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Thread: Confused here / gyno prevention

  1. #1

    Confused here / gyno prevention

    Ok, I'm a little confused because I've read either bad information and/or contradicting information here.

    I'm currently taking Dbol 40mg ED 4 wks, Test E 500mg 14 wks, EQ 400mg 13 wks, and Ldex .25mg ED 19wks. Do I need to be taking Nolvadex for the duration of this cycle to include PCT? I'm not gyno prone and have no symptoms of gyno.

    I've read that Nolvadex could possibly hinder gains while on a cycle, therefore, only take it if symptoms of gyno appear. But then I've also read that it needs to be taken for the duration of a cycle.

    I don't want to take it if it's going to hinder my gains, besides, it would be a waste of money to take it if I don't currently need it. Doesn't Ldex help with preventing gyno?

    Can someone please clarify this with a decent explaination?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Liquidex will defeinately help in preventing gyno and will also help with keeping the bloat under control. IMO an anti-e should be included into every cycle regardless if your prone to gyno or not....along with nolva. I would rather spend the 50bux on a bottle of liquidex than $3000 on gyno surgery.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    u dont need the nolvadex throughout. if symptoms occur increase ldex

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Liquidex will defeinately help in preventing gyno and will also help with keeping the bloat under control. IMO an anti-e should be included into every cycle regardless if your prone to gyno or not....along with nolva. I would rather spend the 50bux on a bottle of liquidex than $3000 on gyno surgery.
    Thanks dragonslayer. I'm taking ldex but I'm kind of looking for an answer on how necessary it is to take Nolvadex even though I'm already taking Ldex.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Liquidex will defeinately help in preventing gyno and will also help with keeping the bloat under control. IMO an anti-e should be included into every cycle regardless if your prone to gyno or not....along with nolva. I would rather spend the 50bux on a bottle of liquidex than $3000 on gyno surgery.
    I agree with this.
    one thing to keep in mind, it is better to prevent gyno than to try and treat it.
    nolva is cheap, and I dont think it will hinder gains enough to even notice.
    I use it every cycle

  6. #6
    Perfect example right there of the conflicting information I'm getting on this subject. Some say take Nolvadex through out the cycle and others say Ldex is good enough unless gyno symptoms occur. This is going in circles here. I've researched to find the answer to avoid posting the same questions but I can't seem to find a solid answer. Is it one, the other, or both?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    well like you said, I think you will get a few different opinions. I dont believe I am prone to gyno, but I still choose to use nolva.
    From what I have read Ldex is good enough. I think it comes down to you.
    you have cycle experience and know if you are prone to gyno or not.
    It is up to you. If you are comfortable with just Ldex, then save the nolva. ya this just goes in circles....LOL sorry I cant be more help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    At The Squat Rack
    Quote Originally Posted by doctorherb
    u dont need the nolvadex throughout. if symptoms occur increase ldex
    Completely agree

    Use The Nolvadex during PCT with Clomid

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