Ok, I'm a little confused because I've read either bad information and/or contradicting information here.
I'm currently taking Dbol 40mg ED 4 wks, Test E 500mg 14 wks, EQ 400mg 13 wks, and Ldex .25mg ED 19wks. Do I need to be taking Nolvadex for the duration of this cycle to include PCT? I'm not gyno prone and have no symptoms of gyno.
I've read that Nolvadex could possibly hinder gains while on a cycle, therefore, only take it if symptoms of gyno appear. But then I've also read that it needs to be taken for the duration of a cycle.
I don't want to take it if it's going to hinder my gains, besides, it would be a waste of money to take it if I don't currently need it. Doesn't Ldex help with preventing gyno?
Can someone please clarify this with a decent explaination?