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Thread: need Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    need Help

    Iam on my 2nd week of test e, tren, and d-ball cycel.
    1000mg test e week
    500mg tren week
    50mg d-ball ed
    My problem is and iam not sure if it is from the aas but my head is so itchy it is driving me nuts. i will wake up in the middel of the night scratching it like crazy and it take hours before it stops being itchy. Do you think this can be related to the aas? is it a early sing that iam going to lose my hair? Or maybe its just my shampoo or hair product? any advice would be apreciated or anyone who has had a simular problem and noes how to fix it.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    in the gym
    it might be the steroids, or else lice, lol, i would think that its prabaly the tren, my last tren cycle i was always itchy too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    but did you notice hair lose when it started itching? Iam not balding or thining by any means but i dont want to.And did you find anything to stop the itching

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    its not from test or dbol dats all what i know may be tren

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

  6. #6
    bro, I am not sure what steroid its from. but it is a sign of hairlose. when I first started losing mine my head itched so bad. i had my wife scratch for 10 minutes with her long nails. I would wake up in the night scratching.stop the d-ball. stick with test and deca. that is all you should do for now. until you get your hair transplant. then you can take anything. like I did. sorry but its the truth.

  7. #7

    Hair transplant

    you mentioned that you had hair transplant? Is it safe....I have been wanting to do it and need someone to tell me how it feels after getting it done. Very important to me cause my hair itches and I noticed a gap in my hair and cannot stand it. Please help!!

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