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Thread: Propionate or Enanthate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Question Propionate or Enanthate?

    I recently came across some Test Prop. and I was wondering if I should try it. What I basically want to know is should I take propionate or enanthate because both are on hand. Any info you guys can give about propionate would be helpful. I've taken enanthate in the past so I know all about it. Also which you guys would prefer of the two. Thanks a lot for all your help.

  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    prop is more used in cutting cyxles but test is test it is a fast acting ester and will do as good a job as enanth the thing is that you have to inject more often but it will work alot quicker than the few weeks waiting for the enanth to come on you fully. I think next time I will go with prop for sure as there is alot of surveys that state about enanth causing a build up of adipose fat now last cycle cant say I noticed it but dont want to take the chances I guess so for me prop would be cool


    the other thing to do which I alos think is a good idea would be this test enanth 500 mg per week and test prop 100mg eod for the first 4 weeks to get you going


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    why not take enan for 10 500 mg a week and prop from weeks 1-4 to jump start at like 50 mg every 3rd day? just a thought

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Shot had a good idea w/ what he said. If you are just going to choose one though I would go w/ the enth, then you won't be a pin cushion using the prop, depending on what else you take. Goodluck


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