I was just wondering where everyones favorite spot to inject is. I personally like the thigh becuase it is easy to inject myself. Also where do you think the safest is, besides the glute.
I was just wondering where everyones favorite spot to inject is. I personally like the thigh becuase it is easy to inject myself. Also where do you think the safest is, besides the glute.
lol, the glute. I like a**.the delt as well, dont like the quad too much had a bad experience there
delt probably safest next to glute. But it really depends by what you mean safe. Ironically my favorite and least favorite spot to inject is traps. I like them but at the same time they make me nervous. Biceps are easy to hit, as well as the outer head of triceps. Pecs aren't bad, after pecs I like lats.
Quad and calf are the only places I don't ever inject. Hate them both.
delt and glute, least painful and easiest to access, ive tried once to inject in my quad and my leg freaked on me, i dont kno if im ever gonna try there again unless i am taking many substances and need to have a wide variety of injection spots
I hear ya bro. I know what you mean, I was super sore in one quad that I couldnt walk for 2 days, but the other one was fine. Go figureOriginally Posted by fballhoss51
No quads for me unless I have no other choice
I prefer rotating between delts, tri's and quads. When I have to do ed or eod shots though I increase the number of sites. I think delts are about one of the safest you can do.
i dont like the delts because for some reason everytime i inject in them a little of gear leaks out, it pisses the hell out of me.
Do a z-track shot and it shouldn't leak.
if you dont mind me asking whats a z-track shot? read some posts on it, but never really got it.
You pull your skin a little to the side, inject, then when you let go it "closes" the opening of the injection, no gear leaked out. Read this
thats amazing. thanks for the link.
No problem bro
Thats a really good link, Learn somthing new everyday.
Thanks thejuice
ye juicel eaks out for me too, only problem with pulling tha skin is i heard thats bad to do..always hearing things...lol
It depends on what and how often I'm shooting. Cutting I'll rotate between all sites because it's usually ed shots of a few mls.Bulking I'll stick to delts, glutes and quads. I love biceps shots with prop because of the swelling effect it has, same with triceps.
Delts work best for me.... i tried 250mg sust into bicep and couldnt move my arm for 8 days... i dont recommend it![]()
Originally Posted by fballhoss51
Z track is very safe as it doesn't allow the oil to leak out thru the sub Q tissue causing less irritation and keeping the gear where it does the most good
bi's,tri's and pecs work well...I even used to shoot my calves until i hit a nerve one time and my ankle swelled up like F$%king balloon. Just make sure you always aspirate
rotate between glutes, calves, delts. occassionally use every other place cept lats.. can't get a good angle on the bastards
quads r my favorite, followed by delts....
Same as above quads are my favorite. simple and much less soreness than delts
glutes and quads only, maybe delts nothing else
thanks everyone, i am probably gonna stick with quads since the muslce is big and better absorbtion, however i am gonna try the z- track method tommorow on my delts. biceps chest and tri's scare me for some reason, dont know why. i'll let you know how it goes.
quads and pecs, use delts and tris also
quads but damn im running out of places. Too many ed substances lol.
i just injected in my delt using the z track method. i didnt know how to keep the skin pulled so i pulled my skin and taped it to my chest, worked good, but i still leaked out some gear. anyone know why? also my delt feels sore as hell. why?
Go slowly on quads. Jab the tip of the pin right in, like a dart, and then push it slowly the rest of the way. If you feel a funny feeling like a pain you can't identify the source (well, your eyes tell you where it is coming from, but your nerves just freak out and don't send accurate information) precisely, or your leg twitches involuntarily, you are right there at a nerve. pull out partway, adjust your aim and slowly stick it back in. I always tickle a nerve when I try to shoot exactly where the recommended area is. I have to go further up onto the top of the thigh. Once you have your technique down on quads, they are really easy cause you can see what you are doing and easily use both hands without a lot of shoulder-dislocating gymnastics.
Pecs are absolutely the nicest place to shoot, for smaller injections. 1.5cc or less goes into pecs quite nicely. I have done 2cc but I get a weird feeling sometimes when I do that... get a funny cold pain in my pec minor. I guess that much gear finds a way back out through the fascia or something. But don't fear pec shots. Just flex and feel for the thickest part of the muscle, and that is where you shoot. Veins are mostly just cappilary size there.
I have a hard time reaching my delts, actually. I can hit them but it is a stretch, and it is easier for me to use a mirror. Big pecs + short arms and the inflexibility that often curses us old farts.
I dont mind the glute, quad, but I really hate doing the delt. I think that is the worst and I dread when I have to do it.
glutes are least painful for me, so i like those plus i can put 3+ ccs there, next least painful are delts and i can do 3ccs there, i like biceps and triceps cause the size (although not permanent) increase afterwards...chest and quads are ok but not my favorites...absolutely will not to traps, lats, or calves...
i like the quad a lot, and actually i would rather just rotate between the right and left, but i am injecting everyday and i think its better to rotate with another muscle, since scar tissue will be less and better absorbtion. so my plan was to go between the right delt then the left delt, then the left quad,and then the right quad, and then repeat. but the only thing is i have to learn to master the delt shot, i think i might be pushing the gear in too fast, today i am doing my left delt so i will let you know how it goes, thanks for the advise everyone.
You can sort of divide the injectable part of the thigh into 3 or 4 zones, for better rotation.
Originally Posted by thejuiceisloose
WOW this will help so much
thanks baron, thats what i thought.
Dude how do you guys REACH some of these places?? especially being on roids...there was NO way i could get a good angle on my delt, no way, i was way too big lol. not my A$$ either, and then its so thick that its so hard to push the juice in with one hand...i usually go with my thigh and put the needle in there and then hold the syringe with my left hand and push the juice in with my right, but damn, what a pain in the ass...literally haha..also...wtf i went to that spot injection site and it shows the guy flexing his calf and putting it in...good lord, flexing and ...ew god do any of you do that? i think its so insane
Pecs are awesome. Easy to hit, no pain and no contorting into uncomfortable positions.
what size do you use for the pecs?
sean what size do you use for the thigh?
Pecs is all time fave but i like delts too.. i use 1.5" 25G but only go in an inch 25G's are a biznitch to push in though by yourself in that postion though
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