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Thread: t3 or b6

  1. #1

    t3 or b6

    need info on whether to take t3 or b6 with tren/prop to combat lethargy.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    t3 is the king. Plus it upregulates beta 2 receptors.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    what are you talking about?? how would T3 or B6 combat lethargy??

  5. #5
    lowered t3 causes lethargy that's why.
    Has anyone got around it during tren use with b6?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I never haad much lethargy with tren, but my doses weren't all that high. 75mg test prop ed and 50 tren ed. Next time I hit up the tren it will be at 75mg ed along with 125mg test prop ed.l Perhaps some b12 or a small dose of t3~25mcg. maybe. In all honesty though, t3 scares the shit out of me. Personally I'd go with the b12 first 1000mcg ed and see if that helps.

  7. #7
    that'd be B6 not 12. Anyone have success with the B6 and tren?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    it's b12... b6 is for gyno related to tren and deca.... b12 is the energy one.

  9. #9
    yes but b6 prevents gyno by preventing a prolactin rise, but since prolactin's in hormonal axis with TSH it makes sense that it does so by preventing the TSH decrease tren would promote.
    Do you see?

    Anyone who uses B6 with tren, do you notice any lethargy at all?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dragon69
    yes but b6 prevents gyno by preventing a prolactin rise, but since prolactin's in hormonal axis with TSH it makes sense that it does so by preventing the TSH decrease tren would promote.
    Do you see?

    Anyone who uses B6 with tren, do you notice any lethargy at all?

    way too technical for me lol.... im a simple terms kinda guy, all i know is b6 prevents prolactin levels from rising whic in turn prevents prolactin induced gyno. i thoght u were asking what to take to increase energy thats why isaid b12 did im all confused what your looking for.
    but in any case i used b6 with deca and didn;t notice any lethergy at all, orf course i had my test too which i did get letharic when the test flu hit me, but it passed quickly.

  11. #11
    what I'm getting at is with tren you get a lowered TSH which means lowered T3 output and thus lethargy. So, some people will use T3 to get rid of this lethargy which incidentally would also prevent prolactin from rising.
    So since B6 is said to prevent prolactin raise as well (and thus have effects on TSH level), I'm wondering if it cured any lethargy in those who took it.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    i get it now. thanks for the little explanation lol. i say try the b6, it's not goin to hurt you, in fact it's a good idea since you have tren. I always though people said tren made them feel incredible, i have a buddy on it now and he hasn;t mentioned anything bout being tired, he said he's always up and ready to go )he's also using b6)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hazard County
    dosage on the b6?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by magicstick2003
    i have a buddy on it now and he hasn;t mentioned anything bout being tired, he said he's always up and ready to go )he's also using b6)
    Ah, now that's what I'm looking for.
    So I'll try 200mg B6 with it then and see what happens.

    Would have been nice to have got some input from hooker on this one.

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    strong island, NY
    i get some pretty bad lethargy from tren... i htink i'll go the t3 route.

  18. #18

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