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  1. #1
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Deca with Test-E for joints?

    I don't know much about deca but, I hear it is good for your joints/ligaments. So although I want to avoid a HUGE stack for my first cycle, could I include a little deca with A Test-E cycle to help my joints/ligaments and still be relatively safe?

    Any info on deca is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Big2k is offline New Member
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    Do a search theres mad info on deca

  3. #3
    doctodd is offline New Member
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    i hear this alot and there is alot of misinformation. A joint itself cant really be made stronger. What you can make stronger are the muscles that support it such as your quads in relation to the knee joints. The ligaments i guess can be made a little stronger, but i dont think that is what helps so much as the muscles that support the joint and minimize the load the joint actually has to carry. My older patients with knee arthritis always get told that strengtheneing their quads will help their knee pain/DJD.

    A joint is basically where 2 or more bones join to to make a hinge for movement. Their are a few different kinds of joints......a simple one is the knee or elbow which are hinge joints. A more complex joint is the shoulder joint, which is a floating joint because it has multiple muscles which hold a ball and socket type of joint together. There are multiple bones too.

    Last edited by doctodd; 07-19-2005 at 05:59 AM.

  4. #4
    Juggernaut71 is offline New Member
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    Doc - I have pretty bad shoulder pain and my DR, is leaning towards surgery possibly if I can't rehab this in the next 2-3 months. I want to try deca @ 200mg/week but I'm also on oxycontin - 100mg's/day and Arthrotec NSAID. Will these things react badly with deca? I've done a few cycles in my life over 10 years ago now so I'm not a newbie. I train as hard as possible and eat super clean, if that helps. Oh, I'm 34 years old.

    What do you advise?

  5. #5
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Hey! this is MY thread! j/k but why dont you PM him? 25 posts aint nuthin

  6. #6
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    For a first cycle you shoud stick with test e or c at 400-500mg a week for 10-12 weeks. It is best to see how you respond to test by itself. That way you can better identify side effects when you start stacking other compounds.

  7. #7
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    ok, good idea man. I was just worried about my shoulder and back.

  8. #8
    doctodd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juggernaut71
    Doc - I have pretty bad shoulder pain and my DR, is leaning towards surgery possibly if I can't rehab this in the next 2-3 months. I want to try deca @ 200mg/week but I'm also on oxycontin - 100mg's/day and Arthrotec NSAID. Will these things react badly with deca? I've done a few cycles in my life over 10 years ago now so I'm not a newbie. I train as hard as possible and eat super clean, if that helps. Oh, I'm 34 years old.

    What do you advise?
    Easy rule of thumb......just like a pro athlete....if it hurts you shouldnt do it. I mean the bad type of pain...not soreness after training hard. The shoulder is tricky.....only some orthos do them. If you still train as hard as possible you are probably not going to let it heal. If it has scarred over instead of right, then surgery may be your only option. Depends on what the MRI says. Could be a minimal surgery such as a scope to look at the tendons. The deca will help but not if you keep reinjuring the shoulder. And the Oxycontin is just masking the pain. I can tell you right off the bat that unless you have cancer you shouldnt be taking oxycontin. But you already knew that.


  9. #9
    doctodd is offline New Member
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    oh...the arthrotec will affect your kidneys, so shouldnt be a problem with deca USUALLY.


  10. #10
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    JMO bro, but I would avoid Deca for a first cycle. I would stick with just test, maybe some dbol week 1-4 at about 30 - 40 mg ED... test week 1-10 at about 500-600 mg per week. That would be a good starter bro. Keep it simple so if you have any sides - thgen you will a better idea as to what it is. Hope that helps.

  11. #11
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't agree with the folks on this board that use deca to take away joint pain/inflamation, etc. I understand if you're using it in a bulking cycle, eating properly and view the extra joint comfort as a bonus to training hard. This is my opinion though. Have you ever tried swimming to strengthen your shoulder. It may feel odd at first but given time I think you'll notice and improvment.


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