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Thread: help with 1st cycle and what

  1. #1

    help with 1st cycle and what

    Hey fella's

    im 19 from england an about 6ft 2 and weigh 9 1/2 stone ( yer sucks to be me ) i propper look tall and skinny. I have been trying to read and find info on how to do a cycle and how long it should be and how many cycles, how much i should take and of what. My goal is basically to get some muscle not to be massive but you know something thats gonna get me noticed. im gonna start the gym this weekend. i work mon-fri so it will be sat and sun at the gym. ( i should be ok doing the gym stuff on my own )

    i see to go here i dont have anything to shop online yet but that can be sorted. i dont really wanna get off the streets if i can help it although my mates have an i guess thats where i could go. i dont think they went the gym but they look great just of steds??

    thanks for any help im just basically looking for the basics oh and i would like tables rather then to inject
    Last edited by Fezarella^; 07-13-2005 at 01:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    first off bro, you shouldnt even be thinking about steroids for many reasons: too young, too small, and you havent even started training yet? You should train hard and gain naturally for several years before taking steroids. Diet, training, and rest are the keys to gaining muscle. If you dont know how to do any of that, you wont get anything from steroids. Steroids arent miracle drugs, you actually have to train harder and eat extremely well to get solid gains. Go to the diet forum on here and check out the bulking sticky

    If you can eat like that and train more than twice a week (4-5 is good), you'll put on size in no time. Besides youre too young, you risk causing damage to body by taking gear at a young age

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    your too young bro.. utilize your naturally high test levels and EAT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Get some good quality training under your belt first of all. When you first begin training the gains come quick. Strength and weight gains will improve with good nutrition/rest and training. Get yourself some weight gainer (N Large2 is good) and some Creatine (Reflex Creapure is also good). Take half a scoop of Creatine pre-work out and a full scoop after with the weight gainer and watch the scales increase.

    Good Luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    before you even think about usin roids mate you really need to get at least 3 years gym time under your belt,in that three years if you trained hard and eat correctly you would or could put on at least 30 lbs naturally.trainin just sat n sund will not help as much as trainin 4 times a week mate,i and most people on this site have a regular job and we get down the gym at least 4 times weekly so i dont see why you have a lot to learn oral only cycles suck ass big time,unless you are goin2 use anavar wich is fu*kin expensive!

  6. #6
    ok.. been reading the stuff and gonna sort out my food and take meals into work ( i work 7 in the morning till 5, up at 5:30) so eating in work is gonna be a big part i guess . as for the gym i didnt know it was open later on so yer i can go 4-5 times a week. when i get this sorted with some stuff swifto said ( thx ) and just see what happens. i only said tablets cause dunno where to stick needle etc but maybe in a few months i deffo wanna see if i can get somthing sorted on steds. yeah i do have alot to learn hopefully here i can

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    For all you people that thought I was talking out of my ass in the thread about the 19 year on tv, this thread further proves my point. If you are a teen and dont lie about your age and ask a question about juice you will constantly be told about how you are to young and wont get the help you were seeking.

    with all that aside, the fact that you are calling yourself tall and skinny shows that you arent ready. You should feel fairly confident about your size before you begin your cycle, otherwise you will depend more on the drug and less on the training and eating during your cycle.

  8. #8
    yer ok thx, i dont wanna depend on the drug i do want muscle. i want to do this for me and want to do it right, dont wanna end up a water bomb or deformed etc. still got alot to read on the site it has alot of usefull info but it thought id ask. i will keep coming here an going the gym etc and just take it easy and see how it go's. as long as i just keep to the eating and training thats more than what im doing now. so just see what happens im not in no rush but id like the extra help ( not the roids yet then ) but from the info and what's best to do

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    sounds like you on the right track then bro

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezarella^
    ok.. been reading the stuff and gonna sort out my food and take meals into work ( i work 7 in the morning till 5, up at 5:30) so eating in work is gonna be a big part i guess . as for the gym i didnt know it was open later on so yer i can go 4-5 times a week. when i get this sorted with some stuff swifto said ( thx ) and just see what happens. i only said tablets cause dunno where to stick needle etc but maybe in a few months i deffo wanna see if i can get somthing sorted on steds. yeah i do have alot to learn hopefully here i can

    yes you do have a lot to learn mate,stick around you will gain a lot of knowledge here,good luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by Fezarella^
    Hey fella's

    im 19 from england an about 6ft 2 and weigh 9 1/2 stone ( yer sucks to be me ) i propper look tall and skinny. I have been trying to read and find info on how to do a cycle and how long it should be and how many cycles, how much i should take and of what. My goal is basically to get some muscle not to be massive but you know something thats gonna get me noticed. im gonna start the gym this weekend. i work mon-fri so it will be sat and sun at the gym. ( i should be ok doing the gym stuff on my own )

    i see to go here i dont have anything to shop online yet but that can be sorted. i dont really wanna get off the streets if i can help it although my mates have an i guess thats where i could go. i dont think they went the gym but they look great just of steds??

    thanks for any help im just basically looking for the basics oh and i would like tables rather then to inject
    You have alot to learn bro. Stick with this site and you will learn a great deal! Stay natural for now and eat LOTS of good CLEAN food. Visit the diet section and read those stickies for help. Steroids don't present you with some fantastic change in body overnight, they just help you when you have reached your genetic limits and need that extra boost.
    You will need more than just the weekend to train too.

  12. #12
    yer going shopping with mum and checked out a temp gym at the golf course untill next month i get my 2nd pay from new job i will join the leisure center will be training 4-5 times. If i make a eating plan thing pver the weekend can i post it so yous can check it out?? and just a quick question.... in school i took p.e for a lesson an the teacher said in the gym you only need 1 hour a work out would you say thats cool or maybe a little longer?

    thx for all help guys

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