and calories. To me its a waste to cycle at all if you dont want to add alot of size.
    I agree by you controlling your weight, but completely disagree with your second comment. Everyone has their own specific goals. Some want to add tones of size, some want to cut, and yes some want to only add lean mass and are willing to sacrifice possible mass for it. But its not our decision to judge that. Who am I to tell an athlete that he can only use steroids if he wants to be big and fat???

  6. #6
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    La La Land
    Quote Originally Posted by beefjr22
    I am currently 180 lbs 5'10. I am looking to put on some mass but not too much(dont want to loose a step 4.5s 40yd) Ihave done one deca/test e cycle before and have lost some its been a while and im ready for my next cycle ive been reading alot and am definately more knowlegable but am still not sure what is right for me..... All i have ever really know was test and deca. I was thinking test only at 500-600mg a week you think thats fine or should i throw deca in there too, or any other cycles ya'll could suggest would be great.


    Bro your about my size and it sounds like you are looking for a lean mass building cycle.... You shouldn't lose a step in the 40 if you continue to exercise your running drills and leg workouts properly.. I would recommend Test/Prop/Winny.... Do some more research and bump for other opinions from other/more experienced members

    Good luck

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