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Thread: update on my case!!! still sux

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    update on my case!!! still sux

    sup bro's, september 04 i got pulled over and let a cop search my car, he found 2 bottles of winnie 20c-50 mg. the cop let me go and i thought he just gave me a break or was going to use it himself. well then in january 05 i found out i have a warrant for possesion of stanzol. so i freak out and got a lawyer. this is texas by the way. im from st louis missouri. i posted a view times on here about it. so my lawyer ask where i get it and i was told him i started out with an hrt place then they got to expensive so i got it off the net. he says the prosecutor was not taking the case lightly and they were trying to charge me with 128 grams. in texas they actually can weigh the water or anyother solution that the drug is in. i had been to other doctors over the past 3 years and had been prescribed clomids, hcg's and the patch . he tells me to go to a real doctor and get evaluated so i did. i went to an endocrinologist and they did all kinds of test on me. my test level was real low ans so was the gh levels very low. he diagnosed me with hypogonisim, so im thinking this might help me in my case. my lawyer and promised me he wouls get me a misdemeaner and keep it of my record cause i cant have a felony and keep my job. so i bought it to him and did everything he told me to but now he says the prosec still wants to charge me with the felony. the cop pulled me over for speeding but never gave ma a ticket but in texas they dont have to according to my lawyer and they can put the case at large untill they get the results from the test back on the drugs. the cop told me it was my lucky day and he let me go, he said i wouldnt hear anything more about this, well he lied, my lawyer told me he'd get me a misdemeaner and get me a light probation well it looks like he lied to. any ideas??? i know rick collins is good but not sure he could help. he said he would do a phone consultation with my lawyer and my lawyer was for it bit didnt think it was nessescary cause he thought he could make a deal. other than collins any one have anyother ideas??? and the doctor is going to put me on injection therapy because hypogondisim is treatable but not cureable???? thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    is this your first offense ever? and how many counts are u charged with.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    yes this is my first time ever being in trouble. the charge states something like. possesion of stansol 128 grams and then says something about less than 200 grams. i cant believe they can add the water to the total cause it should be 2 grams . 2 20cc bottles at 50 mg. i figured they would give me a break but the way my lawyer has been talking im a little worried now. he says i wont go to jail but i really dont want a felony probation

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I hate to add insult to injury, but why did you let him search the car in the first place? From now on, keep all of your shit either in the trunk or the glove box. If they ask to search, that's fine, b/c legaly they can't go in your trunk nor glove box. Anyway, that's for future for this, there's not a whole lot you can do but hope that somehow it will still get reduced to a misdermeaner.You can try getting some other opinions as to what your options are. Or you can just move to another country and never come back to America! Go to Cancun, Mexico and party and do all the juice you want!
    Just I'm not!

    Whatever happens, good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    well i had it in a suitcase. they went through everything in my car.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Probation is a given, theres no way around that unless the case gets dropped completly (if your lucky, due to prosecution error. it happened to me on a felony as well) however, it should be fairly easy to reduce that felony to a misdemeanor, being your first offense ever. my boy just got charged with 2 counts of possesson of steroids with intent to distribute and 2 counts of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and hes most likely gonna get those lowered to misdemeanors. but then again we're in Florida. i dont know how texas works, but i've heard they are strict for some things. the key is to get a lawyer that you feel comfortable with, who is going to keep delaying the case as much as possible (the longer the better). eventually the prosecutor will cut a deal. it being your first offense i really dont see why they wouldnt lower it. good luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    it really pisses me off. from the first where the cop lied and said i wouldnt hear anymore about it, my lawyer telling me not to worry he'd get me a misdeamor juvecation of sentence. i cooperated with them, i turned my self in with my lawyer i didnt try to hide or anything. i have a good job that ive had for 9 years and i know people get of on possesion charges all the time. but my luck is allways the worst.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    well he has been delaying it since january. i was hoping the doctor writting them a letter saying i was hypogondisim would help but the prosecutor told my lawyer it was from steroid abuse. so now she is a doctor as well.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    I hate to add insult to injury, but why did you let him search the car in the first place? From now on, keep all of your shit either in the trunk or the glove box. If they ask to search, that's fine, b/c legaly they can't go in your trunk nor glove box. Anyway, that's for future for this, there's not a whole lot you can do but hope that somehow it will still get reduced to a misdermeaner.You can try getting some other opinions as to what your options are. Or you can just move to another country and never come back to America! Go to Cancun, Mexico and party and do all the juice you want!
    Just I'm not!

