Man, I have been soooo emotional on the stuff it's crazy....
Last night for no reason, I just broke down and almost started to cry? It's been like that for the last few weeks!!!
My friends think I'm nuts!!!
Man, I have been soooo emotional on the stuff it's crazy....
Last night for no reason, I just broke down and almost started to cry? It's been like that for the last few weeks!!!
My friends think I'm nuts!!!
What’s your dose? I had to back down to 50ED on this cycle, in the past 125 to 100 ED made me a bit unstable….
It helps to cry actually....Just let it out bro. When im trenning I embrace it.
Originally Posted by profbiv
Yeah, I'm running between 75mg and 100mg. I am going to go back to 50mg. It's not worth the humility!!!!![]()
Originally Posted by buylongterm
how meny week's are you into it ??
Shit I'd say about 4 or 5 weeks.Originally Posted by stocky121
Originally Posted by buylongterm
it's my first time with tren 75mg ED ok so far nearly into second week i hope i don't lose it off this shit
Dont worry my friend, it not too bad. As long as you realize your on and gonna be aggresive and crazy youll be ok. Im quite unstable without it and i survived with it. Just remember like spiderman says-with great power comes great responsiblity. Dont go around kicking peoples asses.Originally Posted by stocky121
Originally Posted by Dark Bird
i am a very mild person bro it take's a lot to piss me off
Thats what I am until I did Tren for the first time! I was doing close to 100mg ED and I was a completely different person. My GF almost left me! This time around, I am doing a lower dose and going into it with a better awareness of Tren. Watch out, Tren can and will creep up on u......Originally Posted by stocky121
Originally Posted by buylongterm
thanx bro![]()
i will watch myself on this
Originally Posted by stocky121
Good deal!!!! I swore I would never touch the stuff again, but man it's sooo good. Again, as long as you are aware of it and don't go crazy with doses, you'rr good to good.
Best of luck
I found concurrent use of cabergoline helped... or maybe it was the test and dbol... anyway these things seemed to help me and I got as high as 700mg weekly. No sex drive lost either... I have used tren a few other times without cabergoline and I think the acetate is more powerful that the enanthate not just in growth but mentally.
lol, same here. Dont know how often Im gonna use tren.
It is definately a love/hate relationship... Like a bad girlfriend with good pussy.Originally Posted by roidattack
yes i know the feelin ive just cut my tren out of my cycle the sides were doin my head in this time round,will def use it again thiough at a lower dose!
this is altering my decision of wanting to take tren!
I cry too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on tren of course...
Damn, glad I don't have that reaction
I thought you said you were done with tren blt?
anyway, tren does bring out the emotions in me, but none of them have ever been empathetic or depressing. I'm very laid back, but tren after awhile makes me want to hurt people. At 50mg I don't really get it too much. At 75-100mg watch out.
Of course I've never lost it, but to say that tren hasn't brought me close to that edge would be a lie.
Tren makes me have a short temper, but I do love that $hit!
Great stuff for strength gains but made me a flaming arsehole. I promised my wife I would not use it again and I miss the gains but not the rage.
my biggest question is if he's running tren alone or with test, and if so, how much
Tren I think for me does more to my mental state than any other gear. I just got off of it a week ago. Stopped the antidepressants, sleep better, no major mood swings, more at ease. Tren is some strange stuff compared to the other gear we use. But man is it great with prop for building muscle!
tren really helps my focus and strength but holy shit when it comes to how i feel don't even get me started.
I've got a love hate thing going on with Tren . I get mean like a rattlesnake!
i take Wellbutrin and Effexor year round cause i'm not exactly a stable person to begin with. i also run tren with most of my cycles. Wellbutrin being an antidepressant and Effexor being an anti-anxiety med help me a lot. i have pretty much no mood swings... maybe a little bit of a temper.
I am into my second week with BD's Tri Trenabol and I notice I am moody as well. Also feel tired. However, I am not noticing significant results as of yet, was told by the 3rd - 4th week into it.
You got to keep adjusting your dose until you find the sweet spot... that's where the sides are definitely there, but are manageable, especially the anger. If you have no sides at all, you probably won't see gains from the tren. The range is very narrow and as others have said, it is typically between 50 and 75mg.
This thread is starting to make me think twice with tren now. I just ordered BD tren e and am going to start the cycle sometime in the fall with test e. This will be my 6th cycle, but first tren cycle. I am going to start off with 200mg a week and see how the sides go.
Tren A is generally considered better for the first tren cycle... you can raise or lower your levels much more quickly with the shorter ester, and so you get results quicker from adjusting the dosage.
I would start off a bit higher than that, though... maybe 250 or 275mg/week, even if you want to stay on the conservative side. A low-ish dose of tren A is 50mg/ED which is 350mg/week. Gram for gram there is more tren base in acetate than enanthate. I am concerned that 200mg might not give you much in the way of gains. But erring on the side of caution has a lot to recommend it.
With tren E, lowering or raising the dose will take a couple of weeks to appreciably change the level of free tren in the body and the degree of side effects. Be patient when adjusting your dose.
good post baron...........have to chime in and say i love tren, except for the road rage aspect, better take a deep breath and stay outta the fast lane. lol. best thing around, hands down.
bro i was losing my mind runnign test tren and winny, went to my psch doc and he tried to tell me that i am a a schitzofrenic (dont know if that is the correct spelling), he took my blood preassuer it waas 180 over 90 prettyy ****en high for a 20 year old. I am off everythign now and ifeeel ****ign great, i was an emotional mess when on all that.
oh ya but the results are ****ign mind blowing i say all worth it.
Good point. I guess even if I go to 300 mg a week at first to see how I react shouldn't be all that much. Thanks for that advice.
Originally Posted by The Baron
I used to have some problems with tren. Crying wasn't one of them, but I had a short temper and rage issues. Now I'm running it at 100mg ED and coping just fine. Still a little moody but I think it gets easier after a couple cycles. When you start feeling irrational just remind yourself, "it's the tren and not you."
I think 300 would be a good level to start out at.
Keep in mind that the more often you shoot, the lower the side effects will be. 2x/week is probably adequate, but EOD might be worthwhile.
I was going to shoot 150mg tren e/250 test e every 3rd day (twice a week) to try and keep the levels stable, that's why I opted for the tren e instead of tren a, to avoid having shoot as often. I feel like a pin cushion anymore![]()
Personally, I think people over do their doses of tren. I could get away with 50mg and be very happy. I see people using 100+mg ED and complain of heaving sweating, breathing problem, etc. Forget about it...I still have to lead my life.
I never experienced being very emotional though. PCT turns me into a 13 year old girl.
WOW I was going to post a thred on this but I thought you guys would think I was dumb. I have ben with my girlfriend for 9 months now and It was going perfect. I mean no fights, just good times. I started my tren/prop/D-bol cycle about 4 weeks ago and I just dont feel like my self. I actuly cheeted on my girlfriend for the first time and for no resion I mean my girlfriend and I had sex two times that day and she dose every thang for me sexualy and every thang else. Now one secont I wont to break up the next I wont to work it out. Then last night I locked my self out of my house and had to go to bar where she was out with her friends so I could get her key and she happend to be setting next to a guy I know she thinks is cute, I fliped out and was read to break hes fing arm. I dont no I just no I look good but I feel (A LITTEL CRAZY)!!!!!!!!!!!!
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