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Thread: Ketotifen off cycle?

  1. #1

    Ketotifen off cycle?

    This is a branch off of the other thread about Keto and clen.

    The guy stated Ketotifen had an anti catabolic effect to it, by limiting some chemical he named that would normally suppress IGF1 and test.

    I was wondering... Could someoen take ketotifen while off cycle and get benefits? Maybe a little gains, mostly to avoid catabolism?

    Or would it be a waste...

    It would be a great help to someone like me who only wants to cycle once a year or even two years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Just for clarity, from hookers post in the clen/ketotifen thread...

    Ketotifen lowers levels of the cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which is a catabolic hormone, and this is a property that Benadryl does not have to my knowledge. TNF-alpha lowers both testosterone and IGF-1 levels (3)(4), and strenuous exercise elevates TNF-alpha levels (5). Ketotifen's anabolic effects seem to be overshadowed (rendered inert) by anabolic steroids (1), however, so I reccomend it only during pct.

    This is a good question....

  3. #3
    Heres something that says the same thing from a different study...

    Ketotifen is also recognized for its ability to lower levels of the catabolic cytokine Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). It is used by people suffering from AIDS or cancer to prevent muscle wasting caused to a large extent by TNF-alpha. In one study involving AIDS patients, combining ketotifen and oxymetholone showed that 18 out of 22 patients gained an average of 11.4 pounds after treatment of an average of 3.9 weeks (1).

    There is a large body of research showing TNF-alpha lowers both testosterone and IGF-1 levels quite significantly (2,3). What's relevant to bodybuilders and other athletes is that strenuous exercise elevates TNF-alpha levels (4).

    TNF-alpha has also been implicated in insulin resistance, the condition in which muscle uptake of glucose is hindered. Ketotifen then could potentially improve insulin sensitivity in muscle. (R-ALA is so popular because it too improves insulin sensitivity.)

    Besides blocking TNF-alpha, ketotifen is a potent appetite stimulant. This is an aded bonus for someone with a wasting condition, or someone on a bulking cycle. This almost certainly contributed in part to the weight gain cited in the study above. When cutting using clenbuterol or albuterol, this is obviously going to force one to exercise more will power when it comes to dieting.

    Recent research has shown that hypogonadism (low testosterone) is also associated with elevated TNF-alpha (5). Testosterone replacement reduces these high levels of TNF-alpha. After a cycle of anabolic steroids, a person is essentially in a hypogonadal state, with elevated TNF-alpha. This could be a possible factor in the loss of muscle mass that is normally seen after a cycle. Adding ketotifen to a typical post cycle therapy (PCT) regimen would likely help stave off this loss of muscle until testosterone levels return to normal, or until beginning the next cycle.

    So whether cutting or bulking, or as part of PCT ketotifen has a valuable place in bodybuilding and exercise recovery.

    So my question still stands... Is ketotifen that secret chemical natural bodybuilders have been in search of in order to avoid catabolism during hunger hours, post workout times, and/or sleep, and leave their muscles to either be gaining or sitting idle instead of destroying themselves?
    Last edited by chris2wire; 07-13-2005 at 11:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    It must be in demmand, its on research sites. Im gonna give it a shot with my PCT with nolva,ldex,clen (taurine) someone else chime in?

  5. #5
    I ordered some tonight with some credit I had with a research chemical site... Ill use it with PCT in 3 weeks.

    Of course ill be using igf1, nolva and clomid also so I wont get a clear reading on how well it works, I will however continue using it past the PCT and igf1 usage.

    Other people chime in...

  6. #6

    Reference your sources! That one you posted looks like something Nandi that correct? If so, amend your post to include his name (or the name of whoever made it).

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