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Thread: Anyone get Nightmares ?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    200mg ED? ya right....
    My buddy does take 200mg ED. Not real sure why you think that i would make this shit up. Have no reason to make it up and realy dont give a **** if you believe me or not.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    How many weeks into the Tren do you start experiencing these nightmares? I'm getting a little worried about running it now after reading this shit. I already have some pretty bad sleep disorders; insomnia and sleep paralysis, also I have very vivid lucid dreams (when I can sleep). The sleep paralysis is by far the worst though. I'll wake up and I'm fully awake but I can't move at all. It's like I'm locked in my body. Very scarry!
    If you have problems sleeping, i wouldnt even mess with it. Weeks 2-4 i could barly sleep. Tossed and turnd alllllll night. It was horrible. Alot of peopel get night sweets. I never got that but really did effect my sleep pretty bad. I would def. wait and see if its worth running. I wouldnt recomend it if your already having sleep problems. Good Luck Bro

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by fighteveryone
    i actually punched my gf twice in my sleep. haha.
    LOL, exact same sh!t happened to me too. On tren I get real jumpy in my sleep, dreams sometimes seem like real life. It's crazy

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i feel ya swoleup !

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Dirty Jerz
    Hell ya man thats some pretty detailed zhit... I also have some pretty detailed dreams while on gear but nothing to that extent but i do remember waking up in either a pool or sweet or tears sometimes waking up and wonderin what the hell has just happened to me

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    At the beginning of the new year, I kept my laptop next to my bed, and kept a running "dream journal" for about 2 weeks. Some pretty ****ed up shit went on, and I was amazed at how lucid the dreams were.

    My dreams are crazy when I am on tren, or running over 1.5g of Test. I will try to dig up the document and post a few of my favorites from that time period.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Keep Us Posted Daem

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Dirty Jerz
    I was also running the Test and was having the vivid dreams that I did i dont know if its the test or just the gear not to expiernced with many different types of gear so i cant really give my two cents

  9. #49
    I have a recurring nightmare that I'm a mod at SBI....

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    At the beginning of the new year, I kept my laptop next to my bed, and kept a running "dream journal" for about 2 weeks. Some pretty ****ed up shit went on, and I was amazed at how lucid the dreams were.

    My dreams are crazy when I am on tren, or running over 1.5g of Test. I will try to dig up the document and post a few of my favorites from that time period.
    ide love to see those..


  11. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I only have time to post one of these right now, but when I return from work later this evening I'll throw up some more if I remember.

    The Police Officer
    Two friends were in my car. I was driving down a 35 mph street going 37 mph. Shotgun tells me I need to make a left turn. Back seat begins to start coughing and won't stop. The highway splits with right side going to "hospital" and left side going to "Exclamation."

    I say that it might be a good time to go to hospital and shotgun is furious. He grabs my wallet, takes my Banana Republic card, and throws everything else out the window.

    I begin bear right and shotgun jumps out of the car.

    Passenger looks purple in back seat, and I tell him to hold on. We pick up speed to 70mph. A policeman on a bike is riding in reverse going 70mph and signals to roll down my window. He yells for "License and Registration" and I ask him how he is going backwards so fast. He goes faster and is riding ahead of us traveling backwards.

    He throws a water balloon at my car and we skid off the road. My friend in the back seat is no longer coughing, and asking why we didn't go to exclamation.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    May 2005
    thats some strange shit daem !

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