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Thread: Wot single cycle would i run to turn "Muscular" into "Monster" (No Growth)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Wot single cycle would i run to turn "Muscular" into "Monster" (No Growth)

    Title says it all, what single cycle would you's guys run without growth to turn a "Muscular" guy into so called "Massive" guy ?

    wot chems, how long, wot dosage, i recon its a subject most decently muscular guys would like to hear

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    so want to cut?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    like fat is not an issue or are you trying to get lean gains?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    big lean gains, mass vitaly important, still as lean as poss tho, i belive look is everything, im rather be the smaller guy with less BF that the bigger guy with a higher BF, wot would you guys rather be

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    i'm assuming you've run more than 1 or 2 cycles, but i would run test, eq, fina, and some winstrol at the end. that's the cycle i'm doing next time but i'm throwing in some abombs at the start for some mass at the start then clean it up at the end. what is your cycle expierence?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    big lean gains???????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    2 cycles, first sust only, doing second cycle now, running sust and deca for 12 weeks, run dbol for the first 4, addin winstrol eod for the last 4 weeks then pct. Happy with the results, but i recon my 3rd cycle will turn me from muscular to BIG - hopefully, if i run the right stuff.

    Dont no much about fina or making it so il give that a miss but im thinking along the lines of...40mg Dbol for 4 weeks, Test E (wot dosage do you suggest) EQ - Winstrol at the end, maybe clen in PCT to cut more BF, wot else could i run with the test and EQ to make me big ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    2 cycles, first sust only, doing second cycle now, running sust and deca for 12 weeks, run dbol for the first 4, addin winstrol eod for the last 4 weeks then pct. Happy with the results, but i recon my 3rd cycle will turn me from muscular to BIG - hopefully, if i run the right stuff.

    Dont no much about fina or making it so il give that a miss but im thinking along the lines of...40mg Dbol for 4 weeks, Test E (wot dosage do you suggest) EQ - Winstrol at the end, maybe clen in PCT to cut more BF, wot else could i run with the test and EQ to make me big ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    If you are already a few cycles in the gains get harder to come by. If an extra 15-20 lbs will turn you into a monster I would run Test/Tren/Var.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    Just keep your diet very clean. It can be done youre just gonna need to eat a ton of cals.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    is there any other names for tren as iv asked guys around here and at the gym if they can get hold of it but no one seams to know what it is !

    (I live in a small mining town and most people know shit) - I had the same problem with EQ until i found out people have been taking it around here they just dont no it as EQ - call it by its product name - Ganabol

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Tren is also called Fina.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    can you buy the pellets legaly off the net ? (not asking for sources, just wondering if you can)

  15. #15
    You wont become muscular to monster in one cycle. Its a gradual process. Doesnt happen overnight.

  16. #16
    What. the word you are looking for is "what" not "wot"

    Carry on...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    1-26 Test Enth @ 2g/wk
    1-26 EQ @ 1.5g/wk
    1-52 HGH @ 8iu/ED
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    1-52 Primo @ 700mg/EW
    1-26 Tren @ 100mg/ED
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    1-4 Anadrol @100mg/ED
    6-10 Anavar @100mg/ED
    12-16 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    12-16 Anadrol @200mg/ED
    18-22 Anavar @200mg/ED
    18-22 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED

    That should turn you into a monster.

    ps. You'd be crazy to try that

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    No sources
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    1-26 Test Enth @ 2g/wk
    1-26 EQ @ 1.5g/wk
    1-52 HGH @ 8iu/ED
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    1-52 Primo @ 700mg/EW
    1-26 Tren @ 100mg/ED
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    1-4 Anadrol @100mg/ED
    6-10 Anavar @100mg/ED
    12-16 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    12-16 Anadrol @200mg/ED
    18-22 Anavar @200mg/ED
    18-22 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED

    That should turn you into a monster.

