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Thread: Need advice on next course...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pretoria, South Africa

    Need advice on next course...

    Hi there,

    I desperately need advice. I have had really good advice coming from this site and really trust and respect the guys come here to help others like myself out.

    It has been 9 months since my last course. I have had 3 courses in the past.

    50mg deca per week X 8 weeks
    250mg sustanon per week X 8 weeks
    Obviously here I had the best results as it was my first course. Gained 15 kg and went from 24% body fat to 12%. Also stuck to my diet religiously. Followed with:
    3 weeks of pregnal 5000iu per week.

    50mg winstrol per day, 5 days a week X 12 weeks
    500mg sustenon per week X 12 weeks
    1st 2 weeks 4 Dianabol tabs per day
    then 2 weeks 6 Dianabol tabs per day
    followed with 2 weeks 8 Dianabol tabs per day
    ending the Dianabol with 5 tabs per day for another 2 weeks.
    Had less gains but still did well. Obviously should not have used Sustenon so soon after first time. Followed up with:
    3 weeks of Profasie 5000iu per week

    8 weeks of:
    Testosterone suspention (cant remember dosage)
    300mg Deca per week
    followed by another 8 weeks of:
    Testosterone enanthate (cant remember dosage)
    300mg Deca per week.
    Did the whole Dianabol tabs like in the 2nd course again.
    Followed up with:
    5000iu Pregnal for 5 weeks
    I had total system failure with this course. Messed me up real good. Minimum gains. Libido flat, tired, depressed, water retention, bad skin. After investigating I realised that I did not use the suspension correctly and that changing over from suspension (which works relatively fast) to Enanthate, which takes 4 weeks to build up, was the worst thing to do. Trust a trainer to give you advice. Hindsight is sweet.

    I now need to get back onto the juice, as I have not been able to visit the gym on a regular basis due to a new job. I have gained a bit of fat and hav enot really lost that much of the gains from the prvious 3 courses. I’m adjusting my priorities and have finally settled into my job enough to be able to find the odd 2 hours per day to work out.

    The advice that I need is what to use for this next course. A doctor told me that some of his friends have seen major gains with Ilium Boldebal-H. He said that it is very similar to Deca. He can get this for me. My aim is to really grow. The biggest that I can. I was thinking of adding Sustenon and Dianabol. Specific questions:

    1 Do you think after looking at my previous courses that Boldebal-H is the right thing for me?

    2 What dosage should I be taking and for how long?

    3 Would Sustenon work well with this?

    4 What dosage should I use of that?

    5 Any other juice that you could recommend other than Sustenon?

    6 What is the best way to take Dianabol?

    Any help would really be appreciated. I really value your opinion and would not like to mess up this one.

    Thanks a mil,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    not flamin you mate but way too many n too much oral compounds in those 1st cycles,feel sorry for your did not mention clomid in your post cycle therapys or nolvadex?how much of the gains have you been able too keep off the prev cycles?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Before I started the juice, i weighed 72kg. After the 3rd with gains and losses in between I weighed 99kg. I'm now, 9 months down the line, down to 96 with some fat gain but do not think i lost more than 30% of my gains. Was not able to find or afford Nolvadex or Clomid at that stage.

    I'm looking to push hard and my dream is to get to 115kg. I know it might not happen in 1 course only but willing to do what ever it takes.

    Any help guys...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    you can get the nolva(tamox) and nolvadex off the banner up top.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hazard County
    404 works wonders. Nice liver by the way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Thanx GSXXR,

    It's guys like you that make the world go round.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Hazard County
    Quote Originally Posted by 8-MAN works wonders. Nice liver by the way.
    Sorry bout that bud....I was wondering where I posted this. It was meant for another thread. I agree with above.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by deathBYproxy
    Thanx GSXXR,

    It's guys like you that make the world go round.
    Dude, you've done really well to get to where you are and keep what you have. Make sure that you don't use the same type of oral for 2 cycles in a row (like with the D-bol) as the body gets used to it and the receptors de-sensitize. Get some Anodrol/Anapolons and use these as you would the D-bol ( remembering of course that these are 50mg and not 5mg!!). Good luck in getting to the 115kg, massiveness!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by 8-MAN
    Sorry bout that bud....I was wondering where I posted this. It was meant for another thread. I agree with above.

    Not a prob 8-MAN, if it was for me i had it comming. I know now that the orals were a bit overboard. I have a habit of doing without thinking.

    That is about to change though...


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by big an rich
    Dude, you've done really well to get to where you are and keep what you have. Make sure that you don't use the same type of oral for 2 cycles in a row (like with the D-bol) as the body gets used to it and the receptors de-sensitize. Get some Anodrol/Anapolons and use these as you would the D-bol ( remembering of course that these are 50mg and not 5mg!!). Good luck in getting to the 115kg, massiveness!!!
    Thanks Big,

    Tell me, I had to get Anapolon for a friend once and the trainer sold me light green tabs shaped like cangaroos. I did not trust the look of it but he said that it lagit. Have you everr heard of Anapolon shaped like this?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by deathBYproxy
    Thanks Big,

    Tell me, I had to get Anapolon for a friend once and the trainer sold me light green tabs shaped like cangaroos. I did not trust the look of it but he said that it lagit. Have you everr heard of Anapolon shaped like this?

    I've never taken them but they are made by SYDgroup in Australia. To be honest with you from what I've been told by other trusted sources, they are real, or at least there is a maker that makes them (can't say W/O seeing yours if they are) but either way they aren't much good. I'd stick to the Anadrol 50's or Brit Anapolons if you can get your hands on them.


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