    Whatever happens, good luck
    LOL,if that were only true my friend. if u tell a cop they cant search your glove or trunk your fu*ked regardless. first they would call the k9 unit to sniff and whether or not the dog reacts to something, they will say the dog reacted to something and force you to open it or they'll force it open themselves. or if theres no k9 unit on duty they'll make your ass wait in the back of the hot ass cop car handcuffed sweating ballz while they get a warrant. theres no way around it. the key is later on when your fighting the case to get a good lawyer to prove illegal search and aseizure.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i told him he could search my car but i didnt know that met they could dig through all my personal belongings. i travel for work alot so my car is allways got 2 or 3 suitcases. there was a car there with a dog. but they never let the dog sniff the car they just went right to lookiung themselves

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ofcourse because you gave them permission to search. that means search everything.. it must have been a slow day for them or you guys really looked shady. the point is that they are pigs and theres nothing we can do about it. the court system is bullsh*t wasting time on little things like this when theres people out there raping, killing, and molesting others. its just messed up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i agree. i loose my job if i have a conviction im praying they dont put it on my record.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    ive had a job for 9 years and have no priors but they want to ruin my life. and my doctor is going to put me on the replacement therapy because of my disease, i told my lawyer that and he said " YOU DIDNT HAVE A VALID PRESCRIPTION AT THE TIME" which is true but with all the doctors ive been to in the last 3 years its hard to keep all my meds straight. im hoping this letter my doctor wrote will lightend the charge some.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    usually once your working somewhere they dont continue to check everyones criminal recored who works there. but maybe your job is different.

  15. #15
    bro if you can get the doctor to right the perscription before you go to court. the lawer should be able to get you off completely ....It is not a crime if you can show a perscription in the past and in the future just tell the lawyer you couldn't afford the meds it is the truth. You have documentation that proves you need test to be healthy....tell you lawyer to get his head in the game.....
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 07-20-2005 at 12:05 AM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i have tried that. i had 2 bottles i got of the internet no prescription when i got puled over. when i found out i had a warrant i sent my blood work to an hrt place and they gave me a script for winnie and test cyp. the funny thing is my blood test they excepted was a year old. which was befor i got pulled over. ihave a script for it now but they said they were not a valid doctor. because they were out of a magazine. there are so many factors in this case i just cant see why they still want to charge me with a felony

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    They gave u a script for test cyp and winnie? thats awesome..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    it hasnt seemed to help my case any. i cant see how it is fair to add the weight of the water then charge me .

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Southern Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    i cant see how it is fair to add the weight of the water then charge me .
    Yeah, thats a crock of shit. You are being charged for illegal substances only, not for possession of water.

  20. #20
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    it hasnt seemed to help my case any. i cant see how it is fair to add the weight of the water then charge me .
    If they find a pound of chronic wrapped in saran wrap and vas****e in your trunk, do u think they unwrap it and weigh it. hell no, they just throw it on the digital as is so 1 pound just turned into almost 2 pounds. its just the way it is.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    why cant i say v a s a l i n e.. weird..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i didnt even get a ticket when he pulled me over. they searched my car then handcuffed me then let me go.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    because of a scammer A L I N so any word with that in it is edited such as hea l i n g or vasa l i n e or sa l i n e tits seee he****g vas****e s****e tits

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i worry about keeping my job maybe i should worry about going to jail????? anyone know???

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    i didnt even get a ticket when he pulled me over. they searched my car then handcuffed me then let me go.
    atleast u got to sleep in a comfy bed that night.. jail sux ass so atleast be thankful for that..

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    i worry about keeping my job maybe i should worry about going to jail????? anyone know???

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    128 grams is alot to be charged with though plus it being a felony as well. i pay for no jail time. i hope theyll keep it off my record somehow. sorry to keep talking about it just scared.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I agree with 305Guy. If you have no priors, it is highly unlikely that you will go to jail. If your lawyer can not plea it down to a misdemeanor and you are charged w felony possesion, the judge will probably withhold adjudication. In both cases wether a misdemeanor or a felony (as long as adjudication is withheld), you can always have the record sealed or expunged.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    my lawyer says he is syrprized on how agressive the prosecutor is being, he said if had been anyother prosec. he would have allready had it over with. which tells me my luck sux

  30. #30
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    my lawyer says he is syrprized on how agressive the prosecutor is being, he said if had been anyother prosec. he would have allready had it over with. which tells me my luck sux
    Whoa, that's a different story blackh2. I am going into law and I will tell you that the prosecutor chooses who to follow through on or not (i.e. he/she chooses who to prosecute). I wish I could tell you something else, but it is the truth. Do you know of another attorney, perhaps one w more rank?

