hey guys i just started a tren/prop cycle and its 100mg each. I got a 50cc bottle and im doing 1cc eod, will ed injects make that much more of an impact or will i be fine off of 1cc eod?
hey guys i just started a tren/prop cycle and its 100mg each. I got a 50cc bottle and im doing 1cc eod, will ed injects make that much more of an impact or will i be fine off of 1cc eod?
Tren needs to be shot ED, if you cant handle ED shots your using the wrong A.S.
i am guessing you mean tren a, if so then ya every day shots are needed, prop also everyday.
For my first Tren/prop cycle I did eod. Tren one day, prop next. The results were great. Well next cycle i bumped up both to ed and the results were even better. Fewer sides and better gains. I dont see any prob with doing every other day at first to break yourself in.
Last edited by Dark Bird; 07-25-2005 at 11:49 PM.
ed for both is best
yeah i meant tren a, how big of a difference will ed make instead of eod? and if i run it ed is 50cc enough? seems like it would be better to run it eod for 100 days
EOD is fine with prop. Tren should be ED.
If you want, shoot both ED with one shot.
Or, what I do.
One day, shoot tren with a 29g 1" slin pin. The next day, shoot tren and prop...repeat.
Tren usually flows well through a slin pin if you're just using 3/4-1 ml.
Well it keeps all your levels stable if you do ed. Tren a gets out of your body fast thus if you wait to long your levels will flucuate perhaps leading to more sides and fewer gains. Injecting one large injection of 100mg will increase the flucuation. See the other way at 50mg your injecting smaller portions more frequently. Youll prob be fine though bro. Sides arent all that bad at eod and gains are still pretty awesome.Originally Posted by nate3422
Same with prop but maybey too a lesser degree
its already mixed in a 50 cc bottle
Oh I c. One of those tren/prop mixes. Well that makes it easier then doesnt it?
hahah that rules...i do that alot of times
Id go ED then.
Billy how big of a difference do you think ed injects will be compared to eod injects?
with tren, it seemed i had a bit more sides EOD. mostly like a cold sweat at times, and much worse acne. After doing both ED and EOD, I probally wouldnt do EOD again.
If nothing else break it in 36hrs. IE, one morning, then the next day at night, then the next day off, and repeat.
but were the gaines just as good both ways? were the sides the only difference?
ED for the best results with the fewest sides
i just finished my first run with tren and I shot ed and had very few sides so I would recommend ed for best results with least amount of sides too
so since i was doing 1cc eod should i go 1/2 cc ed now? or 1cc ed? i have a 50cc bottle and the tren and prop are both 100mg
ed shoots would be best to hel keep blood levels even. but you do not need to do ed eod will work also. both have a half life of 3.5 days.
ED is the only way to fly
so if i switch to ed injects should i go 1/2 cc ed or 1cc ed?
A good starting point is 75mg/ED prop and 50mg/ED fina. Adjust the fina dose to where your sides are just manageable. Keep your prop dose about 25mg higher than the tren, though the prop dose is not as critical. Just a bit better to have the test higher, is all.
this was informative, and lots of opinoins.
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