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  1. #1
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    can't be all fake.

    I just got off a big cycle...and i didnt get jack. I was taking 800mg of t4 and 400mg of eq weekly. I was averaging 5000 calories,300g protein and 300-350 carbs daily. i weigh between 215-218lbs at 5'11 and 31 years old. i even upped my dose with some another 500mg of test e for the week. so i was up there on my doses. Now the question i have to u guys is about test E. I have tried test E a few times b4 and i never really got gains from it. test cyp or sus does well for me though. Have u guys ever heard of people not reacting with test E? I have some test cyp and deca 300 now and when I am ready to cycle again i am debating on using that instead the rest of my test E. Any thoughts? that was my 5th cycle. I dont have that bad of body fat....32" waist at 215lbs is cool with me.

  2. #2
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Not really... if your diet is right, your getting rest and hitting the gym hard, you should gro. Pure and simple. If your stuff was truly fake, you typically result in a lot of infections, abscesses, or what not at injection sites. How did the shots go?
    If I were you, I would get my gear tested, hopefully you have some left. In the anabolic lab forum, there is a thread on gear testing, it gives you the name of a place and a number to call and you can send your stuff there to get it tested and see what it is... try that out. Other than that, test just may not do much for you although I would have a hard time believing that.

  3. #3
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    Did you notice any significant strength gains bro?

  4. #4
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    my strength stayed constant. i was wondering if i was at my max. but thats just a rumor right? I tried different batches so i was bound to get some real gear. But like i said b4...I never get the pumps from test e. I tried cyp my very first cycle and it was great.

  5. #5
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Quote Originally Posted by riironman
    I just got off a big cycle...and i didnt get jack. I was taking 800mg of t4 and 400mg of eq weekly. I was averaging 5000 calories,300g protein and 300-350 carbs daily. i weigh between 215-218lbs at 5'11 and 31 years old. i even upped my dose with some another 500mg of test e for the week. so i was up there on my doses. Now the question i have to u guys is about test E. I have tried test E a few times b4 and i never really got gains from it. test cyp or sus does well for me though. Have u guys ever heard of people not reacting with test E? I have some test cyp and deca 300 now and when I am ready to cycle again i am debating on using that instead the rest of my test E. Any thoughts? that was my 5th cycle. I dont have that bad of body fat....32" waist at 215lbs is cool with me.
    300GR OF PROT = 1200 CALORIES
    350GR OF CARB = 1400 CALORIES
    Total = 2600 calories

    Unless you are getting 2400 calories from fat (270 grams) you are not getting in 500 calories a day.

  6. #6
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Test is test bro all that differs is the esters. I hope your not really on your fifth cycle bro, because no offense but it sounds like you don't know jackshit.

  7. #7
    darmadoc is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heracles74
    Not really... if your diet is right, your getting rest and hitting the gym hard, you should gro. Pure and simple. If your stuff was truly fake, you typically result in a lot of infections, abscesses, or what not at injection sites. How did the shots go?
    If the stuff was sterile oil, you wouldn't get infections or abcesses even if it had no active chemical in it.

  8. #8
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    u are correct green but i didnt throw in everything in my diet. that was meals. but i do swallow down 4 protein shakes a day also so u can add that in also. but U say test is test...but then u should know people react differently to different substances and i admit i not a expert but I did my research but i havent found the one that worked the best for me.

  9. #9
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    I said the diffrence was in the ester, what this means is they have different half-lifes, people who are predisposed to water retention are more likely to get retention with long esters. The ester themselves have no metabolic function other than increasing the duration that the api (test) stays in your system. If diet was in check, you were working your butt off in thge gym and getting adequate rest you should have noticed gains. One point I would make is that the more cycles you do the harder it is to kake mass gain. In addition as you increase muscle mass your you need a higher level of calories for maintenance. If you kept calories the same throught out gains would be guranteed to taper off. Post your diet layout up here to verify it is in check, meal by meal.

  10. #10
    RobbieG's Avatar
    RobbieG is offline Member
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    on roids or not.. with all that protein and carbs you should have gained something!

    some fat or muscle man.. wtf:O

  11. #11
    QuickSilver's Avatar
    QuickSilver is offline Banned
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    Did u go gym then ?

  12. #12
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    exactly robbie. i gained a little. my first cycle i was 185lbs when i started and like any other drug..was the best. when i finished my first i was at 215lbs. that was a huge jump, and I ate like crap. i did hard cardio with it so my body will get used to carry the weight and it help alot. when i got off i crashed and lost alot of the weight but the weight crept back up. so now everytime i cycle i really dont get beyond the 220lb mark,like i was at a plateu and i am eating clean as i can take it.

  13. #13
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darmadoc
    If the stuff was sterile oil, you wouldn't get infections or abcesses even if it had no active chemical in it.
    I understand that. Most scammers don't take the time though. they stick cooking oil in there, or sunflower oil or some $hit like that. If he is concerned, he should get it tested, that is all I am saying. I had a concern about some test before, got it tested, found out it had a ridiculously high BA content. Its good info to have bro.

  14. #14
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    and green here is my diet (for the most part.
    5am 10 egg whites (2 yolks)
    peice of meat and some fruit.
    7am protein shake and a apple
    10 am 2 chicken breast
    1 cup of brown rice
    1230 steak with vegetables
    330 before work out protein shake

    5-530 after workout protein shake
    6-7 steak or chicken
    baked potato
    9 pm shake with milk and maybe a scoop of peanut butter.

    sometimes i am starving in between and i grab a protein bar

  15. #15
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    oh...and alot of times i eat oatmeal with my breakfast

  16. #16
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    but when i ate junk i got huge lol

  17. #17
    darmadoc is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heracles74
    I understand that. Most scammers don't take the time though. they stick cooking oil in there, or sunflower oil or some $hit like that. If he is concerned, he should get it tested, that is all I am saying. I had a concern about some test before, got it tested, found out it had a ridiculously high BA content. Its good info to have bro.
    No argument there!

