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Thread: front load or not to front load?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Exclamation front load or not to front load?

    looking for some advice.. test e 500 mg e/w not sure if i should front load? will it kick in quicker if i do?? better results or the same if i dont frontload??
    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Wont kick in any quicker unless you have some how unlocked the way and ester works and anatomicly altered its chain. I dont think you understand what front loading is. If you want to have something kick in quicker then just get some d-bol or anadrol or even some tren ace. and add it to your stack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Dont frontload the enanthate... I would go with drol personally to start your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    It sounds like you have front loading and kick starting your cycle confused. Let me explain...

    Fronloading is done primarily with long esters i.e enanthate, decanoate and undecylenate. This is done because it is believed you will reach your weekly dose quicker. For the first two weeks you would shoot double the amount the go back to the normal weekly dose thereafter. I've never used it before, but I know it's been posted about before. Run a search and you'll find what you're looking for.

    Kickstarting a cycle is using an oral or a fast acting injectable ester to begin your cycle with. Most commonly for the first 4 weeks. Prop is ideal if you don't mind the ed shots for a month. Other will opt for dbol or anadrol if estrogen is not a concern. As for kick starting with tren, I had an idea for a test/tren enth cycle and kick starting this off with prop/fina for the first 4 weeks. Just something to think about.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Oakland Athletics
    Here is the thread in the educational forum on Frontloading..Vary good thread..


  6. #6
    Yeah its a great thread, very informative

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I like to frontload long estered test, but I don't increase the size of the shot... I start out shooting ED then EOD then E3D. It does seem to work better. For instance, say I am doing 500mg/week of 250mg/ml test E. I will shoot 1ml in all my shots. First week or so, I shoot the 1ml ED. Second week, EOD, same 1ml dose. THird week, E3D and maybe go to every 3.5 days the fourth week. Levels of free, active test seem to come up quicker and I suspect they are more stable than frontloading by just increasing the dose and still shooting on the same schedule. YMMV of course.

    Prop sort of blurs the line between frontloading and jumpstarting, since it is, after all, test. Prop is great to start the cycle with... and hey, it is just more test! But if I don't have prop available I do the frontload with the cyp or enanth.

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    I like to frontload long estered test, but I don't increase the size of the shot... I start out shooting ED then EOD then E3D. It does seem to work better. For instance, say I am doing 500mg/week of 250mg/ml test E. I will shoot 1ml in all my shots. First week or so, I shoot the 1ml ED. Second week, EOD, same 1ml dose. THird week, E3D and maybe go to every 3.5 days the fourth week. Levels of free, active test seem to come up quicker and I suspect they are more stable than frontloading by just increasing the dose and still shooting on the same schedule. YMMV of course.

    Prop sort of blurs the line between frontloading and jumpstarting, since it is, after all, test. Prop is great to start the cycle with... and hey, it is just more test! But if I don't have prop available I do the frontload with the cyp or enanth.
    Baron another good post, Ithink I ll try it that way, doubling the mg in one shot didnt sit well with me so I stayed away from frontloading, why fluxuate level like that right at the start, good info!!!

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