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Thread: Steroids & Hair Loss

  1. #1
    The Iron Game Guest

    Steroids & Hair Loss

    When talking about hairloss the first point to be remembered is that every individual will be effected in different ways to different steroids. The most important factor is whether or not you are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. This can be done by following the family history in the older male generation in your direct family. If you are not predisposed naturally you have the potential of not being effected by steroids, if you are then you are not so lucky and the use of steroids is likely to speed up the process of becoming bald.

    Even if you are predisposed there are alot of precautions that can be taken when using steroids to slow down or prevent the hair from falling out. These will be talked about below in general and with specific steroids. Remember certain treatments may be effective with some steroids but may actually speed up the loss when combined with others.

    If you are worried about losing hair when cycling it is better to stack items that you know are safe and not to go overboard. It will be difficult to anticipate which steroid is causing the hair loss when using numerous steroids or using ones that havent been used before.

    How do you know when you are losing hair? There are several ways to monitor hairloss and when it is starting. Firstly when you wake up examine the sheets and the pillows and determine whether or not there is excess hair there. Also when taking a shower or a bath monitor your hair going down the drain. Another dead give away is an itchyness of the head which can be quite irritating.

    There are so many questions asking if primo or deca or anavar will cause hairloss. These questions are pointless in the sense that while primo may be ok for 70 or 80% of the people in can cause devestating consequences in the fewer who may not have the problem on testosterone. It is also dependent on the dose but for sure if higher doses are causing hairloss then so are smaller doses but just not as rapid.

    Testosterone: The King of All

    Unfortunately this King has known to bring rapid hairloss in large numbers of individuals. The good thing is that hairloss can be controlled very effectively when using finasteride (propecia, proscar). Finasteride inhibits the 5AR enzyme which is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to DHT. For this reason finasteride will work when used with steroids that convert to dht via the 5AR enzyme. On to dHT, in a nut shell it is both hard on the hair as well as to the prostate. Saw Palmetto (SP) is another good prostate relief as well as being very cheap and is also said to reduce dht conversion from testosterone. On precaution if predisposed it is not wise to mix nandrolone with testosterone.

    Deca: Hmmmmm

    What can be said about this steroid. There is so much misconception that deca is the safest steroid, both on the hair and on the body. Let the myths lie. Although deca does not convert to DHT it does converts to DHN. DHN is less androgenic than deca. The more androgenic the more likely to cause hairloss but this is somewhat a generalisation as androgenic activity is not the only influence of hair loss. Proscar and deca do not mix well. The reason for this was touched upon above "For this reason finastride will work when used with steroids that convert to dht via the 5AR enzyme." Now if the conversion of nandrolone to DHN is prevented then there is more active nandrolone (which is by far more androgenic than nandrolone. If you are noticing hairloss when on deca it is best to discontinue use.

    Spironolactone or flutamide (applied topically) are effective in treating and limiting some damage on the hairline. They are both said to compete with the steroid used for androgen receptors located in the scalp.

    DHT Derivatives

    Winstrol does not convert to DHT although it is a DHT derivative, this is also the case with primobolan. To Finasteride or not to finastride? Well I mentioned above that Finasteride will only work to prevent the conversion of DHT by the 5AR enzyme. It wont do much to reduce hair loss on these because they are already a DHT derivitives. The hairloss is much to do with it stimulating the androgen receptors in the scalp.The best way to treat hair problems on these steroids are with Spironolactone or flutamide. Nizorol shampoo (or similar) is also good to some extent. Dont be fooled by either winstrol or primo. They can both be quite harsh on the hair.

    Lastly there are certain topical solutions that can be used to try and bring about regrowth of hair.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Great post!!

    I use Nizoral shampoo 2% when on a cycle, I find this helps a lot.
    I shampoo with it 2-3 times a day.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Great POst on hair lost

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    bump cause we nah want no bald head

    this should be sticky

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van city
    Awsome post IG. I think it should be put in the educational threads

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Interesting facts indeed

  7. #7
    The original jason Guest
    IG good post bro, It seems to be one of the most asked questions and I have looked into it alot like you. There is some post over in the elite archives that went on for 6 pages arguing the nandrolone conversion and if trenbolene was harsh on the hair it has alot in that thread to learn if anyone is interested. Personally I suffer not to much even now for me with 1/2 finastride tab and only test prop 100mg eod I get some hair loss I have been experimenting for ages and trying to find a suitable combination I really dont think there is one.

    I have to argue the MPB factor about hairloss for sure I just think it is down to individual, I have looked through both sides of my family asked my parents and my granparents and there is nothing no mpb in my family not even one person.

