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  1. #1
    rocky balboa is offline Junior Member
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    Ordered Fina, have to sign 4 it?

    Whats up guys. I ordered Fina from a website and was gettin it sent to a buddies house under my billing address. So the company sent me an email sayin it had to be sent to where it was billed cuz of a law. The prob is they said that i also have to be there to sign for it cuz they cannot just leave it. Is this a way that they are busting ppl or is it totally safe to sign for it when they bring it? Is there any way i can get in deep $hit for signing for a box of Finaplex pellets? Thanks guys for the help....

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    I never had to sign for pellets but I haven't ordered them in awhile

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Shipping that you request dictates if you have to sign for it or not.

    Priority, yes, 2-3 day shipping, no.


  4. #4
    boosted m3's Avatar
    boosted m3 is offline Associate Member
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    just sign a fake name if your so worried, if anything happens say it wasnt you....but i doubt anything will happen.

  5. #5
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know signing can be bad, but i did and i like my box of fina

  6. #6
    chris2wire is offline Member
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    Its ok to sign if youre ordering from a normal domestic company... Buying their products is legal.

    The illegal part is where you convert it. In fact last I heard was that you could actually confess to eating the pellets without getting in trouble. its the conversion part thats illegal.

    And last I heard was that **ALL** finaplix orders have the info given to the government. ALL of them. The government isnt going to chase you all down, but there was a guy on here who ordered a whole box which is like 10 carts and the feds knocked on his door.... I think hes the guy who claimed he just ate them, and didnt convert them so he was ok.

  7. #7
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Unless there are laws in your state specifically outlawing the posession of finaplix pellets by people who do not own cattle, then the pellets themselves are not illegal. However, it is possible that the cops might be able to use your purchase of finaplix as justification for a search warrant of your house. If you have any gear in the house, of course you are busted. If you have all the glassware, syringes and filters, empty vials, stuff like that for converting, you might still be busted. If they just wait a few weeks to make sure you had time to do the conversion and then walk in with a warrant, you are for sure busted.

    Keep your house clean if you are doing fina conversions. I like to do the whole box at once, but it is probably better to just convert a couple of carts at a time. Then you can say you were simply eating the pellets. AFAIK no federal law against that. If they ask about your conversion methods, DENY DENY DENY. If you prepare it in any way for human use, even a topical application, you are manufacturing illegal anabolic steroids and you are legally in the same class as the guys buying cold medicine and making crystal meth out of it. So always have some plausible deniability. Keep enough pellets around so that you can plausibly claim to be eating them right out of the cart and not manufacturing.

  8. #8
    punchrf's Avatar
    punchrf is offline Anabolic Member
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    whenever i've ordered mine i just did the regular ground shipping and mine was sitting in my mailbox when i got home. just call them back and tell them you work when it would be delivered so there would be nobody to sign for it and to cancel your order if you don't want to sign for it, then order from a different one that doesn't require any signatures. i always ordered mine to a different shipping address then my billing address too so there are companies that will do it.

  9. #9
    Papi93's Avatar
    Papi93 is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    whenever i've ordered mine i just did the regular ground shipping and mine was sitting in my mailbox when i got home. just call them back and tell them you work when it would be delivered so there would be nobody to sign for it and to cancel your order if you don't want to sign for it, then order from a different one that doesn't require any signatures. i always ordered mine to a different shipping address then my billing address too so there are companies that will do it.
    I've found a internet company that let's me ship to friends addresses with no hassle. I am the one who is being billed for the shipment.

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