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Thread: Help: WINSTROL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Manchester UK

    Help: WINSTROL

    Hello ME and 3 of my mates have been training now for 6 months we want to try sme steriods, we have been considering using winstrol can any one offer me sme advice on what to take? or offer any advice on winstrol? please



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    do research, fill out your profile to make it easier to answere your questions, and i hope you not considering a winny only cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Manchester UK

    Help: WINSTROL

    ok i will fill out my prfoile, yes i was only considering a winny only cycle what would u recommend?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    test + winny

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    testosterone is recomended most for a first cycle bro. and usually a long acting ester of testosterone like test enanthate or cypionate. i great first cycle would be running test enanthate at around 4-500mg a week for 10 maybe 12 weeks. it all depends on your stats. let these guys know what your stats are, for example, your weight and %bf, how ur diet is going, and your age, and they will point you in the right direction.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Training for 6 months???? Way to early in the game to be talking about using AAS. Hell, a year would be too soon if you just started lifting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    yes 6 months is NOT nearly long enough to be training before taking steroids. Train naturally and learn how to eat properly for a couple more years before taking steroids. Spend some time on here reseaching how to cycle properly, which includes proper diet and training.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Miami, FL (Kendall)
    Salams Khasim (im muslim 2)
    by looking at your profile.. your only 19 and you only been working out for 6 months.... By doing Steroids at such a young age will not only fuk u up, but give you major problems down the line. It will also destroy your endocrine system.

    You need to learn proper nutrition first off. steroids are not a magical pills or injections that you use to change you. it takes hard training 40% and proper nutrition 60%.

    After you master that and are in the proper age of about 21+ then i would consider useing steroids, but thats if and only if you are still consistant in the gym and your diet.

    By taking steroids now, all you will do is destroy your natural growth, as well as your endocrine system. eventhough ur 19 and u think u wont grow no more, trust me theres other things involved in growth except for height and weight. For Instance, your testosterone levels, etc.

    If you do decide to do steroids, theres a good chance you will have problems sexually as early as your mid 20's. If you dont care about any of that, then be my guest my friend..

    And when you do come back and ask for help this is what most of us will do

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bump on that sh-t

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Manchester UK
    Wasalaam Ninth Prince, hello to all the lads and a big thanks. im not goin to do a cycle even though my ****in mates are and am gona be called a pussy for 2 weeks lol '**** em'. i train six days a week rest on sunday. i have 5 meals a day high in protein and a good amount of fats and carbs, i am also takin 3 weight gain shakes (Mammoth 2500) a day which give me 1250 clories per serving i tink each day am taking around 4 to 5000 clories i am eating like a horse. i am also taking ZMA and L-Glutamine. is this ok?

    i have 19 nor xtreme at home? what are these? and what do they do?

    thankyou guys


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ninthprince22
    Salams Khasim (im muslim 2)
    by looking at your profile.. your only 19 and you only been working out for 6 months.... By doing Steroids at such a young age will not only fuk u up, but give you major problems down the line. It will also destroy your endocrine system.

    You need to learn proper nutrition first off. steroids are not a magical pills or injections that you use to change you. it takes hard training 40% and proper nutrition 60%.

    After you master that and are in the proper age of about 21+ then i would consider useing steroids, but thats if and only if you are still consistant in the gym and your diet.

    By taking steroids now, all you will do is destroy your natural growth, as well as your endocrine system. eventhough ur 19 and u think u wont grow no more, trust me theres other things involved in growth except for height and weight. For Instance, your testosterone levels, etc.

    If you do decide to do steroids, theres a good chance you will have problems sexually as early as your mid 20's. If you dont care about any of that, then be my guest my friend..

    And when you do come back and ask for help this is what most of us will do
    ninth prince is right

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Definitely to young. Have your friends run Test PROP with the Winny since you have to shoot the winny ED!!!!! Fantastic cycle!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ninthprince22
    Salams Khasim (im muslim 2)
    by looking at your profile.. your only 19 and you only been working out for 6 months.... By doing Steroids at such a young age will not only fuk u up, but give you major problems down the line. It will also destroy your endocrine system.

    You need to learn proper nutrition first off. steroids are not a magical pills or injections that you use to change you. it takes hard training 40% and proper nutrition 60%.

    After you master that and are in the proper age of about 21+ then i would consider useing steroids, but thats if and only if you are still consistant in the gym and your diet.

    By taking steroids now, all you will do is destroy your natural growth, as well as your endocrine system. eventhough ur 19 and u think u wont grow no more, trust me theres other things involved in growth except for height and weight. For Instance, your testosterone levels, etc.

    If you do decide to do steroids, theres a good chance you will have problems sexually as early as your mid 20's. If you dont care about any of that, then be my guest my friend..

    And when you do come back and ask for help this is what most of us will do
    Good advice bro!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Manchester UK
    thanks guys. ive mentioned a bit on my diet in my last post wat do you tink it? this is my training rouitne.

    monday: chest and triceps
    tuesday: back and biceps
    wednesday: legs
    thursday: shoulders, forearms
    friday:chest, triceps, legs, only 2 excercise per body part
    saturday: back, shoulders, bicpes, only 2 excercise per body part

    heavyweights with 4-8 reps
    3-4 sets. 40 sec rest between sets

    any good?

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