    I think just in general the conversion of test to dht the itchines in the scalp and the slight hairloss is inevitable I dont get any in the bed or anything just when i wash my hair and I use nizoral also for what its worth everything I have tried including topicals DO NOT WORK DO NOT SLOW IT DOWN DO NOT STOP IT in fact do nothing whatsoever. I have currently ytied dropping the test real low and added \finastride like I said above no change so far thats 2 weeks in maybe its still loss from the hair that was put into the telogen phase by the excess dht when I was using the test without the finastride.

    My advice to anyone as the man says u have to experiment see what works for you everyone is different no one can really answer


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I don't know, but shaved heads are in these days anyhow! So fuck it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    this is a really old post, but I'm gonna bump it.... found it by diggin around randomly.. (im bored).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    TIG, thatnks fo rhte post. NightOp, thanks for the bump. My friend was asking me just this info...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Good on you for bumping it.

    Awsome thread!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I just got out of the shower and damn am I loosing enough of my hair!!

    bump this for the soon to be shiney iron horse

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Iron horse, updating you on my progress with Beta Sitosterol unfortunally i added Propecia with it (Proscription from the Doc). But i been taking two tabs of Beta Sitosterol & Propecia and the head itching is gone and hair falling is to the minimal. I haven't seen regrowth yet. Been doing this for 2 weeks.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    there is sooo much info in these old threads, if only everyone would look before asking in a new thread... I'm guilty of this myself, but I still preach against it and tryto dig around before I pop a new thread.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    juicehead land
    Im lookkin into using propecia during my next cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    Great Post

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Re: Steroids & Hair Loss

    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    DHT Derivatives

    Winstrol does not convert to DHT although it is a DHT derivative, this is also the case with primobolan. To Finasteride or not to finastride? Well I mentioned above that Finasteride will only work to prevent the conversion of DHT by the 5AR enzyme. It wont do much to reduce hair loss on these because they are already a DHT derivitives. The hairloss is much to do with it stimulating the androgen receptors in the scalp.The best way to treat hair problems on these steroids are with Spironolactone or flutamide. Nizorol shampoo (or similar) is also good to some extent. Dont be fooled by either winstrol or primo. They can both be quite harsh on the hair.

    I was never really clear on this part.. Does this mean that Finasteride will not work on DHT derivatives (Winstrol, primo, OX)?Can someone please explain this?


  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wow... this is really old. lol Godd info though

  19. #19
    This exact post has been made like 3 times before. How anybody is giving this guy credit is amazing...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2005
    thanks for the help us newer guys need it !!!!!!!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    He posted it in December 2001. That was a long-ass time ago.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    So when it is said that test is hard on hair from DHT, is it safe to assume that sustanon 250 would be just like using test since they are both test? Will I be ok to use sustanon if I use finasteride too? My father has a receeding hairline and after a few cycles of tren, I noticed my hairline receeding and I want to regrow the hair if possible or just prevent any more receeding. I honestly care more about my hair than my size because I won't look good with a shaved head like most of you do, some people can do it, some cant. I am not a lucky one there.
    Last edited by badmoto; 06-27-2005 at 05:13 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2005
    2 questions
    Is there any diffrance in proscar,propeca,or finastride?
    Is over the counter Nizoral shampoo ok or do you half to get the 2%?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2005

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Wayne , NJ
    Is it true that if its your first time doing steroids (test) & you only want to do it for like 8 weeks you should have no problems with hair loss?

  26. #26
    i used to get some foscar from overseas from some pharmacy without a prescription, but i cant remeber the damn site?

  27. #27
    forget finasteride...u dont want ur hair falling out???...get duasteride...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2005
    H-Town! aka Houston, TX
    guys... hereditary hairloss comes from the males on your MOTHER'S side of the family... if your mom's dad, brothers, or uncles are bald... watch out... your dad and his brothers and father have nothing to do with it.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    May 2005
    US Enough Said.
    RonBright, that aint true at all. My grandfather on my moms side has thick full hair, his sons have thick full hair. My dad has a receeding hairline and I have the EXACT hairline, so does my brother. My dad went grey at 19, I started getting grey's at 23, so has my little brother. My grandfather has very few greys, his 2 boys have none to date. I don't believe the mothers side hair lines for a second. sorry bro but it isn't true but I wish it was, I would have no grey and thick hair.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I agree with badmoto, I'm in exactly the same boat. All of the relatives on my mothers side have most of their hair (even though it is a bit grey). My father has a receding hair line that I have already but even at 54 my fathers hair line it isn't much further up his head than it was at 25. My bro and my fathers bro have it too.

  31. #31
    Do hair loss products hinder your gains during a cycle?

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