  31. #31
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    Feb 2004
    im from a differnet state and dont know anyone in texas. a good friend of mine told me his aunt and uncle keep him on retainer cause there kids are allways oin trouble so i chose him.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    im from a differnet state and dont know anyone in texas. a good friend of mine told me his aunt and uncle keep him on retainer cause there kids are allways oin trouble so i chose him.
    Damn man. Truly this sucks. So much crime and prosecutors are wasting time w stanozol. This is the country we live in. You don't have any priors and you seem to be very responsible w your job and all.
    blackh2, I'm quite positive you will not go to jail. In the meantime, keep doing what your doing, or this will eat you alive.
    Godspeed brutha

  33. #33
    bottom line.... u get what you pay for. Keyser is on the mark. You should ask the opinion people in that jurisdiction. I am from texas and am fighting a charge of possession of CS. Ask the bondsmen in the area. They really know a lot about the local attorneys and be thorough.

  34. #34
    Is this attorney a local guy? The one thing you have control over is your choice of attorney and believe me it makes all the difference in the world!!!!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    sup bro's, september 04 i got pulled over and let a cop search my car, he found 2 bottles of winnie 20c-50 mg. the cop let me go and i thought he just gave me a break or was going to use it himself. well then in january 05 i found out i have a warrant for possesion of stanzol. so i freak out and got a lawyer. this is texas by the way. im from st louis missouri. i posted a view times on here about it. so my lawyer ask where i get it and i was told him i started out with an hrt place then they got to expensive so i got it off the net. he says the prosecutor was not taking the case lightly and they were trying to charge me with 128 grams. in texas they actually can weigh the water or anyother solution that the drug is in. i had been to other doctors over the past 3 years and had been prescribed clomids, hcg's and the patch . he tells me to go to a real doctor and get evaluated so i did. i went to an endocrinologist and they did all kinds of test on me. my test level was real low ans so was the gh levels very low. he diagnosed me with hypogonisim, so im thinking this might help me in my case. my lawyer and promised me he wouls get me a misdemeaner and keep it of my record cause i cant have a felony and keep my job. so i bought it to him and did everything he told me to but now he says the prosec still wants to charge me with the felony. the cop pulled me over for speeding but never gave ma a ticket but in texas they dont have to according to my lawyer and they can put the case at large untill they get the results from the test back on the drugs. the cop told me it was my lucky day and he let me go, he said i wouldnt hear anything more about this, well he lied, my lawyer told me he'd get me a misdemeaner and get me a light probation well it looks like he lied to. any ideas??? i know rick collins is good but not sure he could help. he said he would do a phone consultation with my lawyer and my lawyer was for it bit didnt think it was nessescary cause he thought he could make a deal. other than collins any one have anyother ideas??? and the doctor is going to put me on injection therapy because hypogondisim is treatable but not cureable???? thanks for the help
    Well Bro, I am a lawyer and here are my thoughts. First, the cop had probable cause to pull you over for speeding and lawfully detain you. Then you consented to a search, which allows the cop to search your car without independent probable cause to believe you were engaged in criminal activity. (It never ceases to amaze me how many people consent to searches, which are otherwise not supported by probable cause - NEVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH - EVER!) Therefore, your proabable cause defense is out the window. What is left is an argument that the officer's search exceeded the scope of consent given. But to be honest bro - Motions to Suppress are rarely sucessful. Also, a script will do nothing for you at this point, except possibly mitigate your sentence (Because you did not have the script at the time you possessed the controlled substance). Your fate lies in the hands on the deputy district attorney assigned to your case. I highly doubt you will get any jail time if you plead out, but if you do go to trial, and are convicted, the prosecutor will most likely seek incarceration. It is up to him whether or not to offer you a misdemeanor in exchange for a guilty plea, but it looks like you don't have a "sabre to rattle at him." Lawyers can only do so much, bro. Good luck - PM me if you have any questions that I might be able to help you with.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    cant belive how much trouble you are in for something that is legal here in the uk, i mean the 2 countries and so alike.
    sory to here about this hope it works out as good as it can for you.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    May I ask what city you are being prosecuted in?

    Seems like maybe a smaller city and the prosecuter just has nothing better to do.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Also, what is the line between a misdemeanor and a felony? Is over 128 grams a felony and under a misdemeanor?

    And I do not get where they came up with your total. What is the basic ratio in terms of figuring this out? How many grams per cc?

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by blackh2
    it really pisses me off. from the first where the cop lied and said i wouldnt hear anymore about it, my lawyer telling me not to worry he'd get me a misdeamor juvecation of sentence. i cooperated with them, i turned my self in with my lawyer i didnt try to hide or anything. i have a good job that ive had for 9 years and i know people get of on possesion charges all the time. but my luck is allways the worst.
    why do you think cops don't have the right to lie.??

    they do.. in an attempt to gather information..

    you are not required to cooperate in an investigation.. nor are you required to allow for a search..

    so what really it comes down to.. is you fell for the game.. and it's time to pay..

    The answer to your every question


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    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    its in dallas texas. not a small town prosecutor at all.

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