  18. #18
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    i agree

  19. #19
    The Baron's Avatar
    The Baron is offline Fourth Koala of the Apocalypse
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    Test is test, once levels are up and stable. There should be no difference whatsoever between the results from test E and test C. In theory there is a slight difference in the molecular weight of the ester, and so technically a gram of test C and a gram of test E do not contain the exact same amount of testosterone base, but the difference is too small to notice in practice.

  20. #20
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    understood..but trying to figure out my body decided to stop building mass. tried changing diets and routines and supplements.

  21. #21
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Quote Originally Posted by riironman
    and green here is my diet (for the most part.
    5am 10 egg whites (2 yolks)
    peice of meat and some fruit.
    7am protein shake and a apple
    10 am 2 chicken breast
    1 cup of brown rice
    1230 steak with vegetables
    330 before work out protein shake

    5-530 after workout protein shake
    6-7 steak or chicken
    baked potato
    9 pm shake with milk and maybe a scoop of peanut butter.

    sometimes i am starving in between and i grab a protein bar
    How big are your portions how many grams of protien, fat carbs in each meal, brek thet down AND we can comment.

  22. #22
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    5am 10 egg whites (2 yolks): 250 cal 35g protein 4 carbs
    peice of meat : 6 oz of steak 350cal 40g protein
    and some fruit:. 80 cal 20 carbs
    7am protein shake :266 cal 42g protein 18 carbs
    and a apple: 80 cal 20 carbs
    10 am 2 chicken breast 12oz:560cal 64g protein
    1 cup of brown rice:600 cal 12g proteins 132 carbs
    vegetables:60 cal 3 protein
    1230 6ozsteak:350 cal 40 protein
    with vegetables: 60 cal 3 protein
    330 before work out protein shake:266 cal 42g protein 18 carbs

    5-530 after workout protein shake:266 cal 42g protein 18 carbs
    6-7 12 oz ofsteak or chicken: 560 cal 64 protein
    baked potato meduim: 210 cal 5 protein 50 carbs
    rice: 600 cal 12g protein 132 carbs
    veggies: 60 cal 3 protein
    9 pm shake with milk :399 cal 50g protein 31 carbs
    and maybe a scoop of peanut butter.:100 cal 5 protein 2 carbs

    sometimes i am starving in between and i grab a protein bar:3 oz :310 cal 30gprotein carbs 33g

  23. #23
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    Lay it out as I have done below then post it in the diet forum. You will get the responces you need there. Note The use of the Harris Benidict formula. You will need to work out your own maintenance caloric need. You can find the calculator on

    My normal hours are either 6:30am-3:00pm or 3:00pm-11:30am. Last week my hours were diffrent because I changed jobs and it is company policy to start new staff on 8:30am-5:00pm.

    Stats 5'8
    Age 24
    Weight 148lbs (67kg)

    Harris benedict formula says 66 +(13.7 x 67(my weight)) +(5x172(my height in cm))-(6.8x24(my age))= 1681 x1.55(my normal activity level)=2605
    According to this formula I need 2505 calories just to maintain my current weight. The calculator on seem a bit ott to me gave me a value of like 3500 maintainence. Ok so using the harris benedict formula my proposed diet should yield an extra 800 calories a week. I think the macro are in check. Can someone plz verify also more pro/fat ideas greatly apperciated. Thanks again bro's

    Meal 1. 6:00am 6 egg whites 1 scoop whey protien 100gr oats
    54gr pro 77gr carbs 7gr fat

    Meal 2. 9:00am 8oz minced beef lean 100gr fried mushrooms and 100gr brocolli
    48gr pro 9gr carbs 22gr fat

    Meal 3. 12:00am 125gr brown rice 200gr prawns
    54gr pro 87gr carbs 5gr fat

    Meal 4. 3:15 2 chicken breast fillets (300gr meat only) and 1 tablespoon peanut butter
    69gr pro 00gr carbs 14gr fat

    4:00-5:00 Workout

    Meal 5 5:15 Pwo 40gr whey protien 80gr dextrose
    40gr pro 80gr carbs 0gr fat

    Meal 6 6:15 1 Chicken breast fillet (150gr) and 125grs brown rice
    46gr pro 76gr carbs 4 grams fat

    Meal 7 9:00 3 scoops of whey protien + 15mls of flax.
    60gr pro 0gr carbs 15grfat

    Totals 371gr pro 329gr carbs 67gr fat Total calories= 3,403

    Break down by calorific supply of faction above pro43.5:carbs 38.5:fat18
    The above are % of calories supplied from my proposed diet.

  24. #24
    P Rock's Avatar
    P Rock is offline Member
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    yes all of the above is true, poeple always say diet.. i was eating off the wall, protien like crazy, working out like arnold and i didnt gain jack on my last cycle, same as you. and it was about my 6th cycle. what kind of gear are you using just curious if it was the same low dosed gear i was on.
    my other cycles i didnt eat as much or as clean and i blew up, i truly think it was the gear.

  25. #25
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    i was on 800mg of t400,500mg of test E and 400mg of equipoise per week

  26. #26
    riironman's Avatar
    riironman is offline Junior Member
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    my gear was mexican

  27. #27
    P Rock's Avatar
    P Rock is offline Member
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    what manufacturer... PM me if you dont want to post it.

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