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Thread: Calling all people with A.S. knowledge !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Calling all people with A.S. knowledge !

    A very close friend of mine has never taken AS before. He is a BIG mofo naturaly. Before he started he was 6'5'' 270. He has that big bulky look. No fat at all, just BIG. He started his first cycle with basicaly no knowledge at all or research. He is running 1200mg of tes-e a week and has been for 10 weeks.WHich is unreal for his first cycle. When he told him how much he was takin, my mouth hit the floor. He is going to come off in 2 weeks. He now weighs 287. Very bloated I think he is going to hit the wall hard. Im not sure what to do or how to appoarch this ? Can anyone give me advice or is there a way to come off better then just stopping. Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by deuce-is-loose; 07-23-2005 at 03:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by deuce-is-loose
    A very close friend of mine has never taken AS before. He is a BIG mofo naturaly. Before he started he was 6'5'' 270. He has that big bulky look. No fat at all, just BIG. He started his first cycle with basicaly no knowledge at all or rearch. He is running 1200mg of tes-e a week and has been for 10 weeks. He is going to come off in 2 weeks. He now weighs 287. Very bloated I think he is going to hit the wall hard. Im not sure what to do or how to appoarch this ? Can anyone give me advice or is there a way to come off better then just stopping. Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    three letter's PCT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    He has everything for PCT, but i just think that it might not be enough. I think maybe he should stay on another 4 weeks and lower the intake per week and then run PCT. ? But not real sure ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    great white north
    I have never taken anywhere near that amount, But ya PCT would be the smartest thing you could tell "your friend" about. Have him look into hcg now before his cycle is over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Its def not not me it is my friend.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbadbootydaddy
    Have him look into hcg now before his cycle is over.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Look into Pheendo's PCT protocol. Add in some hcg before the cycle is over. HCG should be ended about a week before PCT begins.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    thanks bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    It's to late for HCG, he need to start pct 2 weeks after last shot, if he uses clomid, I'd get some nolva to avoid any estrogen induced emotions. If he's going to use nolva go 40mg for 2 weeks, then use 20mg until his sex drive is back with morning wood.

    He wasted a lot of gear, tell him more doesn't mean better, it means more side effects, as he knows now with the bloat. Have him try test and eq on his next cycle, 500mg of test 400mg of eq.

    Here's the thing we all as men produce 40-70mg of test a week. Big guys don't produce more and small guys don't produce less. If you genetics are to be big you'll be big, if they are to be small you'll small. So we all need to start at the same dose, because natural size doesn't matter or is it a guide for the dose you should use on your first cycle.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    One more thing if he only gained 17lbs and is bloated, I'm going to guess he's gain 10-13 lbs of muscle. That tells me he wasn't eating very much, tell he to concentrae on food more then gear. Gear put you in an anabolic state, but if there's not enough food to support that anabolic state, your gain will be limited, like his are.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thanks alot JohnnyB. Thats what i wanted to hear. Thanks Bro !

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    On AR's Forum
    PCT will be difficult as hell if he only uses clomid
    He will definately need hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and clomid

    If he's using 1200mg test a week i think he would need to use a higher dose of nolvadex or another really strong anti estrogen like Femara(Letro)

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Estrogen levels break a record high in this brutha.... Did he taper down? I really believe in that even though some don't.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i beleive in it too Seattle Junk. Thanks for the reponse !

  15. #15
    1200mg a week what is this guy on mission to kill himself crazy bro but take clomid brother and nolvadex, triblus, and take hcg brother monkey be busy banging his girlfriend folks im here to stay just been clean lately and am gonna make trips here and there summer time. people say i look better now without juice im 230 i used to the monkey aka roid monkey now im just an ordinary joe but dont worry i plan to be the incredible hulk come septemember . i'll be back on the drugs screw cutting i dont want an 180 pound body and have veins and shit when a bouncer in nite club can kick my ass. Screw the chicks and impressing them and shit . IM going on juice and hitting 320 and all mass baby and then watch the monkey kick some bouncer ass right , left and center, It;s not about the six pack for the chicks , It not about being shredded, and in shape , juicing is all about whether you can kick the bouncer's ass that works at your weekend night club if you can welcome to the roid monkey's world come september i plan just do that wish me luck and wish we get that sob osoma as well peace america. peace out fans the monkey is busy i am here to stay see you around but im not on full time juice or should i say duty at steroid .com tell september . hell it;s summer time hot summer , hot chicks, hot muscles, that is the life.

