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Thread: Legal Muscle, huh?

  1. #1

    Legal Muscle, huh?

    I'm only 19, So I think I'll stay with my Crea/Whey But I've got a question I see this so called Legal muscle its legal becuase it turns into test in your body? I'm not really sure how it works but my question is does this really even work? Ive heard alot of people say its fake even "its food coloring"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Most if not all Pro-Steroids and Pro-Hormones are a waste of time and money. There over priced and will only yield some (probably temporary) gains.

    Stick with Creatine/L-Glutamine/Whey and may be some Tribulas or Tongkat Ali to raise Test levels slightly. ZMA is also a fairly good aide.

  3. #3
    Tongkat Ive gotta look that up never heard of that ive prob seen it idk thanks man

  4. #4
    I dont know man...I've been taking DHEA and some other pro hormone, I've taken test before..and it really does feel like I'm taking a small dose of test. I've gained about 6 lbs in a week as well.. (that doesnt mean it was all thanks to those, but you know what i mean)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    "Legal Muscle" is a book by Rick Collins. Do you mean "Legal Steroids", the magazine that SDI Labs puts out with all of their anabolic agents advertised in it? The SDI Labs stuff is crap, really expensive crap. It's not real steroids, it's not even fake steroids, it's not even prohormones. Maybe it's protein pills, nobody knows for sure and you can't tell from their advertising. Whatever it is one thing is for sure, it's a waste of money!

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