    ps. You'd be crazy to try that
    I'd bump the IGF to 80mcg's ED

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    can you buy the pellets legaly off the net ? (not asking for sources, just wondering if you can)
    Of course. Do a web search for "finaplix". Also spend a few days researching in the laboratory forum. You want to make what is known as "crystal fina" rather than the more common "wet process" fina. With crystal, you have an intermediate stage where the trenbolone acetate is in the form of a relatively pure powder that can be precisely weighed so the strength can be calculated. With wet fina, you don't have a clue. The process does not extract all of the tren, and you simply have to guess at how much. Also don't use a kit. Buy your components separately. A kit has pre-mixed solvents of unknown ratio, and unknown oil. So you would not be able to set your specified percentage of BA or BB, or even know what kind of oil you have. You would also not know the strength of the gear... that is what I call "Mystery Gear". Do it RIGHT, make crystal fina, and you will have a product that you can proudly and confidently use.

    NO PMs for SOURCES!
    NO PMs for questions that should be asked on the board!
    NO "Thank You" PMs... I don't do this out of kindness, but to massage my ego and up my post count.
    PMs are for personal or sensitive questions or information, or for stuff that is not allowed to be posted on the board.
    -The Baron-

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    1-26 Test Enth @ 2g/wk
    1-26 EQ @ 1.5g/wk
    1-52 HGH @ 8iu/ED
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    1-52 Primo @ 700mg/EW
    1-26 Tren @ 100mg/ED
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    1-4 Anadrol @100mg/ED
    6-10 Anavar @100mg/ED
    12-16 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED
    12-16 Anadrol @200mg/ED
    18-22 Anavar @200mg/ED
    18-22 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED

    That should turn you into a monster.

    ps. You'd be crazy to try that
    Not crazy... just richer than Trump. The primo, GH, and IGF in particular would break you.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    I dont care what you run, if your looking for lean gains with no fat gain then your probably looking at a weight gain of 10-15 lbs tops.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by The Baron
    Not crazy... just richer than Trump. The primo, GH, and IGF in particular would break you.
    1-26 Test Enth @ 2g/wk ~ $832 (assumes $4/250mg Amp)
    1-26 EQ @ 1.5g/wk ~ $1872 (assumes $70 vial, 200mg
    1-52 HGH @ 8iu/ED ~ $8736 (assumes 100iu/kit, 56iu/wk, $300/kit)
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED ~ $600
    1-52 Primo @ 700mg/EW ~ $12,000
    1-26 Tren @ 100mg/ED ~ $400
    1-4 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED ~ $600
    1-4 Anadrol @100mg/ED ~ $50
    6-10 Anavar @100mg/ED ~$250
    12-16 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED ~ $600
    12-16 Anadrol @200mg/ED ~$50
    18-22 Anavar @200mg/ED ~ $250
    18-22 IGF-1 @ 60mcg/ED ~ $600

    Grand estimated total: $26,840

    Most of that is off the cuff...i got tired of writing my assumptions.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    you should be asking what kind of diet will turn a muscular guy into a monster.

    that aside... 2-4g/week test.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbouncinballs
    you should be asking what kind of diet will turn a muscular guy into a monster.

    that aside... 2-4g/week test.
    for me anything above 1500mg a week test makes me into the biggest a$shole there is. i ran 2g's test and about 1200mg fina last cycle. that was the shortest fuse i've ever had. huge strength gain.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    1-52 HGH @ 8iu/ED ~ $8736 (assumes 100iu/kit, 56iu/wk, $300/kit)

    Grand estimated total: $26,840

    Most of that is off the cuff...i got tired of writing my assumptions.

    56 or 5 to 6 ius a week. I know nothing about hgh but am doing some reading and have some quotes.....

    just wonderin?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    56 or 5 to 6 ius a week. I know nothing about hgh but am doing some reading and have some quotes.....

    just wonderin?
    8iu's ed. or 8iu's x 7 days equals 56iu's throughout the week. either way 5-8iu's is a buttload of money for that long.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    8iu's ed. or 8iu's x 7 days equals 56iu's throughout the week. either way 5-8iu's is a buttload of money for that long.

    holy christ...I was looking at Jintrophin 100iu kits for 500 bucks CAD.....


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    holy christ...I was looking at Jintrophin 100iu kits for 500 bucks CAD.....

    better stick to juice or find yourself a sugar daddy to pay for it.

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