    I love telling my girlfriend im not a player and i stay home on weekends only after talking to her and then hitting the clubs after eleven and finding myself a roid monkey whore. That is the life you need excitement and mystery and shit . Im not a player but these beautiful surrey whores have made me a player in bed that is. so instead lacing up the skates and being a player i juice up and be a player in the clubs. say hello roid monkey in da house peace out

  16. #16
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  17. #17
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonytone
    good idea.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    i forgot that jucing make's you a better fighter and makes you pull chick's

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    i forgot that jucing make's you a better fighter and makes you pull chick's

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    1200mg a week what is this guy on mission to kill himself crazy bro but take clomid brother and nolvadex, triblus, and take hcg brother monkey be busy banging his girlfriend folks im here to stay just been clean lately and am gonna make trips here and there summer time. people say i look better now without juice im 230 i used to the monkey aka roid monkey now im just an ordinary joe but dont worry i plan to be the incredible hulk come septemember . i'll be back on the drugs screw cutting i dont want an 180 pound body and have veins and shit when a bouncer in nite club can kick my ass. Screw the chicks and impressing them and shit . IM going on juice and hitting 320 and all mass baby and then watch the monkey kick some bouncer ass right , left and center, It;s not about the six pack for the chicks , It not about being shredded, and in shape , juicing is all about whether you can kick the bouncer's ass that works at your weekend night club if you can welcome to the roid monkey's world come september i plan just do that wish me luck and wish we get that sob osoma as well peace america. peace out fans the monkey is busy i am here to stay see you around but im not on full time juice or should i say duty at steroid .com tell september . hell it;s summer time hot summer , hot chicks, hot muscles, that is the life.

    I love telling my girlfriend im not a player and i stay home on weekends only after talking to her and then hitting the clubs after eleven and finding myself a roid monkey whore. That is the life you need excitement and mystery and shit . Im not a player but these beautiful surrey whores have made me a player in bed that is. so instead lacing up the skates and being a player i juice up and be a player in the clubs. say hello roid monkey in da house peace out

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by saluu
    1200mg a week what is this guy on mission to kill himself crazy bro but take clomid brother and nolvadex, triblus, and take hcg brother monkey be busy banging his girlfriend folks im here to stay just been clean lately and am gonna make trips here and there summer time. people say i look better now without juice im 230 i used to the monkey aka roid monkey now im just an ordinary joe but dont worry i plan to be the incredible hulk come septemember . i'll be back on the drugs screw cutting i dont want an 180 pound body and have veins and shit when a bouncer in nite club can kick my ass. Screw the chicks and impressing them and shit . IM going on juice and hitting 320 and all mass baby and then watch the monkey kick some bouncer ass right , left and center, It;s not about the six pack for the chicks , It not about being shredded, and in shape , juicing is all about whether you can kick the bouncer's ass that works at your weekend night club if you can welcome to the roid monkey's world come september i plan just do that wish me luck and wish we get that sob osoma as well peace america. peace out fans the monkey is busy i am here to stay see you around but im not on full time juice or should i say duty at steroid .com tell september . hell it;s summer time hot summer , hot chicks, hot muscles, that is the life.

    I love telling my girlfriend im not a player and i stay home on weekends only after talking to her and then hitting the clubs after eleven and finding myself a roid monkey whore. That is the life you need excitement and mystery and shit . Im not a player but these beautiful surrey whores have made me a player in bed that is. so instead lacing up the skates and being a player i juice up and be a player in the clubs. say hello roid monkey in da house peace out
    LOL! Hell, it's summer time. Hot summer, hot chicks, hot muscles. That is the life!!!!!! LMAO!
    Last edited by scriptfactory; 07-24-2005 at 04:08 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2005
    hell yeah !

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